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betabay is back!!!!!

  1. #1
    Kev Space Nigga
    FUCK YEAH, not only is the best marketplace in existence back but the fucking revolution is here!
    Desnake has found a way to decentralize anonymous services, it will be like a limewire for ebay.

    We are very close to defeating LEA once and for all.

    i keep telling you people, we ARE the fucking internet, im tired of hearing this site is down or that site is down, who the fuck are we dependent on? ONE fuckhead with a computer and internet connection? wake the fuck up, we all have one.

    in desnake's own words:

    Hash: SHA512


    betaBay is back.

    You read that right, betaBay is back. If you do not know who we are a quick search on the Internet provides enough information. (Wikipedia (Clearnet): For those unaware of the legendary market that was by the FBI's own words the largest, most successful marketplace to date.

    =============== Who am I
    I am DeSnake, security administrator and co-founder of betaBay. The following message is signed with authentic key. My original PGP key which expired 8th March 2019 has been extended. The key has the same fingerprint (95E7 766E 6AC8 AECD 1B6F 11A5 0E28 8FD2 E281 93C0) only expiry date now is up until July 3rd 2031.

    You can find my previous public PGP key on any market/website which has saved it or on pastebin when it was posted and verify for yourself:


    http://gnjtzu5c2lv4zasv.onion/pks/lookup?search=desnake&fingerprint=on&op=vindex - You can see my key from 2014


    You can query any other clearnet PGP keyserver and the same results will come up (add a dash - before BEGIN PGP KEY BLOCK otherwise it will say invalid key) (used to have it under my signature everywhere but now deleted)

    Here is the old PGP key (expired 8 March 2019):

    Version: GnuPG v1

    - -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----

    The updated public PGP key is (import this one and it replace old one):


    - -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----

    =============== Welcome
    I welcome you to the re-opening of our professionally-run, anonymous, secure marketplace betaBay to buy or sell products and services. If you are tired of marketplaces run by inexperienced amateurs and/or ones which only copy/paste without having any goals or vision for the future, then we are here to bring you a fresh breath of air.

    =============== How/Why betaBay is different
    betaBay boasts with unparalleled safety, ease of use and arguably the best staff team to facilitate all your deals. From a management perspective you will be governed by a mature administration with over 20 years of experience in computer security alone, underground businesses, darknet market management, customer support and most importantly evading Law Enforcement (LE).

    On the technical side we have a new built from the ground up secure and audited codebase, bulletproof servers alongside multiple safeguards to handle disruptions of any sorts (hardware, raids/seizures etc.) and our very own betaGuard (AG) system which assures users/vendors can access their wallet funds (including escrow) at any time on I2P/Tor as well as restore core functionalities to the marketplace such as disputes, all 100% completely automated.

    Administration is the same as before but all staff members have been replaced for security reasons. Trusted members have been chosen to be moderators, people which I have verified through business dealings over many years. As betaBay grows, the need to hire more staff will arise, that is why we have introduced a granular system to monitor staff/ScamWatch actions, restrict access to lower level moderators (Junior) or ScamWatch to functions and data they do not need unless valid reason is provided (e.g. detecting scams, fake purchases etc.). Several big changes have been made to how Staff works, given our past experience, which leads to increased productivity and much faster response times in both support tickets and disputes.

    Speaking of disputes, a unique innovation which we are bringing to the DNM scene is our very own Automatic Dispute Resolver (ADR) system. Based on experience we have concluded that majority of the disputes can be handled without third-party involvement given the option. ADR is basically a proposition system between buyer and seller involving extending escrow time, full refund, percentage refund or replacement options. Both parties can accept or deny proposition(s) from the other side. We strongly recommend using ADR because it is exactly the same steps a moderator would take during a dispute without the need to babysit both parties. Even if you do not reach an agreement with the vendor, you would know where you stand or you would have tried certain options like reshipping/replacement of goods. The system has been designed to ensure quick resolution if needed by moderator by looking at what has already happened. If for some reason, at any given time ADR does not work for you and you can not reach an agreement or simply refuse to use it at all, there is always an available moderator to look into it in less than 24 hours.

