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The most depressing and also funny and entertaining subreddit I've found.

  1. #1

  2. #2
    "My friend, every action has a reaction.
    If that reaction is not seizing in the toilet, while trying to aim a shit towards the rim, then I call it a win."

    top lol actor. you win today.

  3. #3
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    The first thread I encounter is about a person who drank the dead fly in their whiskey so as not to waste the booze. I approve.

    Though I've never personally drank a fly in my drink, I have continued a good number of alcoholic beverages with various cringe particles in them, including ashes and perhaps a gnat or two.

    I've also of course (like any good alcy) taken hearty swigs of drinks containing cigarette butts and ashes, as well as on at least 2 occasions smoked an entire cigarette backwards without noticing.

    I will often times have several half-empty ales sitting around my desk or various spots in my apartment upon waking up the following day, of which I will usually place back in the fridge for cooling and drinking at a later time, more specifically the next time I drink and get to my state of drunkenness where I'm not bothered by the horrible flat disgusting taste that accompanies a musty old half-drunken ale.

    Lately I have been having cringe "contests" if you will with mr. pan pan in TC, attempting as quickly as possible to attain what we now refer to as our Ultimate Form (i.e. the plateau sigma of drunkenness.) Generally after reaching the 3rd plateau the classic signs are blackout state and what happens then can only be vaguely (if at all) remembered the following day doing our still drunk or hungover discussions. Signs of Ultimate Form include rigorous vomiting, falling repeatedly on my trips to bathroom, waking up with random cuts, sores, and bruises, stomping on cats without even caring, crying on cam, staying up all night drinking deep into the following day with the random comers and goers of tinybltc, wild dancing, strobe lights, clothing removal, headbanging, repeated shotgunning of ales, airplane shots, arguments about things I know nothing about, and overall drunken incoherence.

    Fortunately I have a job that doesn't begin until 5pm so I'm able, if need be, to sleep my entire hangover away and wake up bright eyed and bushy tailed for work. I've been doing this for long enough that I no longer feel shame. It is who I am. I know there a good handful of niggers in space that aren't fans of alcohol and I certainly understand where they're coming from. I happen to personally enjoy it quite immensely, especially in this current state of which it is a wonder alleviation to my chronic depression. I'm also fully aware that the drinking does of course play a factor into that very depression, and have taken steps to reduce my ale consumption to weekends and perhaps 1 weekday, a significant step to what was not too long ago a 7 day a week habit.

    That being said, my liver probably looks like a rotten grapefruit, and I'll most likely die of something alcohol related if I don't in fact discontinue my alcoholic ways within a year or two, which I fully intend on doing. I have had a significant period of sobriety (2.5 years) rather recently, including my time on zoklet, and so fortunately know that it is within my loins the ability to achieve said sobriety and once again lead a different path of degeneracy, emphasizing on my corrupted and generally morbid train of thought and creative fantasies. Until that time I will continue to embarrass myself with the cringe pots of tinybltc in all their glory. I do have to admit that it is fun to see any handful of randoms come at any given time, users of present and past alike, names notorious to the history of this community. This of course involves spending a significant time in TC which if I were to quit drinking, would certainly not be my top priority, as many of the 'regulars' are hard to tolerate even with a heavy dosage of alcohol.

    Anyway, I'm completely sober right now and just watched American football and some episodes of the American version of The Office, and will now watch an episode or two of the 2nd season of Narcos before retiring for the evening with my little Chootie Butt. In other words, I do enjoy some very simple-minded activities and am overall just sort of.... easily amused/entertained these days. I don't know why I'm sharing any of this other than I like most of you and I guess just got inspired to discuss it, so thanks Actro for the inspiration.

    Have a shitty day m8s!
  4. #4
    Dissociator African Astronaut
    Eh alcoholics are scumfucks anyway
  5. #5
    Homer Simpson was spot on when he said "beer, the cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems"
  6. #6
    do they even huff or cook.
  7. #7
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    How anyone can be addicted to such a shitty drug as alcohol is beyond me, but i suppose the same would be true for cigs.
  8. #8
    Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Homer Simpson was spot on when he said "beer, the cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems"

    Oh, that reminded me of something from a very important study conducted:

    The single most important factor in all the study participants’ divorces was alcoholism – either the men’s or their wives. 57% of the divorces could be traced to it. While the wives were usually open about their husbands’ drinking problems, the husbands were often reluctant to talk about their wives’ alcoholism, and it thus took almost 70 years for this finding to emerge

    There is no hope for happiness, redemption, or salvation; we are become death, destroyer of worlds.
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