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  1. #1

    if you are all of these you will act like me.

    How not to be a mongolroy by scrawny.
  2. #2
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Johari's window
  3. #3
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Jobriath's nipple
  4. #4
    Go to bed scronoldo you have work tomorrow your gonna get fired tomorrow.
  5. #5
    Originally posted by spacepantz Go to bed scronoldo you have work tomorrow your gonna get fired tomorrow.

    halt who goes there.
  6. #6
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump halt who goes there.

    halt, just another one of your alts
  7. #7
    Originally posted by Dargo halt, just another one of your alts

    It only took you 1000 posts to make me smile. That makes you about 1/3rd of a faggot as captain faggot.
  8. #8
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Lighten up. Did you hear then sorry about the man who taught himself Russian based off of guess work? He used no references or tutorials and learned a significant portion of the spoken and written language with essentially no knowledge of it outside of news clips and media coverage.
  9. #9
    Originally posted by mmQ Lighten up. Did you hear then sorry about the man who taught himself Russian based off of guess work? He used no references or tutorials and learned a significant portion of the spoken and written language with essentially no knowledge of it outside of news clips and media coverage.

    Total bullshit people can't self teach a language you have to surrounded in it.
  10. #10
    Trianglism is a language of codes

    halt translates to HOLD


    Originally posted by spacepantz Total bullshit people can't self teach a language you have to surrounded in it.

    I could do it with tech
  11. #11
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by spacepantz Total bullshit people can't self teach a language you have to surrounded in it.

    You could have just said no.
  12. #12
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump Trianglism is a language of codes

    halt translates to HOLD


    I could do it with tech

  13. #13
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by spacepantz Total bullshit people can't self teach a language you have to surrounded in it.

    what does this even mean

    what mmQ posted is essentially how children learn their first language - they infer meaning from tone and body language, then as they learn specific words, apply them like puzzle pieces to decode more complicated concepts.

    it's entirely possible and may be easier for some people to learn this way - I would suggest though that it's easier to learn a first language that way than if you already know one (ie. you know English and are trying to learn Russian) because once you learn a language it structures your thought processes; instead of translating abstract ideas into Russian you're translating English concepts into Russian... You're not just translating words or ideas, you're also translating ways of interpreting and storing information.

    I'll come back and rewrite this in a more sensible way later/my head's all over the place right now
  14. #14
    Originally posted by mmQ Lighten up. Did you hear then sorry about the man who taught himself Russian based off of guess work? He used no references or tutorials and learned a significant portion of the spoken and written language with essentially no knowledge of it outside of news clips and media coverage.

    Based off of what mmq said he isn't in russia as the only russian he sees are in news clips and media coverage on the internet. Meaning he isn't surrounded in the language in his everyday life.

    Originally posted by aldra what does this even mean

    what mmQ posted is essentially how children learn their first language - they infer meaning from tone and body language, then as they learn specific words, apply them like puzzle pieces to decode more complicated concepts.

    it's entirely possible and may be easier for some people to learn this way - I would suggest though that it's easier to learn a first language that way than if you already know one (ie. you know English and are trying to learn Russian) because once you learn a language it structures your thought processes; instead of translating abstract ideas into Russian you're translating English concepts into Russian… You're not just translating words or ideas, you're also translating ways of interpreting and storing information.

    I'll come back and rewrite this in a more sensible way later/my head's all over the place right now
  15. #15
    Originally posted by spacepantz Bullshit.

    your right im just trowling.
  16. #16
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by spacepantz Based off of what mmq said he isn't in russia as the only russian he sees are in news clips and media coverage on the internet. Meaning he isn't surrounded in the language in his everyday life.

    Right. So he wasn't surrounded or immersed in Russian culture and still MASTERED the language.
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