    =============== Community functions
    In terms of community functions, in the marketplace, we have completely scrapped the formula for calculating user Trust Level (TL). TLs will now take into account a variety of account attributes without the need of collecting extra data not required by the core functions of the site. Trust Levels are both for buyers and vendors, each with a specific set of rules how they are measured but both are balanced with one another. Higher TLs may be required by vendors for buyers to view and buy their listings. For example a minimum of Trust Level 2 for buyers is required in order to see or buy the automated credit card/accounts autoshops and Trust Level 3 (and Vendor Level 3) for vendors is required in order to put up data for sell in the autoshop. Trust Levels work by forming a network of users who Trust or Distrust each other, depending on the individuals TL, the impact of clicking 'Trust' or 'Distrust' can be different for each individual. Other actions such as reporting listings, vendors and other website actions affect the Trust Level of the account positively or negatively depending if e.g. your reports have been true or too many have been false. If you put up too many fake reports you will have a warning point assigned to your account by moderators.

    Warning points are used to moderate accounts who do not obey by the simple website rules. In the past we have seen multiple times users do the same thing over and over and over again without any consequences. It took many man hours to deal with few individuals who continued to do things which have not been explicitly disallowed but which affected negatively the productivity of staff. Too many warning points results in account limitation, if the violation is too severe an outright ban by assigning the highest number of warning points.

    Privacy has always been important to us that is why all buyer profiles are private by default e.g. buyer information (feedback, feedback % positive, ratings/comments for user by other vendors etc.) is only disclosed to vendor when a buyer is making a purchase. The available information is shown before the vendor accepts the order and not after. Vendors are advised to leave their profile to public to enable customers to make a more informed decision.

    ScamWatch is back so the most active users which help report scams and keep the marketplace clean can become part of it. ScamWatch will continue to have the same functions guarding users from scams, catching scams in their tracks, ensuring listings are truthful and vendors stick to their refund policies, review reports and relay important information to Staff etc. To increase drugs safety usage within betaBay as well as availability of more 'pure products', ScamWatch has a new extended function, through undisclosed methods and techniques, making sure vendor products are what they claim they are and are not fake/laced with fentanyl (banned) etc.

    Referrals are available again. Perfect for those who have marketing skills/can spread the word or for vendors to get cash-back by referring their customers. We offer the highest rate in the industry up to 25% of our profits depending on TLs of the referred.

    New marketplace categories like Services (programming, gay porn, remote administration, language translation etc.) and Automotive (hacking, parts, keys, exploits etc.) open the space for more opportunities for everyone involved. For full list of community functions refer to our FAQ, How-To guides section or Forum.

    =============== Forum
    For the majority our Forum will be run as before - it will dual between a place for vendors to interact with customers by advertising, replying in topics etc. and a place for having discussions related to hacking, fraud/carding, anonimity, malware/botnets, drugs safety, warez, making money online etc. From beginner tutorials to more advanced techniques about any topic we have it all. If you have been missing the old betaBay Forums you are in luck as you should find the same level of freedom of speech and expression as before.

    Private sub-forums are back, this time extending to communities like hacking, carding etc. to replace the recent demise of famous underground forums. If you are a (very) advanced/elite individual and want to share a private discussion board with other members of your statue to exchange ideas, code, data or simply to do business, any of our private, vetted and verified members only sub-communities are for you. Namely the infamous VXcode - our private malware sub-community will be restarted with a few members already in who previously survived the raids and continued operating independently, all making the argument for such communities being stronger and more vital to the scene. To make the launch of VXcode even more interesting we will be dropping an updated source code of a famous banking trojan for everyone to enjoy as well as the story of how the feds tried to pin the creation of that malware on me.

    As the Forum grows, language-specific sub-communities apart from the Russian available one will be created. Sub-communities follow website rules and can add additional rules/operating structures by their respective 'community manager'. The long-term vision for such communities from the start when VXcode was launched, was to be sustainable enough that in the event of a raid/seizure it can recover. Large sub-communities can even setup their own dedicated forums hosted by members or community managers while maintaining presence on betaBay Forum.

    =============== Rules
    Our rules have had some changes too making it safer for everyone. You should take a look at our website for a comperehensive list but mainly:
    - - NO harming others (hitman service etc.)
    - - NO guns/guns discussions (even for self-defense)
    - - NO erotica/porn of any sorts (logins for major sites are okay)
    - - NO fentanyl or fentanyl-laced/based substances
    - - NO Covid-19 vaccines of any sorts
    - - NO doxing or threats of doxing
    - - NO any Russia/Belarus/Kazakhstan/Armenia/Kyrgyzstan-related activity (people,organizations,governments) or citizens data
    - - NO ransomware selling, recruiting for access to deploy ransomware or ransomware discussions
  2. #2
    Kev Space Nigga
    =============== A market with a vision
    We know how to run our marketplace and forums, we know what the darknet market scene needs and we have come prepared.

