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Poll: Putin or the Ukro-nazis?

  • I am a good person so I support Putin, the antifascist leader
  • I am a bad person so I support the Nazi regime in the Ukraine

Do you support Putin or do you support the Nazis?

  1. #1
    Donald Trump Black Hole
  2. #2
    POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    I support any country leaders looking out for there country first and be dammned if you aint from that country.

    as an American I feel bad that my country has destroyed half the world in the last 100 years,,, we have Karma dew to us as a country
  3. #3
    Donald Trump Black Hole

    Putin is the only honorable world leader, who deeply cares about the victims of fascism.

    All people who reject fascism must stand united with him.
  4. #4
    I think they are both faggots, I hope needle dick poutin launches a nuke and it backfires and kills them both so my country can invade and take over the gas fields
  5. #5
    Donald Trump Black Hole

    Ukraine allows nazi militias to operate, and is racist against black peoples too.
  6. #6
    Donald Trump Black Hole

    TFW no fashy waifu.
  7. #7
    Fonaplats victim of incest [daylong jump-start that nome]
    I like to root for the underdog and by looking at a map Russia is bigger so the underdog is the Ukraine but after actually researching the history of the conflict all the way to way back when, I've come to the conclusion that the Russian Federation is doing exactly what Id do too in their situation.

    Researching: "Something Technologist and STL1 are incapable of"

    On the other hand, the world will always have sin and the only true way to have peace is for everyone to die.

    Bring on the nukes!

    Im not fighting anyone elses war. I have no bad blood that needs spilled.

    In the end everything is about greed and personally I think all forms of modern government are faulty and there needs to be a redistribution of wealth and a global constitution of morals and laws, along with more controlled birth rates and less black people.
  8. #8
    lets face it, most of that area, belaRUS, etc are basically just Russia JR. or soviet JR except capitalism rules the world now you communist bastards. REMEMBER COMMUNISM????? Communism didn't care about BORDERS MAN. Personally I think each city should be it's own "country" like tribalism mixed with DAO's, municipal DAO's.

  9. #9
    Donald Trump Black Hole

    Some of this Azov gay porn is cool as heck.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  10. #10
    Donald Trump Black Hole
    Imagine being so based and heckin' cool you wind up getting your whole country invaded.
  11. #11
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  12. #12
    Putin has the right idea identifying them as nazis, but he maybe does not realize they are much, much worse than mere nazis, and much more dangerous. These are demonic ghouls controlled directly by Satan himself. The horrors they wish to perpetrate against the human race make the work of the nazis look like a friendly game of checkers. The New World Order is here, and it means business.
  13. #13
    Technologist victim of incest
    Anyone who supports Putin is either evil or dumb enough to believe the propaganda out of Russia. He is slaughtering civilians in a country where there are NO NAZIS.

    Who TF actually believes Ukraine had Nazis, besides Putin’s butt buddies.

    I swear I could never believe that people like the OP or aldra ever existed. But, by golly, ya proved me wrong.

    Go on, support the worlds most hated man. Maybe Ireland is next. You’d like that wouldn’t ya OP?
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  14. #14
    Originally posted by Technologist Anyone who supports Putin is either evil or dumb enough to believe the propaganda out of Russia. He is slaughtering civilians in a country where there are NO NAZIS.

    Who TF actually believes Ukraine had Nazis, besides Putin’s butt buddies.

    I swear I could never believe that people like the OP or aldra ever existed. But, by golly, ya proved me wrong.

    Go on, support the worlds most hated man. Maybe Ireland is next. You’d like that wouldn’t ya OP?

    I thought everyone that didn't agree with you was a "nazi" like Trump. He is literally a NATIONAL SOCIALIST german workers party I thought?? what changed. Just call your enemy a Nazi it's a common tactic in todays world

  15. #15
    Donald Trump Black Hole

    Only Nazis, antisemites and islamophobes won't stand with Putin, the real leader of the free world.
  16. #16
    Donald Trump Black Hole
    Originally posted by Technologist Who TF actually believes Ukraine had Nazis, besides Putin’s butt buddies.

    There are Nazis everywhere.

    For instance Nazis infiltrated the Trucker Convoy, causing Trudeau to have to use extreme violence to destroy their evil.

    Also America was ruled by Nazis from 2016-2020, when I was in charge.
  17. #17
    WellHung Black Hole (banned)
    i don't care, dawg. makes no difference to me.
  18. #18
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    Poland is just as big or bigger nazis star trek so youd support putin going there next and killing me or my country too? Look how polak ultras or hooligans or nazis as you call them are treating black skinners or niggers in przemysl right now or those student escaped form ukraine if you dont believe polaks are not nazis.
  19. #19
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    look at what those non white refugees and no students are facing star trek in poland.
  20. #20
    Donald Trump Black Hole
    Originally posted by Wariat Poland is just as big or bigger nazis star trek so youd support putin going there next and killing me or my country too? Look how polak ultras or hooligans or nazis as you call them are treating black skinners or niggers in przemysl right now or those student escaped form ukraine if you dont believe polaks are not nazis.
    Originally posted by Wariat look at what those non white refugees and no students are facing star trek in poland.

    I know. Poles are totally based and red-pilled.

    I never said I support Putin. When I ran America from 2016-2020 I ran it along the lines of a Nazi death camp. Just ask Techno if you don't believe me. I hate antifa.

    But people who say they support antifa should support Putin.
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