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Stupid fucking bitches

  1. #1
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    A couple weeks ago after all that stuff went down with that girl that was giving my drugs. I met another girl at the neighborhood pool, she's 10 years younger than me and just moved here to start going to the uni. I was at the pool all thugged out and shit, I've been working out, I've got tats and had my cap backwards and have been working out. Some how we started talking to eachother, I don't really remember because I was fairly drunk.

    Anyways, she lives in the neighborhood and tells me she doesn't know anyone here so I go to her place an bang her, and she hooks me up with muscle relaxers and Adderall. But the thing is she's dumb as a box of rocks and ontop of that shes a fat plumper bitch and always wants to hangout. I mentioned that I quit my man child job so now she's always wanting to hang knowing that I'm not at work , but I go ahead and do it because I'm bored and I've gotten a slight habit to eating Adderall. I use it mainly to read and write and play guitar

    But anyways she's on all these meds and is probably crazy, I finally fell asleep after being up for 2 days while at her place. And she hits me in her sleep and starts screaming, "theres spiders in teh car!"

    She's alright sometimes, but I'm kind of embarrassed to be seen in public with her. Anyone else here ever hung out with a fat plumper bitch ? She has a lot of her parents money so at least we can go do fun stuff like go to the lake and stuff and see slipknot. She wants me to meet her parents in a week but I don't know if I want to do that.

  2. #2
    AngryOnion Big Wig [the nightly self-effacing broadsheet]
    Go ahead and meet the gritters whats the worst thing that can happen,They might actually like you and give the little retard more money so she can play with you.
  3. #3
    Fucking Savage bruh. Does she have Stretch marks and tats?. She's not the worst looking piece of meat I've ever seen, I'd straight up eat that ass with some sweet and sour sauce.

    is she one of those dumb fat girls that can't even read or write English?.

    whare thy spell like this bcuz thy r fuckng returded. Girls like that are so easy to fuck with, and you can literally do anything, slap them, surprise stick it in their ass, bring a friend over and force her to do nasty shit. Get them to smoke weed, drop pills and do rails.

    I like to call these girls "in between bitches" because when quality females are in short supply, you can easily get these slampigs to tie you over for a month or two until you find something decent. Its like a shitty part time job you work at while you look for a real job and you use their phones and fax machines to apply for jobs.

    Watch out though because girls like this want to get married quick and will try to make a baby with you, pull the condom off when your drunk or even take a load in their mouth, pretend to swallow then go to the bathroom, spit it out and start fingering themselves with it.
  4. #4
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^yeah she can read and write, she's going to a major university, and she asked me if I've ever thought about having kids.. I just kind of blew the question off. She has tattoos , I didn't see stretch marks. She did ask me while I was half asleep If I've ever wanted to get married and If I'd be her boyfriend lol .
    I was pretty messed up at the time.

    and that's terrible about the load in the mouth deal.. though I'm pretty sure from what I've read you that's not possible.. like that would have touched to much air and other bacteria for that to happen.. but I guess anything can happen...
  5. #5
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Go ahead and meet the gritters whats the worst thing that can happen,They might actually like you and give the little retard more money so she can play with you.

    I lol'd
  6. #6
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I saw a fat broad. Is this thread worth reading?
  7. #7
    she asked me if I've
    ever thought about having kids..
    She did ask me while I was half asleep If I've ever wanted to get married and If I'd be her boyfriend

    I get pretty rude and cold when girls ask me stuff like that. I would probably say "not unless you lost some weight, you aren't good enough for me right now, but you can always improve". Or less rude "prove to me your worth spending my life with".
  8. #8
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^maybe... this song is at least worth listening too...

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