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Poll: What fate will befall Kyle?

Closing Arguments today in Rittenhouse trial.

  1. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Sophie I haven't been following the news lately so coming back to this thread and reading that real justice was served gives me a little more hope in humanity.

    have you been at the rotterdam riots?
  2. Originally posted by Number13 It's insane how many people got twisted by the news and how quick they go to retracting all they said as soon as he won.

    They don't call them sheep for nothing.
  3. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    oh shit fuys, kyles going to the kyle protests to clean up some more filth

  4. Donald Trump Black Hole

    This spastic is literally seizing with hate at the idea that a white guy got a fair trial.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  5. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    is she yelling that shes a mighty-man
  6. These people are fucking nuts and their perspective is mentally ill.

    The jury obviously took their time to carefully deliberate. They were methodical with their review process. I thought it was going to be a hung jury bc of how long they were taking but they were just taking their time to make sure they were following instructions and making the correct decision.
  7. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Originally posted by A College Professor is she yelling that shes a mighty-man

    she's young and she's in her prime
  8. Nile bump
    Originally posted by frala These people are fucking nuts and their perspective is mentally ill.

    The jury obviously took their time to carefully deliberate. They were methodical with their review process. I thought it was going to be a hung jury bc of how long they were taking but they were just taking their time to make sure they were following instructions and making the correct decision.

    White defendant, all white jury, white judge.

    Yup, white is right? Or might? Or both, not mutually exclusive.
  9. Originally posted by Nile White defendant, all white jury, white judge.

    Yup, white is right? Or might? Or both, not mutually exclusive.

    Would you have made a different decision?
  10. The women were highly moved (emotionally) by Kyle's apparent distress, and then by his jelly-like joy at the end.
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by aldra have you been at the rotterdam riots?

    I've considered going cause i'm mad international covid fascism has arrived and the walls of fully automated cyber dystopia are slowly closing in around us. But it seems there are enough people there already to make a point. I have resolved instead to not take the vaccine ever, even if it's 100% safe and effective as a matter of principle. If the government becomes even more authoritarian they will going to have to shoot me, because i'm not complying. Besides i am more useful 'for the cause' sitting behind a computer.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  12. Originally posted by Sophie I've considered going cause i'm mad international covid fascism has arrived and the walls of fully automated cyber dystopia are slowly closing in around us. But it seems there are enough people there already to make a point. I have resolved instead to not take the vaccine ever, even if it's 100% safe and effective as a matter of principle. If the government becomes even more authoritarian they will going to have to shoot me, because i'm not complying. Besides i am more useful 'for the cause' sitting behind a computer.

    Wait a cotton-pickin' minute. How can you be a freedom fighter and ex-Fun Bunch card-carrier with a lifetime membership at the same time? Remember DaGuru.
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Wait a cotton-pickin' minute. How can you be a freedom fighter and ex-Fun Bunch card-carrier with a lifetime membership at the same time? Remember DaGuru.

    I remember alright, the difference is even if he suffered from the tyranny of me being a mod(lol) i'm not an agent of the state and he was there voluntarily. And also your alt.
  14. Nile bump
    Originally posted by Sophie I've considered going cause i'm mad international covid fascism has arrived and the walls of fully automated cyber dystopia are slowly closing in around us. But it seems there are enough people there already to make a point. I have resolved instead to not take the vaccine ever, even if it's 100% safe and effective as a matter of principle. If the government becomes even more authoritarian they will going to have to shoot me, because i'm not complying. Besides i am more useful 'for the cause' sitting behind a computer.

    Honestly if it didn't seem like such contrived bullshit to veil state creep id comply willingly.

    If it was srs bsns a d I was in charge lock downs would be serious. Quick, limited in scope.

    It would have an end and we would loosen the chains after, nope just more surveillance, hooks and many pyres to burn on. isn't life peachy.

    Whatever happens I'm placing my vet on Albion. And will attempt some sort of loyalty to Them.
  15. Originally posted by Sophie …i'm not an agent of the state…

    Cut from the same whole cloth, though, amirite? Remember DaGuru.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Cut from the same whole cloth, though, amirite? Remember DaGuru.

    If i were in charge things would definitely be worse but at least it wouldn't seem like everything would be worse. I'd be a tyrant, but a competent one at least.
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    That said, the way my mind works is that tyranny is a function of power. As long as no one gives me power i'm a pretty nice person. Absolute power something something corruption and all that.
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    God is a tyrant, how could it be otherwise? And are we not made in His image?
  19. Originally posted by Sophie That said, the way my mind works is that tyranny is a function of power. As long as no one gives me power i'm a pretty nice person. Absolute power something something corruption and all that.

    Would you consider voluntarily submitting to summary execution, psychomanthis?
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Would you consider voluntarily submitting to summary execution, psychomanthis?

    The part after the not guilty verdict was supposed to be happy ITT, way to ruin it for everyone. And no, never.
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