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  1. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Sudo You're talking about how you feel homosexuals are degenerate and abuse drugs and have multiple sexual partners LIKE EVERYONE ELSE

    no, statistically it is a far, far greater rate than the general population. I'll go post stats later.

    Yes group homes and foster care are fucked for a number of reasons, but it doesn't mean that putting children in the care of a group who are statistically worse is a good idea.

    Of course there are homosexuals who would likely make good parents, but it does not make sense to restructure society and the general concept of parenthood to allow a dangerous group access to children because 'some of them are respectable'.

    We'd do better to find ways to fix bad, absentee parents before we start opening parenthood to high-risk groups to try to compensate for their mistakes.
  2. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    I'm looking at some studies now that say for the most part same sex intimate partner violence is slightly higher. I'm sure if compared to households of children who were taken by the state the rate is much lower

    Regardless the adoption system is pretty fucking broken. A problem is too that everyone wants a puppy and nobody wants an abused and neglected dog. Ask a kid in a group home if they want a gay family or to stay in care and chances are they'll say fuck yes
  3. SEGA Nigga Drive Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Sudo This is completely false. Cordyceps are a whole group of species of fungi that have been consumed for a long ass time in many places other than China

    Nah it's actually totally true, cordyceps are only 1 mushroom that only ever grew China.
  4. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Sudo I'm looking at some studies now that say for the most part same sex intimate partner violence is slightly higher. I'm sure if compared to households of children who were taken by the state the rate is much lower

    have a look at lesbians lol
  5. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by aldra no, statistically it is a far, far greater rate than the general population. I'll go post stats later.

    Yes group homes and foster care are fucked for a number of reasons, but it doesn't mean that putting children in the care of a group who are statistically worse is a good idea.

    Of course there are homosexuals who would likely make good parents, but it does not make sense to restructure society and the general concept of parenthood to allow a dangerous group access to children because 'some of them are respectable'.

    We'd do better to find ways to fix bad, absentee parents before we start opening parenthood to high-risk groups to try to compensate for their mistakes.

    I agree there are alot of shitty parents, many of which fall through the cracks because
    They don't check the boxes of abuse and neglect that agencies look for. Saying "it'd be better off fixing systemic issues than mitigating issues children face" doesn't help the generations stuck in the system. When kids are taken into the care of the state they're essentially fucked and treated as a statistic.

    I have intimate specific knowledge of this but will spare you, what's important is that disqualifying a whole subgroup of people from adopting children in the care of the state is completely counter productive. If there is a better vetting process for potential adoption homes (for both straight and gay) then it's objectively a good thing and helps heal damage done by abuse/neglect/the foster care system. Fucking indigenous people have insanely high rates of abuse and drug use but disqualifying them from adopting children based on biology is dumb. #notallfags

    Regardless, I'm not sure you're aware how horrible the "child welfare" system really is. It's a trade off to let some fags parent a kid but if they're not actively abusing them it's infinitely better than the state. You're using a Ben Shapiro argument and you're much smarter than that
  6. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Sudo It's a trade off to let some fags parent a kid but if they're not actively abusing them it's infinitely better than the state.

    how do you know in any circumstance though? child abuse is rarely discovered, especially at a point when it can be helped. What I'm saying is that homosexual adoption doesn't negate state abuses, it simply opens the door to adopters (or foster carers) who are statistically, as a group, more of a risk than the general population.

    If you want to get specific there are several fags I know, my brother being one of them as well as some of my girlfriend's friends, who I"m confident would make at least decent parents (probably able to provide a better childhood than I had). My concern is that they're drawn from a high-risk pool.

    Originally posted by Sudo You're using a Ben Shapiro argument

    I will cut you

    I don't mind talking about this more but I won't keep posting it in this thread, I think we've derailed it enough
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  7. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by aldra have a look at lesbians lol
    Not saying fags and dykes are good parents at all but if the burden was taken off the state to provide for kids and put into resources and monitoring they would definitely be better off.

    Have you ever met a kid who grew up in care? Have you ever met a prostitute or been to a strip club? Known anyone who's robbed a shop? Have you ever heard someone say "I'm becoming a prostitute to piss of my gay dads"

    Did you read about that family of two "vegan" dykes in the states that drove their family of 7 black kids off a cliff? That type of shit is horrible and frightening but the fault lies at the feet of child welfare services, not for allowing pussylickers to adopt but for saying "OK they seem nice, nothing to see here, case closed"

    Kids caught in bureaucracy is a tragedy and a stable home, regardless of what kind of sex their parents have is a way out of it. Just compare stats of kids in care vs kids with same sex parents.
  8. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Sudo Have you ever met a kid who grew up in care? Have you ever met a prostitute or been to a strip club? Known anyone who's robbed a shop? Have you ever heard someone say "I'm becoming a prostitute to piss of my gay dads"

    shoplifting, not like a violent stickup
    no, lol
  9. Netflxchillr African Astronaut
    Enjoying- pissing people off on another platform
  10. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by aldra how do you know in any circumstance though? child abuse is rarely discovered, especially at a point when it can be helped. What I'm saying is that homosexual adoption doesn't negate state abuses, it simply opens the door to adopters (or foster carers) who are statistically, as a group, more of a risk than the general population.

    If you want to get specific there are several fags I know, my brother being one of them as well as some of my girlfriend's friends, who I"m confident would make at least decent parents (probably able to provide a better childhood than I had). My concern is that they're drawn from a high-risk pool.

    I will cut you

    I don't mind talking about this more but I won't keep posting it in this thread, I think we've derailed it enough

    Yeah good point tis not the thread for it

    I agree drawing from a high risk pool is well...high risk but is the state officials were less lazy and did better monitoring it would reduce the risk.

    And kids who spend the majority of their adolescence in care are a danger to themselves and everyone else. There are way more kids in care than there are parents for them and that's where the laziness of public officials comes into play. If they looked out for them and were more stringent it would mitigate some of the risk of adoptive parents. I used to think gays should be banned from adopting too until I saw how bad things were for kids in the care of the state.
  11. Originally posted by SEGA Nigga Drive Why do you disapprove of gay marriage?

    why does your religion.
  12. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by aldra yes
    shoplifting, not like a violent stickup
    no, lol

    All these ppl were in care but the cycle was broken by the gay dads. Slow clap please
  13. CandyRein Black Hole
    Looking at boats on buyers market and sipping hott tea ..💗
  14. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    I'm watching a show called max and ruby with me son then gonna go return a trash pump and run errands for the day and maybe get a float trailer
  15. CandyRein Black Hole
    Butt butt says i don't know anything about backing a trailer in at the lake and stuff so I'mma look up videos about boating ...damn butt butt popping my bubble with reality.. he just doesn't want me to ever get hurt ❤️💗❤️
  16. CandyRein Black Hole

    Lmao@ like a boss 💗
  17. POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    cleaning my guns and checkin my ammo
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  18. POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    finnna go restack part of the wood pile so we can rearrange the lumber on top of the wood pile so we kin get to the wood under the lumber
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  19. WellHung Black Hole (banned)
    Anchored off the Guinea Coast in West African waters, waiting to acquire more slaves to maximize my cargo haul before departing for the Middle Passage, and, ultimately, the New World.
  20. Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    I'm thinking about how all of the greatest Rock Musicians can't seem to make it to the age of 80

    Rest In Peace Gary Brooker

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