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All I think about is animal abuse, heartbreak, killing, drugs, suicide, & pedophilia

  1. #41
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    This thread was total cringe. I hope that roshambo doesn't go along with this bullshit, sophie is fat pedophile in his late twenties with a small penis *FACT*

    1) not fat ask mQ he has seen my picture.
    2) you have a big dick bit i am not far behind with 17.5cm erect
    3) i am a pedo but can also have relationships with girls my age i have several exes that were my age at the time
    4) roshambo is not an idiot and has rationally concluded 100% consensual relationships with young girls of sound mind is niether damaging nor exploitative
    5) roshambo is not a bigot as opposed to you

    last but not least your IQ is literally below average as you have previously admitted, therefore everything you say is retarded, close minded and ignorant in every respect. Even spectral is smarter than you and that is saying something.

    also i do not seem to recall judging you for the type of women you find attractive or the way you fuck any skanky broad you can and even having a child with one. So Bill Krozby get off your fucking high horse and start looking at yourself before you give other people shit, you're literally a wife(gf) beating piece of southern trash and lately the only thing you have contributed to the forum is bullshit threads about your fucking boring life, normie interesta and random acts of aggrassion to various forum members. Nobody actually gives a shit about what tou think fucc boi.
  2. #42
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    1) not fat ask mQ he has seen my picture.
    2) you have a big dick bit i am not far behind with 17.5cm erect
    3) i am a pedo but can also have relationships with girls my age i have several exes that were my age at the time
    4) roshambo is not an idiot and has rationally concluded 100% consensual relationships with young girls of sound mind is niether damaging nor exploitative
    5) roshambo is not a bigot as opposed to you

    last but not least your IQ is literally below average as you have previously admitted, therefore everything you say is retarded, close minded and ignorant in every respect. Even spectral is smarter than you and that is saying something.

    also i do not seem to recall judging you for the type of women you find attractive or the way you fuck any skanky broad you can and even having a child with one. So Bill Krozby get off your fucking high horse and start looking at yourself before you give other people shit, you're literally a wife(gf) beating piece of southern trash and lately the only thing you have contributed to the forum is bullshit threads about your fucking boring life, normie interesta and random acts of aggrassion to various forum members. Nobody actually gives a shit about what tou think fucc boi.

    you have judged me for that though after I made fun of you and richardburnish for liking shitty rap, and I told you I didn't care what you thought about the women I see..... and I never said my IQ is literally below average..

    and I never said roshambo was an idiot, he's just young and is going off an argument from a known pedophile trying very very desperately to vindicate himself from being the faggot pedophile he is.

    You can call my threads boring all you want, but thats really rich coming from someone who constantly argues with spectral about wether he is a hxxor or not and talks about being a pedophile incessantly.

    And by the way, there is nothing wrong with being from the south, most of our user base is from the south and has always been =)

    Cry harder please
  3. #43
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    you have judged me for that though after I made fun of you and richardburnish for liking shitty rap, and I told you I didn't care what you thought about the women I see….. and I never said my IQ is literally below average..

    and I never said roshambo was an idiot, he's just young and is going off an argument from a known pedophile trying very very desperately to vindicate himself from being the faggot pedophile he is.

    You can call my threads boring all you want, but thats really rich coming from someone who constantly argues with spectral about wether he is a hxxor or not and talks about being a pedophile incessantly.

    And by the way, there is nothing wrong with being from the south, most of our user base is from the south and has always been =)

    Cry harder please

    Lol cry harder he says as if i can take anything seriously coming from a literal retard. Why don't you make like your cousin and OD or something bitch boy.
  4. #44
    I would get into arguments with internet strangers

    But I'm actually MAD
  5. #45
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Lol cry harder he says as if i can take anything seriously coming from a literal retard. Why don't you make like your cousin and OD or something bitch boy.

    You're the biggest retard-faggot-pedo here. So have a nice day, smacktard
  6. #46
    What's a retard-faggot-pedo? Is this some new specimen?
  7. #47
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    What's a retard-faggot-pedo? Is this some new specimen?

    if you have to ask you'll probably never know. that or urban dictionary it.
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