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The media blitz of 9/11

  1. #1
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink

    the real thing that is wrong with our country is we don't love eachother enough, divide and conquer.
    It was real, but it was all planned and it was all fake.

    george bush declared war on iraq, but he had to change up the lingo real quick to kow-tow to the oil families, operation free iraq.

    I know darin bush personally and he told me it was really fake and yet he still works with the republican party in cedar park, he's not inherently a bad guy, but he's a total tool and one of the bushes that have been given a weak ass job so they will shut up. His house and the mexican consulates house are decorated with bush and hillary pictures. thats how they are. (he made it a point to show me moon rocks and a piece of the titanic in his museum)

    the mexican consolate in austin is a total pedo and he likes to jerk off guys, he has all these paintings in his house of naked dudes, and he's like ahhh well these were when i was an artist in darker years. He looks like a muppet with long hair that got beat up really bad. like jinnfer lopezez mummified mom. Even 8 years before hillary ran for president he was telling me she would run and win.

    He had a nice house and stuff but it was like "the real world" living there.

    Post last edited by Bill Krozby at 2017-04-22T10:41:18.016727+00:00

    Post last edited by Bill Krozby at 2017-04-22T10:43:02.051389+00:00
  2. #2
    donald trump is a secret trianglist. He is just like George Bush but nobody sees it.
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