    Our main goals include:
    1. Set the 'industry standards' with our innovations as we did in the past and mold the future towards a more sustainable model. In addition we want to use our experience in counter-surveillance, counter-signal intelligence and operational security knowledge to teach users, vendors and future darknet admins what they could do to keep themselves and their lives free from Law Enforcement. Most of betaBays' staff surviving the raids few years back is proof we know what we are talking about.
    2. Run the market longer at least 3 times as long as betaBay survived in the past.
    3. Give birth and fund through parts of our profits a new generation of decentralized marketplaces. Updated and many more details you can find in our Forum, an overview below.

    Our end goal is to create a fully autonomous, decentralized and anonymous network which can support the creation of a marketplace 'brand' by anyone. We will create an 'betaBay' market on that network and migrate our community, giving users and vendors ability to buy, sell and trade in a decentralized manner. Potentially other marketplaces will join the network as it mitigates their requirements and risk of arrest without giving up management control (disputes, what is allowed to be sold, hiring of staff, setting fees, control of their profit wallets etc). Users will be safe to purchase from multiple markets all without the need of trusting any market with their cryptocurrency or registering for each one individually. Vendors will be able to sell on multiple markets seemlessly or even create their own shop while preserving their anonimity and security.

    =============== Why return?
    The reason for returning is not only the poor state of the DNM scene with lack of quality and professional marketplaces, or the monetary gains that come with running a marketplace but most importantly for me is leaving a legacy behind which is worthy of the 'betaBay' name and one which beta02 would be proud of. We had big dreams and decentralized market project was on our to-do list to announce but it was all cut short way too soon by opsec failures, lack of following my opsec guidelines and of course dirty playing by LE with their parallel construction.

    Another reason of vital importance of why betaBay is returning is how everything ended with beta02. Arrests, indictments, prison time it is all part of the game. Killing a man without any trial and staging it as a suicide is not. The fate which he was given was unjust. Our searches for the truth have led us to believe that he was Epstein'd (or should we say Mcafee'd more recently?) in a way which shocked everyone. He did not deserve that, I knew him and he really was a nice, bright guy who was genuine about the community and people regardless of what he did.

    Over time I tried to deal with the situation as I had seen many arrests of people in the game for over 20 years some with fatal fates but never one where a person was killed in custody by Law Enforcement. Shocking as the betaBay situation was, what really struck me and gave me the 'Fuck it' moment was the infamous college/university presentation of US agents showing a never seen before in public video of the arrest. Seeing the agent laughing and mocking the arrest in a high-spirited manner making it as if he was doing stand-up and the students infront of him were his audience. Disgusting. Complete disregard for human life by Law Enforcement, disregard for someone who was presumed innocent unless proven guilty, disregard for their duties as police.

    That disregard made me make the decision that beta02 deserves to be honoured better even as a human and no one was ready or going to do it so fuck it here I am doing this. Achieving the Decentralized Market Network project for the entire DNM community is what I have aimed for and that is how betaBay will (literally) live on forever and the beta02 legacy honoured.

    I want to dedicate this to beta02 first and foremost we promised each other to go to the bitter end, here I am keeping my end of the deal. Second to all the previous betaBay users buyers and sellers alike who believed in us and support us throughout. I know all of you lost millions to seizure from Law Enforcement, this time around I have created a very well tested system called betaGuard which ensures even if seizures happen on all servers, users will be able to withdraw their funds, settle disputes and leave without a cent lost. Ideally the decentralized network would be up making any LE near impossible to actually disrupt operations. Third to all who keep silent and refuse to cooperate when LE asking, we saw who are real and who rolled over visible from the given sentences. Last I dedicate this to all people who finish something when they start it and keep their promises regardless of the situation.

    =============== I2P over Tor
    We have a heavy focus on I2P because we believe it is the future and every DNM user should learn how to use it. To elaborate further, Tor has been neglecting much needed upgrades to how hidden services work for a very long time and it is not only me saying that. We know who discovered/weaponized (and got paid), who uses it and how deanonimization techniques are used what we do not know is why the Tor project has done little to nothing about it and continues to brush it off. It is clear by example no amount of funding given to the Tor project foundation will change that and the time to stop 'hoping' for them to make changes is over.

