Originally posted by WellHung
Folks, do you miss his funny ways?
He's a CIA kitten. a sex kitten for the Gay CIA and people who kept him out of prison. he knew this and had to go.
Either they faked his death and moved him to the islands for butt pleasure or he realized he will always be their slave and never make a decent salery.
How did he pay for his apartment? I know he was an informer (which doesn't mean he goes after bad people to inform but rather be used as a witness to falsify a witness. bearing false witness for free apartment)
he's a sort of counter-informer or sudo kwazi informant for the deep state. That nigga got drunk and started saying shit about me that I never said. Frala jumped in too.
Never Drunk Text or Drunk Stream. it's embarrassing as fuck the following day.
But hey, if he really did it. I kind of miss his weird sarcasm. However, He was like a meat-bot. like they placed a computer in his head to fire off a weird synopsis. he was like a mannequin just sitting there with his eyes going cold black. beedy eye mofo. then suddenly after an hour he would shift forward and just start talking weird creepy shit about me and others. then play with his cat (George?). a few times about Lt Col Aquino.
EEEEE eeeeee hmm