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Poll: What would speedy do without a search engine?

Speedy would probably kill himself if google didn’t exist

  1. #41
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    only youn officer only you. Fat ass cop
  2. #42
    Grylls Cum Looking Faggot [abrade this vocal tread-softly]
    Are you up really really late or really really early
  3. #43
    Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood only youn officer only you. Fat ass cop

    whatever you ratfaced karen, you would make the greatest pig ever if your low IQ didnt hold you back from passing the donut exam.
  4. #44
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by Grylls Are you up really really late or really really early

    I Dont even know anymore my sleep eschedule is waking up at 4am and passing the fuck out artound 10pm I dont feel like I ever slep reeally I am just awake all the time IDK esccpt for really late at night so I nevr really miss anything
  5. #45
    Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by Kev donut exam.

  6. #46
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Making fun of one of my motorized toys doesn't make you get from point a to point b.

    no its just for fun.
  7. #47
    Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny no its just for fun.

    I guess it beats walking or taking a bus

  8. #48
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker I guess it beats walking or taking a bus

    guess ?

    for simple facts such as this ?
  9. #49
    Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny guess ?

    for simple facts such as this ?

    The only simple fact is that your life sucks. No guess work needed.
  10. #50
    Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by niggerfagjedihandsome and well tanned individualfuckfestalliGAYtor wrong answer, cock jockey.

    there was a plausibility scenario not too long ago about how they would accomplish it.

    A bold statement with no substance. First there Navy is not capable of long range sustained operation. It doesn't even have viable aircraft carriers as its jets are not naval aircraft. Which means just to take off and land from the diesel carriers they have the craft can only carry half of the fuel and no ordinance.

    Second even if they atta ked through Mexico the beachhead would not be held due to logistics and supply problems that come with lack of air superiority.

    Third even if they did manage to somehow get boots on US soil like Yamato said, there is gun behind every blade of grass.

    Fourth is something your alleged scenario certainly did account for is a thing called moral. US troops serve because they want to and believe in what they fight for. Chinese soldiers serve because of they don't they will be jailed or worse. It's hard to imagine they are fighting for anything but their own ass.

    And finally back to if they did an invasion via Mexico and did get boots on US soil they would be fucked three ways. In Sun Tzus' terms the would be, at same time, on heavy ground, bad ground, and ground of contention.

    On heavy ground you plunder but that the American Southwest and a very unforgiving stingy wilderness.

    On bad ground you keep going except it is asl ground of contention on which you do not attack. Unfortunately they only way they could keep going to get off bad ground would be to attack from ground of contention.

    Did your silly scenario factor any of the above into their table top general experience?
  11. #51
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker A bold statement with no substance. First there Navy is not capable of long range sustained operation. It doesn't even have viable aircraft carriers as its jets are not naval aircraft. Which means just to take off and land from the diesel carriers they have the craft can only carry half of the fuel and no ordinance.

    Second even if they atta ked through Mexico the beachhead would not be held due to logistics and supply problems that come with lack of air superiority.

    Third even if they did manage to somehow get boots on US soil like Yamato said, there is gun behind every blade of grass.

    Fourth is something your alleged scenario certainly did account for is a thing called moral. US troops serve because they want to and believe in what they fight for. Chinese soldiers serve because of they don't they will be jailed or worse. It's hard to imagine they are fighting for anything but their own ass.

    And finally back to if they did an invasion via Mexico and did get boots on US soil they would be fucked three ways. In Sun Tzus' terms the would be, at same time, on heavy ground, bad ground, and ground of contention.

    On heavy ground you plunder but that the American Southwest and a very unforgiving stingy wilderness.

    On bad ground you keep going except it is asl ground of contention on which you do not attack. Unfortunately they only way they could keep going to get off bad ground would be to attack from ground of contention.

    Did your silly scenario factor any of the above into their table top general experience?

    1990 called. they want their military analysises back.

    in 2021 with the advent of hypersonics the US DoD has already classified all aircraft carrier as 'sitting-duck' class vessels.

    china will never want to invade mainland US because the US is a dirty mullatto whore with a huge swath of ungovernable untermenchens. they're neither useful nor productive.

    and even in the highly unlikely event that they do, there arent enough trees or guns for every "patriotic" obese american to bear and hide behind to defend themselves and fight advancing china drones and tanks and APCs.

    "gun behind every blade of grass" belong in muzeums.

  12. #52
    Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny

    1990 called. they want their military analysises back.

    in 2021 with the advent of hypersonics the US DoD has already classified all aircraft carrier as 'sitting-duck' class vessels.

    china will never want to invade mainland US because the US is a dirty mullatto whore with a huge swath of ungovernable untermenchens. they're neither useful nor productive.

    and even in the highly unlikely event that they do, there arent enough trees or guns for every "patriotic" obese american to bear and hide behind to defend themselves and fight advancing china drones and tanks and APCs.

    "gun behind every blade of grass" belong in muzeums.

    Yeah, I am going to take military analysis seriously from some fake chink that can't do enough with his own life to afford a car.

  13. #53
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker a car is the pinacle of a mans achievement and credibility

  14. #54
    Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny

  15. #55
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker I would say New York, it's just as fucked up but with fucking snow on top.
    Exclusive to the states cities or just in general. People don't know it but less than 100 miles from San Francisco or LA it does snow. like really hard and very deep like me doing all of your mothers!
  16. #56
    Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready Exclusive to the states cities or just in general. People don't know it but less than 100 miles from San Francisco or LA it does snow. like really hard and very deep like me doing all of your mothers!

    Yes Big Bear
  17. #57
    Grylls Cum Looking Faggot [abrade this vocal tread-softly]
    Yo let this thread die now pls
  18. #58
    Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by Grylls Yo let this thread die now pls

  19. #59
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Lets all have a knife figh

    I WIN
  20. #60
    Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready Lets all have a knife figh

    I WIN

    Not against two of these. On my belt any time I leave my property.

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