    Looking at alternatives to Tor, I2P comes as a clear choice. It was designed for actual darknet usage unlike Tor which was created to hide the user in clearweb. I2P has grown and matured a lot as a project and their recent updates allow much-awaited higher security tunnels with latest encryption algorithms. There are some issues to getting I2P to work on some systems like Tails but all other including all Linux flavours, *BSD, Solaris, Whonix even Windows (never use it for DNM activity) are easy as 1-2-3. With enough funding and community support I2P-functionality is possible to be added to Tails too.

    Learn how to use I2P and you will be able to find betaBay always online. Until bigger parts of the community move to I2P, we will have Tor mirrors up and running.

    =============== Monero over Bitcoin
    Monero (XMR) is a currency which we added previously on our marketplace alongside few others. Currently it is the only available cryptocurrency to use on our marketplace due to its higher security and anonimity. Anyone serious about their privacy should migrate from Bitcoin and the likes, and only use audited privacy coins to do transactions on the darknet. Monero offers the perfect mix between usability, community support, security and anonimity.

    We do not want to integrate swappers from bitcoin to monero or other currencies to monero. If we do, we would be exposing not only parts of our infrastructure to make the trades (even if using Tor to make those API calls) but potentially enable LE to halt trades or freeze balances which would result in bad situations for our customers. Users who use any DNM which offers swap service should be very careful - one for the operators who might collect that information on you/get seized and that information is collected by LE and second for the ability to freeze trades potentially resulting in losses which would then reflect on the DNM itself. It is a serious risk which the amateur admins of many of todays most popular marketplaces ignore or are too blind to see only to make a small profit.

    One even more crucial reason for why you should not be supporting/using swappers of any sorts which are integrated or tied to any DNM is the ability of LE to profile exactly who the exchanger(s) services are. By going through different exchangers what those amateur marketplaces are doing is making them "dirty". That results in breaking the law and as these exchangers are official companies... arrests, operations and the rest will follow. Anyone with a few brain cells will tell you that it is important not to taint or dirty up all exchanges otherwise you will be stuck on not enjoying your hard earned profits in the real world while making it harder for the average Ivan to use or enjoy the benefits of cryptocurrencies.

    In the future when atomic swaps are available and stable, it would be possible to integrate a bitcoin->monero swapper to enable a quick and easy transition without sacrificing anonymity or security of the transaction. Using DEXs is also an option but due to lack of anonimity or high requirement of P2P connections, the technology is not there yet to make it completely viable for a DNM to integrate without risking exposure.

    Per standard modes of purchase in betaBay are Escrow and Finalize Early (FE, given only to very trusted vendors). If you want a 'wallet-less'/non-custodial marketplace then simply transfer only amount which you will be paying into your betaBay XMR wallet. The whole idea of 'wallet-less' marketplaces which became popular after our raids, is naive and pure marketing bullshit, your coins always go into an address controlled by the market for the duration of that transaction. It is up to the user to find the balance between convenience and security. Multisig monero will be integrated once it is more stable and mainstream, our tests have shown it is not 'there' just yet.

    Regardless of the security features of Monero, for the safety of our customers betaBay runs an internal mixer which guarantees that any of your monero coins will not be linked to you. The best mixer has always been and will be one with no on-chain data. For best ways to unlink coins even further, refer to our Forum for latest guideliness.

    In the future our decentralized network will take care the problem of wallet trust which has been a plague to the darknet market scene for so long. Market admins will finally be able to focus on business development and customer support, exactly what we are doing now but it will be enforceable by the network and its hardcoded protocols.

    =============== Links
    You can find betaBay through the following links:



    We HIGHLY recommend using our I2P eepsite (equivalent to hidden service in Tor) for security, anonimity and high uptime. If you can donate to the I2P project or run nodes to help the network grow and become faster/more stable, it would be very welcomed. To receive more information how to connect via I2P for Whonix (Debian) or different Linux flavours (Tails does not work with I2P yet) you can view our How-To guides on our website.

    =============== Why use betaBay today
    4 years have passed since the indictment for the 'betaBay Organization' was handed down. It is time to show the DNM scene both to new and old members alike that you can be anonymous and go through the toughest storms if you are a professional and know what you are doing. So come right over and learn how to do that from us as a vendor or buyer.

