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I saw sexual harassment in person last night

  1. #1
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    I went to this disco type or diskotekta type place in Warsaw last night and apparently the owner there sexually harasses and if he doesnt get his way grabs young women off the dance floor and has security kick them ut if they dont give in to his sexual advances. I shet you guys not. Go in there at night (yesterday was thursday but I am sure he will be there today) and you will not believe your eyes what is acceptable in Poland and how backward of a country it is. This sort of behavior has people literally jailed in the U.S. He is a bald middle aged dude too and he started speaking perfect russian to them for some reason despite them being polish or what appears to me polish making me feel he is a russian. Or a polak who learnt russian.

    I saw this early friday morning about 2:30 am. I wonder who would one even report this behavior to. its all on camera in there how he started harassing them going up to them on te dance floor then when they walked away he followed and grababed the arm of one of them telling him hes the shef there or boss and later when i stepped in for him to stop they kicked them out but i was worried about my m1 2000 dollar macbook air being stolen (or my whole bag later missing once the bouncers started piling on me) so didnt engage hard.
  2. #2
    Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by Wariat I went to this disco type or diskotekta type place in plax bankwy in Warsaw last night and apparently the owner there sexually harasses and if he doesnt get his way grabs young women off the dance floor and has security kick them ut if they dont give in to his sexual advances. I shet you guys not. Go in there at night (yesterday was thursday but I am sure he will be there today) and you will not believe your eyes what is acceptable in Poland and how backwardof a country it is. This sort of behavior has people literally jailed in the U.S. I forgot what this place is called but it is the first place on that strip near ratusz arsenal near starbucks. Starbucks is like right next door to the right. He is lije a bald middle aged dude too and she started speaking perfect russian to them for some reason despite them being polish or what appears to me polish making me feel he is a russian. Or a polak who learnt russian.

    I saw this early friday morning about 2:30 am. I wonder who would one even report this behavior to. its all on camera in there how he started harassing them going up to them on te dance floor then when they walked away he follwoed and grbabed the arm of one of them telling him hes the shef there or boss and later when i stepped in for him to stop they kicked them out but i was worried about my m1 2000 dollar macbook air being stolen (or my whole bag later missing once the bouncers started piling on me) so didnt engage hard.

    Who beings a MacBook air to a discotech?
  3. #3
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    it was in a bag because I was walking by and was going to go home but this was the only place left open and it had no line or cover fee.
  4. #4
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    the bottom line is eastern europe is just different guys...
  5. #5
    Originally posted by Wariat the bottom line is eastern europe is just different guys…

    It's different or you're different?
  6. #6
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Wow that's crazy how you saw yourself getting raped and smiling a wide grin as your anus got penetrated forcibly
  7. #7
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Wow that's crazy how you saw yourself getting raped and smiling a wide grin as your anus got penetrated forcibly

    But was it really forcibly...
  8. #8
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Yes because he kept spreading his cheeks and getting into position but they tossed him around like a ragdoll in prison and gave him the old shower room special.

    It's true that wariat enjoys this but doesn't mean it's consentual

    Just like how a 12 year old can't consent to sex no matter how ready she thinks she is
  9. #9
    be the harrassment you want see.

    grab a pussy.
  10. #10
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Just like how a 12 year old can't consent to sex no matter how ready she thinks she is

    what if she has parental consent.
  11. #11
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    People in the 70s just used to look older than their actual ages. They also used to be sexually promiscuous and have sex as youth with adults regularly like with guys like Polanski.
  12. #12
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
  13. #13
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    "for kids" rocket to change the subject from your retard ass changing the subject that the russians designated to murder children:,79cfc278
  14. #14
    Admit it, you'd do the same exact stuff if you were him and you wish you could be him.
  15. #15
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    Ok here I explained it for you guys what he did which would or should be criminalized and I think it is in the us in metoo era isnt it?

    I was sitting near this two young women in their 20s and at one point they went to dance. I believe after one of them brought a drink to their table where they were sitting. This middle aged with a fancy long shirt tucked in his pants guy starts trying to dance with them or walks down from the stairs. they clearly are not interested and one sort of gives him a hand signal she is not interested and they both walk further away 9if I remember right or he only went up to one and she later walked further down toward her friend).

    He then keeps harassing them and grabs by the wrists her or the main one rejected him. He after a while lets go but keeps yelling at her. I then say fuk now I have to be involved and I wanted to just end my night on a relaxing note. I walk up and sort of separate them but really should have threw him or treat him how he treated that girl. But I say thats enough and I saw what you did and he kept ignoring me and talking to her.

    He then said at one point I am the owner or szef here and started getting one of the security they had and this other woman security or waitress to kick them out. I was already gone at this point but saw them leave at the end as I left when theyw ere getting kicked out since I didnt want to be there and encouraged them to leave such a place (I also had a carry bag I didnt want to lose with a Macbook inside so I left quickly in case those bouncers would attack me and I would have a hard time getting my stuff back after possibly).
  16. #16
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    Originally posted by theshroomguy Admit it, you'd do the same exact stuff if you were him and you wish you could be him.

    would fona if he had that power and owned or managed a small time Polish club?
  17. #17
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    Not sure if this guy was manager or owner.
  18. #18
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    Jog have you ever acted this way and tried to force your way into an encounter with young women and if they rejected you started grbabing them and having them kicked out of an establishment for rejecting you?
  19. #19
    Originally posted by Wariat Jog have you ever acted this way and tried to force your way into an encounter with young women and if they rejected you started grbabing them and having them kicked out of an establishment for rejecting you?

    Yes and no...have I ever tried to force my way onto a woman...many times in my youth when drunk...I'd start grabbing them BEFORE they rejected me though...and yes I've been barred from quite a few establishments in my time. The last place being "The HOP" in Houston about ummm 16yrs ago.

    I'm passed all that behavior now though..what with not drinking and not simping...much easier and less hassle to go to the spa.

    ETA: as it happens I was generally more successful than rejected though...dirty hors.
  20. #20
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    what if I did that to teens at the pool bar? like start ging up to the loli checking me out or staring me down in front of her little boy friends and female friend who had the bouncer confront me that one time because her little boy friends were most likely jelous she kept trying t make eye contact with me?
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