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Deleted posts for: infinityshock lovingly allowed lard-ass la*ny the luxury of lapping the loins-leviathan while the little lad larps as a laotian ladyboy lapdancer.........

  1. #1
    Originally posted by Bradley Have any of you ever used these things I think they might be for skinning? I Have an unsharpened thing with a wooden handle i use for like pelting deer and shit i mostly got it cuz when i was 12 they came out with these knives caleld teh DOUBLE AGENT and it was two of them adn tehywere like little hooks you wore in your palm with a finger through the hole so you can just basically like how a cat fights

    My knives which i consider to be really worth the money and the best i've ever used and owned myself both for like 130. Those claw things they want like 200 each what the fuck? That's so much?

    What the fuck is so great about them? When I was 12 i got a boner seeing knock offs on BUDK magazines my friend would let me borrow but they still wanted like 70$, what A) Makes them worth that B) The design just seems… Not worth 200 USD each.

    i have a couple of those. a serrated blade and a continuous edge. they make for cute toys.
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