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Do you think you'll ever watch the movie titanic again in your life?

  1. #1
    No for me.
  2. #2
    Probably not.

    Girls born after the year 2000 don't really care about that shit and those are the only ones I'm going to seduce from now on.
  3. #3
    Originally posted by RisiR Probably not.

    Girls born after the year 2000 don't really care about that shit and those are the only ones I'm going to seduce from now on.

    Welcome to the pedo club.
  4. #4
    Originally posted by Dargo Welcome to the pedo club.

    Welcome to 2017.
  5. #5
    Once I lived with a girl who watched it every day. Only retards watch titanic.
  6. #6
    Number13 African Astronaut [dispute my snotty-nosed seagull]
    Probably not, I'd have nobbed kate winslet in that movie though
  7. #7
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump Once I lived with a girl who watched it every day. Only retards watch titanic.

    Only rattox watch the titanic
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