2021-12-01 at 5:16 AM UTC
So I'm anti vax. It's been about two years since it's initial release and I finally got it now.
Little side note, I blacked out and broke a bunch of my ex gfs shit. So I gave her my shrimpy's, my pythons (she's good to them), and my bonsai trees. Everything else that was important to me I escaped with. My escape rope was massively sickened by our Dominic variant.
This was the best relationship I've had in four years but I couldn't quit drinking. Speaking of which is 1113 and I'm having a Hurricane and I feel like death incarnate.
Should I replace all the stuff I broke? She didn't call the cops but I legitimately feel bad and didn't intend to do this to her or her daughter after they had been so kind to me.
I hate myself and I'm drinking again. As promised when my life goes to shit, I come back to this community.
I'd appreciate sympathy but I hardly expect it.
2021-12-01 at 5:18 AM UTC
First day I had a little sniffle, Sunday I developed a weak cough. Monday wasn't bad but I began to get cold. Tuesday I have chills, where multiple layers under multiple blankets, am trying to stay drunk, no cigarettes. Bunch of bullshit.
2021-12-01 at 9:07 AM UTC
which variant u hooosing ?
2021-12-01 at 10:21 AM UTC
Remember to take lots of Vitamin C and Zinc, as well as Vitamin D (for instance from Cod Liver Oil).
Vitamin K2 can help too, it's found in fermented foods like kimchi and sauerkraut.
2021-12-01 at 10:22 AM UTC
JIDF Controlled Opposition
gotta counteract all that vitamin G