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The shilling against Patriot Front is insane

  1. #1
    Suddenly /pol/ is pretending like they haven't ever heard of this group and there are dozens of shills and trolls flooding the board with threads and posts.
    Here there finally is a real organization actually doing something and people immediately try to shun them or hate on them.
    It's even more pathetic that people are taking the words of alex jones and joe rogan.

    I wish Patriot Front the best and hope they're successful in dismantling the ZOG.
  2. #2
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    you should never trust a group that marches in costume
  3. #3
    Clean the litter box bitch
  4. #4
    Originally posted by aldra you should never trust a group that marches in costume

    It's the opposite.
    Feds and controlled opposition want you to think this way.
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