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here is an Idea for a Church

  1. #1
    Lodger Free African Astronaut
    In this case a Christian Church

    No ordained ministers. They have to be paid because it's their Job

    So everyone takes turns to hold sermon. You have a panel or decons that approves your sermon speech and this way no monies are needed to pay the ministers high 6 figure anual pay. Which apparently is common, allowing more money to be used maintaining the temple.

    God Bless
  2. #2
    WellHung Black Hole (banned)
    The template sounds nice, but human nature always prevails.
  3. #3
    Lodger Free African Astronaut
    Originally posted by WellHung The template sounds nice, but human nature always prevails.

    My fear today is how corruption has taken hold and presidence over God's laws.

    We all sin, but to say "God accepts you as you are" without trying to end your sinful way is a temple of abomination.

    I'm not being judgemental for saying this, come as you are but you must try to dispose of your sinful lifestyle and not blatantly think God accepts you as that sinner and go as far as allowing them to preach the sermon openly as their sinful life
  4. #4
    Lodger Free African Astronaut
    See now I'm being preachy, but it's the one subject allowable because I admit I am equally a sinner. But I won't open prayer with, I love to curse and jack it to porn and God is alright with this.
  5. #5
    WellHung Black Hole (banned)
    Originally posted by Lodger Free My fear today is how corruption has taken hold and presidence over God's laws.

    We all sin, but to say "God accepts you as you are" without trying to end your sinful way is a temple of abomination.

    I'm not being judgemental for saying this, come as you are but you must try to dispose of your sinful lifestyle and not blatantly think God accepts you as that sinner and go as far as allowing them to preach the sermon openly as their sinful life

    How are you going about managing this fear? Are you employing effective coping strategies? If so, which one(s)?
  6. #6
    Here's a better Church, back in my old Ye Olde Englishe home town where many a pint was downed and many a slapper was slapped (though it was called The Bull's head back then).

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  7. #7
    DrugSmuggler African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Here's a better Church, back in my old Ye Olde Englishe home town where many a pint was downed and many a slapper was slapped (though it was called The Bull's head back then).

    Now there’s a church I can see supporting
  8. #8
    Lodger Free African Astronaut
    Originally posted by WellHung How are you going about managing this fear? Are you employing effective coping strategies? If so, which one(s)?

    For Alcoholism I picture how much of an asshole rage with vulgarities and a habit of not hitting others but punching holes in walls I had to fix.

    The fear I might hurt someone DWI

    I can't drink with my meds either

    As far as jerking off.. I find porn is getting way to gross. Not the classic 80s or 90s but rather blown out vagina and buttholes arched in the viewers face as to try and normalize 6/10 beauties with partial prolapse corn-hole
  9. #9
    Lodger Free African Astronaut
    Originally posted by DrugSmuggler Now there’s a church I can see supporting

    God in the checking in, Godly Dinner with Gods Especial Spirits, God in the rest, God at your free morning Gods International Breakfast followed by a Godly Check Out before noon.
  10. #10
    Rape Monster Naturally Camouflaged
    what's so bad about prolapase
  11. #11
    Lodger Free African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Rape Monster what's so bad about prolapase

    It looks like a monster and creeps me out.

    You ever see the movie Abyss with Ed Harris?

    That silver prolapsed looking sea monster had reflected his face
  12. #12
    If you want to fix the issue with church for profit and charity for profit 6 finger CEOs just make the organization a DAO so all transactions and actions are transparent and public
  13. #13
    Lodger Free African Astronaut
    God doesn't have to pay taxes but it doesn't mean the lamb can't be audited
  14. #14
    Then the Pharisees went out and laid plans to trap him in his words. They sent their disciples to him along with the Herodians. “Teacher,” they said, “we know that you are a man of integrity and that you teach the way of God in accordance with the truth. You aren’t swayed by others, because you pay no attention to who they are. Tell us then, what is your opinion? Is it right to pay the imperial tax to Caesar or not?” But Jesus, knowing their evil intent, said, “You hypocrites, why are you trying to trap me? Show me the coin used for paying the tax.” They brought him a denarius, and he asked them, “Whose image is this? And whose inscription?” “Caesar’s,” they replied. Then he said to them, “So give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.” When they heard this, they were amazed. So they left him and went away.
  15. #15
    Lodger Free African Astronaut
    I didn't mean Jesus the lamb, I meant the potential church for profit. Robert Tilton types
  16. #16
    A Tuskegee Airman [my neurobiological trilled kampala]
    you can merger it with my chirch of lannyism ALL HAIL LANNY
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