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Why do so many posters consider this website to be detrimental to their mental/ emotional well-being?

  1. #1
    WellHung Black Hole
    Folks, consequently, they end up fleeing.
  2. #2
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I'm gonna hazard a guess and say that it's because it's not particularly a bastion of positivity or even genuine entertainment.

    I tend to post/lurk the most here when I'm happy, however that works. When I'm feeling down, I sort of intentionally don't come around because I know there's not really anything this place has to offer that's gonna magically cheer me up.

    When I'm feeling better, I think I like to post in hopes that maybe it'll make someone else feel a little better, but I'm sure for the most part people feel the same as me, and nobody is actually coming here for a good time.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  3. #3
    blaster master victim of incest
  4. #4
    They are huge cowards that could never hang with "the boys" life if we all met up and drank they would be the ones that leave when you shove them or get up in their face

    Like bro we are just horsing around it's what bros do and I've had chick bros too that punch me in the arm and open a beer with their eyes and yes they use a few racial slurs and will call a spade a spade or a faggot a faggot to his face but until you LEAVE you're a real one

    The second you need to dial 911 or leave you are a subhuman a coward that can't hang. How will you react when a gun comes out? Will you break under pressure?

    I grew up around people that would pull out a shotgun and pump it just to see who ran away. The ones that ran away became enemies because only your enemies should flee from you
  5. #5
    Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Because it's an echo chamber of my bad decisions/perspective

    It's honestly done alot of good to keep me somewhat grounded tho, sadly.
  6. #6
    You have all been brought here by the sprit of Jeff Hunter and have been given the keys to unlock the secrets of the universe through the truth of the triangles. The next move is yours
  7. #7
    Kafka sweaty
    The words you see or hear throughout the day do affect you psychologically, if someone says they’re tired that can make you behave as though you are too. I have a negative feeling when I see some thread titles so I don’t want to see that often. Also worried about normalising this place. People telling each other to kill themselves. I think reading rubbish can fatigue your brain, causing temporary symptoms of depression.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  8. #8
    Kafka sweaty
    For me it’s all the drama, I can’t talk with a lot of people.
  9. #9
    If you don't take this place seriously it's not that dramatic or toxic, more retarded than anything.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  10. #10
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood I grew up around people that would pull out a shotgun and pump it just to see who ran away. The ones that ran away became enemies because only your enemies should flee from you

    i guess this is why some mass school shooters managed to get so many victims.
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