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This Sunay's Confession

  1. CandyRein Black Hole
    I googled ruling planet Neptune..had to do the copy pasta because I'm not on my phone now it's charging and I don't know how to screenshot on this phone smdh..


    I googled... Ruling planet Neptune

    Ruling Planet: Neptune

    Pisces, you’re ruled by Neptune, the God of the Seas in Roman mythology. Neptune represents dreams, the imagination and all things spiritual.

    You’re overflowing with creative energy and reject the hyper-realistic.

    You prefer to exist in the clouds, floating above the rest of the world as you toe the line between fantasy and reality.

    It’s existing in this dream-like state that makes you so special, Pisces.

    You’re in touch with a deep level of emotion and connect to others through your ability to perceive and empathize.
  2. CandyRein Black Hole
    I wanna start learning more about Greek mythology
  3. CandyRein Black Hole
    Isn't the father in the little mermaid Neptune..and maybe Ariel was a pisces.. she was known for her singing voice because it was so beautiful..but it was stolen by ursela..

    Kinda wanna watch the little mermaid now and connect some dots lol

    But it's too late at night for that 💗

    I wanna learn about some greek mythology soon ..
  4. CandyRein Black Hole
    Neptune as a Ruling

    Characteristics of Neptune in Astrology

    Ruling the zodiac sign of Pisces, the role that Neptune plays within astrology is spiritual development - whether this occurs within a church or as part of our own private study.

    When you meet someone who is seems to be utterly innocent and naïve, it might be that Neptune plays a prominent role in their natal chart. It is a planet that is characterized by mercy and kindness.

    Those ruled under the planet Neptune are always sweet, forgiving and compassionate.


    Awww shucks lol

    I'm glad they said seem.. because I'm definitely grown out of my most of my naivety....
  5. CandyRein Black Hole
    This this is literally what this is ...I'm always doin this so basically this is the spiritual search lol

    I'm definitely searching for something lol

    But definitely..I'm always searching for the deeper meaning of everything ..this world the universe
  6. CandyRein Black Hole
    Imma have a toke and marinate on that for a min
  7. CandyRein Black Hole
    Off topic of what I'm on's probably weird to some that I can be completely entertained by myself lol

    And I think thats actually very important before you can have a long term need to be comfortable with being just with yourself and enjoying your own company.. getting to know you ...

    Then you can have someone compliment your life and you compliment there's...

    I genuinely enjoy my own company..

    I be so glad people go to I can kick it with me 😭😅
  8. CandyRein Black Hole
    I think that was some good advice

  9. CandyRein Black Hole
    She eyes me like a Pisces when I am weak

    I've been locked inside your heart-shaped box for weeks

    I've been drawn into your magnet tar pit trap

    I wish I could eat your cancer when you turn black


    I got a new complaint

    Forever in debt to your priceless advice


    I got a new complaint

    Forever in debt to your priceless advice


    I got a new complaint

    Forever in debt to your priceless advice

    Your advice🎼💗
  10. CandyRein Black Hole

    How Does the Neptune Symbol Affect Personality in the Zodiac?

    Those ruled by Neptune are filled with so much innocence and childlike faith that they find opportunities even in the worst of situations. This trait leads them to have lives that are quite fulfilling.

    Those under this planet's rule may feel deeply connected to the universe, and have a sense that what happens to them is part of a greater purpose.

    People influenced by Neptune are risk takers, and their willingness to take chances that others won't mean that sometimes they also find unexpected success.
  11. CandyRein Black Hole
    How TF do they know this chit seriously...

    I search this stuff every night and it's not a night I'm not surprised at the accuracy good grief bro
  12. CandyRein Black Hole
    I get high off this lol

    It's some kind of high like a rush
  13. CandyRein Black Hole
    Pisces as Creator

    You’re artistic, intuitive, and musical. You have a rich inner-life and are prone to fantasy. Dreams or reality? Sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference.

    You have an exceptional capacity for empathy and emotional expression.

    Your thoughts and values tend towards the spiritual plane; therefore, music is not so much about entertainment for you as it is about emotional expression and spirituality.

  14. CandyRein Black Hole
    Your thoughts and values tend towards the spiritual plane; therefore, music is not so much about entertainment for you as it is about emotional expression and spirituality.


  15. CandyRein Black Hole
    Mannn..I'm going to bed lol💗

    I am full

    Spiritually full ..I hunger no more...

    Until we google again 💗
  16. CandyRein Black Hole
    The craziest thing just happened lmao

    Someone posted something im guessing was really wild in a bad way ...and for some reason it was literally the only image on the page I couldn’t see


    That is so crazy ...❤️

    I think God be picking and choosing what he wants me to see..lmao

  17. CandyRein Black Hole
    I am honestly surprised I have never mentioned this on here ..especially because I have a memory of me posting it lol

    Maybe I did and just can’t find it...

    But when I was a kid .. I could not wear the color red ...

    My Dad just didn’t like it ..

    I remember goin back to school shopping and seeing these gorgeous red coats and asking for it and I couldn’t have it lol

    Nothing red ...until I was 16...see back then it wasn’t no asking questions..not in no black household lmao

    I never asked why ..but my father was extremely strict and big on respect so it was what it was lol

  18. CandyRein Black Hole

  19. CandyRein Black Hole

    And this is , Jhene’ 🥰❤️

    She’s a Pisces ♓️
  20. CandyRein Black Hole

    And that’s her, Butt Butt ...Big Sean.. I love them together ❤️
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