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I have been chilling my beer in the snow on my balcony

  1. #1
    How do kikes and shitskins feel about snow?
    It's white and it is everywhere, this is clearly white supremacy.

    It snowed a bunch on my balcony so I've been putting beer cans and wine bottles in the snow and letting them chill

    Yesterday I cleaned out my closet and turned it into a gaming hangout, with my tablet playing youtube videos and the nintendo switch for gaming.

    How about all the happenings in the fleshnet lately?
    I live such a peaceful hikikomori existence, yet outside my private space it seems like the whole world is falling apart.
    Austrians are being forced to take a vaccine otherwise they will be fined and eventually sent to prison, I wonder if I have any surviving family there and how they're handling this.
    The spineless canadian cowards have finally chimped out too and they're driving their whole country insane with non-stop honking.
    Putin is threatening NATO with nuclear warfare if they choose to defend Ukraine from a Russain invasion.
    More and more people are dying left and right from the poisonous vaccines.

    Grand Theft Auto 6 is being developed by diversity hires

    But most importantly

    I don't think western civilization can survive Virtual Reality
    Think about it
    When all the normies are living in the metaverse it'll fuck up society on such a grand scale that smartphones and social media will pale in comparison.
    It's alright if geeks and outcasts spend a majority of their time with a screen strapped to their face, living in a metaphysical reality but think of the longterm implications of an entire society that lives within a metaphysical realm, it'll cause so many people to lose touch with reality and hardly anyone will go outside anymore.
    My lifestyle will become the norm, I always said if everyone became a hikikomori then society would collapse overnight and that is exactly what the jews want.
    This is why they think China is going to take over, since they have the social credit system it keeps their slave populous from spending too much time in VR, but the west doesn't have that so this is going to lead to major issues.
    Plus it just seems weird that we will be living in a world where a majority of people are wearing devices that are projecting their psyche into a world that is completely digital and immaterial, that seems psychotic.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. #2
    Aleister Crowley African Astronaut

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  3. #3
    Get the fuck out of here hiki with another new fucking faggot.
  4. #4
    WellHung Black Hole (banned)
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Get the fuck out of here hiki with another new profile…you fucking faggot.

    damn, my pappy means bizness, fam.
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