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How come the pedos on this site are never the ones to die?

  1. #1
    Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    I think it could be that pedos tend to live less of a risky lifestyle than most other criminals. I think of them Sophie is the one who uses the most/deadliest drugs but his paranoia and narcissism keeps him from taking too many risks.

    Most others are loner types (which many, but not all, who have passed lately may identify as) which is also the vast majority of this website, however when mixing dangerous drugs can be very deadly. I propose we send every member who likes anything other than hawt MILES half a G of pure carfent and see who is left afterwards as a sort of darwinist exercise.

    Post your sexual preferences and addresses below
  2. #2
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    They engage in some dark voodoo

    I hope rock nose is dead

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  3. #3
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I'll take free carfent, Just ship it to a safe house first, i'll make arrangements with the people that operate said safe house.
  4. #4
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood They engage in some dark voodoo

    I hope rock nose is dead

    I was trying to find the right part of that video when I saw this thread
  5. #5
    Meikai Heck This Schlong
    I accidentally think a lot of anime girls are cute and then it turns out they're 17 because every anime character is in high school still. Am I a pedo?
  6. #6
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Dude.. I can't believe the cartoon said that.
    South Park is weird but times funny except that hit every subject but Mohammed .. they dun wanna die but Jesus is ok?
  7. #7
    Originally posted by Meikai I accidentally think a lot of anime girls are cute and then it turns out they're 17 because every anime character is in high school still. Am I a pedo?

    Being attracted to drawings whilst being creepy as fuck isn't being a pedophile no.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  8. #8
    Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Holy fuck I misspelled milfs because of fucking auto correct

    Idk if you can say that you are a pedo for being turned on by drawings/literature because the words and pictures have to be interpreted by the beholder and your brain can subconsciously construe things differently that aren't dependant on age. I guess in theory the same can be said about visual materials but you kinda have to seek them out in the first place by looking up creepy stuff

    Lucy is not a pedo, she is a treasure

    Also I'm literally thinking of joining the Sierra club or at least seeking as much info as I can and perhaps make a donation
  9. #9
    troon African Astronaut
    I don't have much issue with pedos when it's just fetish/fantasy. I mean, keep the little 'uns away from them, but otherwise whatever. It's when someone has the combination of monkey-grade morals and the empathy of a lizzard, and starts manipulating and fucking kids that they've become sub-human sickos.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  10. #10
    Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by troon I don't have much issue with pedos when it's just fetish/fantasy. I mean, keep the little 'uns away from them, but otherwise whatever. It's when someone has the combination of monkey-grade morals and the empathy of a lizzard, and starts manipulating and fucking kids that they've become sub-human sickos.

    It's a very slippery slope. I recently found out someone who lives nearby was charged with cp offenses, then used social engineering to get a bunch of info about him, learning that he had a daughter with cerebral palsy who lived in his house. I was undergoing some personal turmoil about what to do when his name appeared on my newsfeed charging him with gross physical acts. He is currently remanded in custody.

    Everyone knows that crimes (especially of desire) are usually progressive unless paradigm shifting steps are taken to ensure this does not occur again. For someone with a proclivity towards chillins it's stupid to give them the benefit of the doubt. It's not worth the societal risk that they might be able to control themselves when nobody even knows how they can do that without chemicals and bullets
  11. #11
    Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    SWIM fantasizes about dropping pedos on da daily but it's really just a justifiable target for his tumultuous emotional issues. Maybe he'll catch one, maybe he won't, who knows? Allah that's who, he sent that guy in custody for reasons that are pretty obvious
  12. #12
    troon African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sudo It's a very slippery slope. I recently found out someone who lives nearby was charged with cp offenses, then used social engineering to get a bunch of info about him, learning that he had a daughter with cerebral palsy who lived in his house.

    Originally posted by Sudo SWIM fantasizes about dropping pedos on da daily but it's really just a justifiable target for his tumultuous emotional issues. Maybe he'll catch one, maybe he won't, who knows?

    I think we have one word for what's really a wide range of conditions. A sex crime by e.g. a random stranger, an authority figure, a relative, a sibling, a parent, and the motivations from each can themselves be different. Pretty much all discussion on the subject is tabloid-grade fury.