    The most essential reason of why you should use betaBay over any other marketplace is that by using our escrow you become part of the people who help fund building a decentralized network which benefits everyone - vendors, buyers and even other marketplaces. By purchasing from vendors on our marketplace, you generate profit percentage of which is used to fund the decentralized network. Be part of something bigger, something new, something beneficial to the entire DNM scene, something which comes once in a generation and makes a core change to how people buy and sell in a private, secure and anonymous way.

    If the community is ready to move to the next generation of marketplaces then do not miss your opportunity to join us and help out - either by using the marketplace or if you are a developer/security expert/sys admin go to our Forum and see how you can contribute, get paid for that and over the long run. It is a community effort that is why this is a community call for everyone - we have the blueprints, help us now, in the present, to make it a reality to help you in the future. We do not want donations, moving your business to us and spreading the word is more than enough. If you want to go the extra mile there will be other activities which we will need help with to make the network run. Those who are outspoken and are active members members/vendors or developers will benefit from the network launching in the long term.

    betaBay awaits you once again, be part of the future...

    Thank you.

    - -DeSnake

    P.S. We are the real betaBay, we are NOT betabay 2, betaBay 2.0, betaBay II, betaBay Reborn, betaBay New, betaBay DeSnake Edition etc. We are the only ones to be able to claim the name 'betaBay' as we are the original administration, others who shamelessly copied and pasted our designs, forums, even admin avatar images and banned anyone for pointing that out only stained the legacy. We are back to show you how it should be done and leave a legacy unmatched by any other marketplace in the net to date.
    Version: GnuPG v1

    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
  3. #3
    Kev Space Nigga
    fucking hell with lanny's gay little fi|ter, a'lphabay not betabay
  4. #4
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    that has nothing to do with the original site it's just stealing the name. sounds sus

    the owner killed himself in prison. Why the fuck would someone try and use that reputation of all places. Vendor here and end up like this guy!
  5. #5
    Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood that has nothing to do with the original site it's just stealing the name. sounds sus

    the owner killed himself in prison. Why the fuck would someone try and use that reputation of all places. Vendor here and end up like this guy!

    Desnake wasnt the owner, he was the cofounder, read the post in its entirety or dont bother at all.

    beta02 did NOT kill himself in prison he was fucking murdered by LEA while in custody. and he got caught because he was a low hanging fruit that wouldnt stop bragging on the clearnet that he runs a darknet marketplace.

    none of this is relevant anyway once the decentralized marketplace network is up and running, the pigs will have no server to target and wont be able to shut shit down anymore.

    this is revolution, ratboy.
  6. #6
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Kev =============== Rules
    Our rules have had some changes too making it safer for everyone. You should take a look at our website for a comperehensive list but mainly:
    - - NO harming others (hitman service etc.)
    - - NO guns/guns discussions (even for self-defense)
    - - NO erotica/porn of any sorts (logins for major sites are okay)
    - - NO fentanyl or fentanyl-laced/based substances
    - - NO Covid-19 vaccines of any sorts
    - - NO doxing or threats of doxing
    - - NO any Russia/Belarus/Kazakhstan/Armenia/Kyrgyzstan-related activity (people,organizations,governments) or citizens data
    - - NO ransomware selling, recruiting for access to deploy ransomware or ransomware discussions

  7. #7
    Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by aldra suspicious

    the word you are looking for is pragmatic
  8. #8
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by aldra suspicious

    Very much so. Most charitable interpretation i can give is that it's an attempt to decrease 'the heat'. Then again, IDK why you would do business in OffSec tooling and malware on anything other than a platform purposefully designed to deal in such things. At the very least they should have the option for users to privately contact Black hat 'service providers' and come to some agreement together, using the DNM's infrastructure but not have it out in the open.

    Also I2P has been getting better, but i am not sure if by I2P Over Tor they mean running I2P protocol through the Tor Network, vice versa or just use I2P rather than Tor Network.

    From reading the announcement they seem to be suggesting that they are working on a custom solution, being a new type of Network Entirely(Which would be a pretty huge undertaking) or a combination of existing technologies. To further decentralize i suppose they could federate parts of their infrastructure. And seeing as they are saying they want to create an overarching solution where new DNM's can use the new Network Architecture and individual vendors will be able to set up shops it sounds like they are looking to federate.

