Originally posted by Nile
Like I was going off the rails but this fucker REVELED in the little bit of force he was allowed to use in the context of his job.
Came off sadistic as fuck tbh…..
Yeah definitely gotta go back and hex him.
they do. i was at a shitty club one time and a giant nigger tried a pathetic move on me and all i did was shift my weight and lightly push him and he fell over. the white bouncers subsequently tried to tackle me in unison...which failed as well.
another pair of niggers at a different club pretended to ignore me when i eyeball-fucked them the next day after choking out someone i would have preferred they hadnt choked out.
a nigger cop (badged and all) at an airport tried to tackle me a few months ago (he literally said 'thats it, now im taking you to the floor.') and gave gallant effort at trying. all he did was leave a black-and-blue mark on my inner arm. he wasnt particularly happy when i told his supervisor what pathetic 'control' techniques he had and tried to add his two cents to when i specifically described how poorly executed his technique was. the supervisor didnt give half a fuck, he just listened to let me drone on.