Why should I care about higher wages when i'm most likely not going to be working for the same company in 5 years?
Why would I pay dues to a union when I fully intend to forget ever working there and make more money doing something else? I need every penny from my labor transaction to make things happen.
And then they start talking about how workers should be getting paid $80/hr and "workers should be owners" Even though that would make it so they can't afford rent? I don't get it
Union people just seem like idiots that want to rape business owners and do the same shitty low paying job their entire life and cry about MUH WAGES MUH UNION instead of doing side hussles and investments because OMG CAPITALISM IS EVIL BUT YOU SHOULD TOTALLY PAY ME MORE MONEY. If I work in a grocery store why the fuck do I care about higher wages? that is just a job to pay the bills
Yeah sometimes it costs 80% of your income just to survive but that seems more like a problem with inflation than wages. $80/hr for flipping burgers and working somewhere somehow gives you entitlement to the allocation of capital, also who is paying suppliers and the electric bill when "workers are owners" last I checked it was like $250k a year to hire 4 people.
So are these "worker owners" also going to sign their life savings to the company to ensure they don't go into the red? If you are the owner you are the one providing capital and paying workers for their labor. Workers don't have enough capital to pay each other.
Sometimes a boss can't even afford to pay themselves. Sometimes a business fails and the person loses everything, do you really want to be an owner in that case?