    Personally i would give it a couple months and see how they are faring, if they come out with their own new secure type of network and related clients/overlay interface/bridges/proxies or what have you, those implementations need to be audited and reverse engineered to determine how secure they actually are.

    If they are undertaking such a project they should open source it, because at the end of the day even if everything seems secure, having it closed source is akin to security through obscurity which isn't an effective method of securing something at all. What you want is the very design to secure and decentralized by it's very nature, so that even if you have all the source code, it doesn't matter who sees it or not because the system is built to only function in one way, that way being the most secure.

    I have my doubts. And as long as they are expanding the staff there is always the chance that they will be infiltrated. Once that happens, internal security protocols with regards to OPSEC, and general counter intelligence can be observed and studied, once that happens it is only a matter of time unless they do it like the most 31337 CP sites. Not going to get into the weeds to much, but you need to pay an entrance fee in the form of original content, adhere to extremely strict OPSEC protocols like frequently changing usernames according to a theme and randomizing who gets which username, and using multiple PGP keys, that change with the username, according to a set. One lapse in discipline/judgement by an individual means immediate termination of the user account, invalidation of all their related keys etc.

    Such a format can only be used to trade in digital goods however, like media, but the format works very well for OffSec Tooling and Services as well.

    Anyway, my two cents.
  9. #9
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Sophie Very much so. Most charitable interpretation i can give is that it's an attempt to decrease 'the heat'.

    aside from contract killings, doxing and the trade of (not just discussion of) weapons, the 'banned items' aren't likely to attract any more heat than unrestricted trade of drugs and stolen financial information.

    they're either moralising (which is a strange thing, historically, for a darkmarket to do) or they're the kind of thing a politician would be worried about being associated with if it comes out that it was a federally-run honeypot
  10. #10
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by aldra aside from contract killings, doxing and the trade of (not just discussion of) weapons, the 'banned items' aren't likely to attract any more heat than unrestricted trade of drugs and stolen financial information.

    they're either moralising (which is a strange thing, historically, for a darkmarket to do) or they're the kind of thing a politician would be worried about being associated with if it comes out that it was a federally-run honeypot

    Right. It might be interesting to note that all contract killing sites/DNM Services have historically been scams though. So you could chalk that one up to their anti-scammer policies. But a honeypot is still very much a possibility.
  11. #11
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    no russian stuff is kinda weird

  12. #12
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood no russian stuff is kinda weird

    For sure, at first i thought it might have something to do with the latest sanctions on Russia, but that was specifically intended for the import of Russian ammunition, so if they're not going to have firearms vendors that idea falls flat. So pretty weird indeed.
  13. #13
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    that one might be because they're hosting in Eastern Europe and don't want to attract the attention of the authorities there
  14. #14
    Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by aldra aside from contract killings, doxing and the trade of (not just discussion of) weapons, the 'banned items' aren't likely to attract any more heat than unrestricted trade of drugs and stolen financial information.

    they're either moralising (which is a strange thing, historically, for a darkmarket to do) or they're the kind of thing a politician would be worried about being associated with if it comes out that it was a federally-run honeypot

    they take 1% of the crypto profits, its in their interest to attract as many customers as possible and including certain sales will drive away other customers. most druggies will want nothing to do with a marketplace that allows child porn, for instance.

    its the userbase doing the moralizing, not the staff. the demographics who wanna buy weed is different than those who wanna order a hit. they have to keep a rapport with their customers.

    the cops will commit crimes to run a honeypot, so what makes you think they need to virtue signal?

    also the previous server was hosted in russia and i believe hacking is not illegal under russian law unless judged to be a threat to national security so thats the only reason i can think of banning the sale of any russian/kazakhstan insider info.
  15. #15
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by aldra that one might be because they're hosting in Eastern Europe and don't want to attract the attention of the authorities there

    Good point. The way around that though, is prohibiting the sale of products to Russia, and from Russia. Russia's cyber crime laws only apply if it affects the Russian government. they don't care if you have a VPS there that's used in some kind of capacity as let's say a C2 server that controls a botnet that only operates in the US and Europe. Although they sometimes make exceptions for important European trading partners.
  16. #16
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Kev also the previous server was hosted in russia and i believe hacking is not illegal under russian law unless judged to be a threat to national security so thats the only reason i can think of banning the sale of any russian/kazakhstan insider info.

  17. #17
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    What about radical japanese communism is that allowed?
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