Look at those animals, running like a pack of wolves with little to no sentience. As people scream out in pain and agony retarded little niggers walk away casually with little to no acknowledgement of what is happening
There is no hope for civilization, it needs to collapse and a new one will be born from its ashes
Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready
how the world was when I was a little boy
your generation grew up in a stable society and look at the disgusting shithole you created for the next one to grow up in.
i hope you live for a very long time so you can witness gen Z and al'pha systematically burn all your garbage and erase the legacy of your existence from history.
Holy shit they were cooking p2p from benzyl cyanide probably ordered from China
that is so fucking old school like 80's meth cooking, nobody does that anymore. Apparently you can just order 1000 drums with a business license? Just trying to order that shit in the west will get you put on a list
Originally posted by Kev
most of asia lives in dirt poor nigger-like conditions, case in point
So any country outside of the west is just a nigger, yeah okay. You don't understand anything about the world, global economy or culture of humanity anywhere. You are about as educated as a white trash nigger