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NIS Unite. White Flag Truse

  1. #1
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    I been feeling heart Palps lately.

    it's time to stop shit talking each other. I can't be immature like this anymore. shit talk the weirdos in the news if you want. People on here (Who like each other or neutral or hate etc) should stop this trolling shit from this day forth.

    troll crazy news shit and share opinions but the insults is wrong. I think it might be A: out of shape. breathing harder today than before walking a simple mile and a half when I usually walk 4 sometimes 5 miles up and down hills. steep hills too near campus

    Oops Edit B: The Booster shot fucked me up. I'm getting weird dry wart patches or some folliculitis shit (Hair follicle infection)

    if you chose to troll, do it to each other. leave me alone. I'm not waiting till Jan 1st to break another silly New Years Resolution. it starts now. or at lease the priming of change then go full traditional change after 0 Hour Jan 1st

    God Bless America and the Free World.
    Anyone in our country who is first gen or foreign exchange student. try smiling and not snubbing a person walking by. WHat the fuck happened to people in the USA> I heard a lady on the radio talking about how she moved back to her home area of LA after like 10 years, coming from Chicago. And she nod to another Black lady and the lady snubbed her. then the next and so on.

    so its not just me. It's like a new fad to not make eye contact.

    Maybe SpectraL is right. Maybe its the fucking third shot.

    thanks for being sensitive SpectraL. but I wont name call you but that was kind of sarcasm.

    no more. don't bait me into it. it's painful sometimes.

    This should be an educational site from now on.
  2. #2
    stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    Isn't everything Speculum writes the god's honest truth?

    I mean he always backs everything he writes with a reliable news source, doesn't he?

  3. #3
    Xlite African Astronaut
    Can i have your stuff?
  4. #4
    Everyone ready for the first GAY Santa Claus?
  5. #5
    Bradley Black Hole
    Did your giant fat neck force you to write this apology for you guys?
  6. #6
    Bradley Black Hole
    Can i come stay with you when i get out of jail? I'll be your personal caretaker.
  7. #7
    G African Astronaut
    You're obese.
  8. #8
    Bradley Black Hole
    spelled truce wrong u dumb motherfucker
  9. #9
    cigreting Dark Matter
    Originally posted by stl1 Isn't everything Speculum writes the god's honest truth?

    I mean he always backs everything he writes with a reliable news source, doesn't he?

    And you think your cnn articles you constantly post hold any truth 😂
  10. #10
    Originally posted by cigreting And you think your cnn articles you constantly post hold any truth 😂

    He has a really, really bad case of cognitive dissonance.
  11. #11
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Originally posted by Bradley spelled truce wrong u dumb motherfucker

    Dear God. You must have an IQ in the 80s to call me out on false facts.

    Sure Im not the best speller at times but a simple house hold word like truce isn't difficult to spell
    white flag noun
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    Definition of white flag
    1: a flag of plain white used as a flag of truce or as a token of surrender
    2: a token of weakness or yielding

    Instead of fighting in Jail with the severe crippling arthritis diseases you have and falsely collecting SSD funds for (because we know you're lazy and a drug addict) you should see if they have a class in basic English and writing skills while you're there. then go take community college courses and when you finish, try and transfer to a state. make something of yourself since you're so wise and all.
  12. #12
    Bradley Black Hole
    I don't get advice from people who can't spell truce.
  13. #13
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Originally posted by Bradley I don't get advice from people who can't spell truce.

    you're so witty.

    is it from the Rx medication scripted to you or the illegal street drugs you use to get this jump in creative moments?
  14. #14
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    and Honestly, I'm glad I see what type of person you are, Bradley. because it shows me what kind of person Red is that hangs out with "guys" like you.

    You're top-notch quality (for an incel)
  15. #15
    Bradley Black Hole
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready you're so witty.

    is it from the Rx medication scripted to you or the illegal street drugs you use to get this jump in creative moments?

    Neither. If I had any I'd give it to your ass and send you and be your molested daughters to the Dr Phil Show.

    I can't wait to meet one of my them and when she introduces us, I really get to know you and your former underage cum dumpster
  16. #16
    Bradley Black Hole
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready and Honestly, I'm glad I see what type of person you are, Bradley. because it shows me what kind of person Red is that hangs out with "guys" like you.

    You're top-notch quality (for an incel)

    I'm not an incel. I'm a crow.
  17. #17
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Originally posted by Bradley Neither. If I had any I'd give it to your ass and send you and be your molested daughters to the Dr Phil Show.

    I can't wait to meet one of my them and when she introduces us, I really get to know you and your former underage cum dumpster

    Seems like you're either upset trying to come back with a reply or ready for nappy time. you're making lots of grammatical errors and misspellings.

    No one wants to meet you. you look like the average woman's nightmare they might see walking to their car at night in a mall or passing an alleyway and looking over and seeing you walking towards them
  18. #18
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready and Honestly, I'm glad I see what type of person you are, Bradley. because it shows me what kind of person Red is that hangs out with "guys" like you.

    You're top-notch quality (for an incel)

    Lmao damn he's going off!
  19. #19
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Lmao damn he's going off!

    it's not even bothering me what he's saying. Others have had done better at trolling me. same basic shit but better at it. he's an amatuer.

    What bugs me and really sets me off about Bradley is he is full of so much energy that he could be using at work. pulling his weight in society. Fona sounds like Eeyore with his monotone speech pattern, yet He is a hard-working man. We all respect and love the guy.

    Bradley is taking money away from the system that others really need. especially elders who have had their benefits taken from them because of the rerouting of state or federal funds required to meet a Fiscal Budget in every government program. so when money has to fund lazy cunts like Bradley, they had to reduce from other programs fiscal budget like subsidies for elders. they don't strip the funds from the elderly but they have to cut back or can not give increases for the inflation that occurs year to year.

    not to mention, he is blowing it on drugs
  20. #20
    UNSUB Tuskegee Airman [my unrivalled skillful mastoid]
    Every single person is a fool, insane, a failure, or a bad person to at least ten people
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