    To me, this seems counter-productive if only for the reason that kids tend to take the emotional brunt, even though they're the ones who have been manipulated and abused. All the "IT'S FUCKING DISGUSTING!" reactions just make victims feel shitty about themselves. They are probably often groomed to believe they they were the instigators, that they weren't actually exploited and abused.

    I'm not saying don't flick the switch on someone like Sophie, sometimes there's no better way, but there should be a more nuanced discussion on the wider issues, but without the usual pearl-clutching.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  13. #13
    Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by troon I think we have one word for what's really a wide range of conditions. A sex crime by e.g. a random stranger, an authority figure, a relative, a sibling, a parent, and the motivations from each can themselves be different. Pretty much all discussion on the subject is tabloid-grade fury.

    To me, this seems counter-productive if only for the reason that kids tend to take the emotional brunt, even though they're the ones who have been manipulated and abused. All the "IT'S FUCKING DISGUSTING!" reactions just make victims feel shitty about themselves. They are probably often groomed to believe they they were the instigators, that they weren't actually exploited and abused.

    I'm not saying don't flick the switch on someone like Sophie, sometimes there's no better way, but there should be a more nuanced discussion on the wider issues, but without the usual pearl-clutching.

    Well "society" needs to be disgusted and hold such behavior to be abhorrent because reporting sex crimes against children requires people in the child's periphery to be vigilant. Thats why you hear about so many historical sex changes because the victim went their whole childhood without anyone to turn to and nobody to look out for them. I think recognizing signs of abuse and not stigmatizing victims are definitely steps in the right direction. Someone who's opinion I respect suggested parents should give kids massages to teach them boundaries and what is ok to touch and what isn't which I think is a little much but can have value.

    Pearl clutching (being stubborn with your values) is much better than trying to make gray shades out of something that is pretty black and white. I think it's pretty clear there are groups pushing pro pedo agendas so pushing back by reinforcing what everyone who isn't a piece of shit knows (chillins not for sexin) is pretty much the least you can do
  14. #14
    troon African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sudo Well "society" needs to be disgusted … and not stigmatizing victims

    Those two things are mutually exclusive. The question of disgust is more about what the disgust is targeted at - the biological actions of sex or the emotional exploitation and selfish abuse of trust? I'd say 'society' is a lot more fixated on the former than the latter.

    I'd be surprised to find any pedo-activism that isn't just cope. I doubt it's an easy slope to slide down.
  15. #15
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    Sudo you are such a fucking normie retard and an ex con. Everything you talk is jail talk youre all about jail talk and low level lowlife shit of the lowlife scums in jails or on the street. You have no morality or thought process. You dont care about "saving dem childen" and everything you do is only to benefit you or your drug habit. and teenagers are not childen anyway especially if you knew how sexually curious some of thema re or what they know and talk about on their own time youd be really surprised like those dads who find their daughters cell phone open and text messages what they contain. plus if 15 is legal or 16 in europe than obviously not everyone agrees with you or your ex con jail talk.
  16. #16
    The killer must be a pedo.
  17. #17
    troon African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Wariat Everything you talk is…

    that sentence coming from wariat
  18. #18
    Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by troon Those two things are mutually exclusive. The question of disgust is more about what the disgust is targeted at - the biological actions of sex or the emotional exploitation and selfish abuse of trust? I'd say 'society' is a lot more fixated on the former than the latter.

    I'd be surprised to find any pedo-activism that isn't just cope. I doubt it's an easy slope to slide down.

    I getcha. I think abusing positions of trust are definitely extenuating circumstances and at least sentencing guidelines in my country reflect that. I remember hearing when I was a yungin that rape is about power (which everything is...duh...lrn2nietzche) and that's where the exploitation comes in.

    If I get your point it's that the systems of power need to be rearranged so as not to structurally exploit chillins a la netflixes Cuties!!!

    A good place to start is for fathers to stop being lazy niggers and allowing their daughters to fall prey to other men whose motivation for gratification trumps the girls fathers desire for preservation. Being angry and feeling a visceral reaction (or, without that, feeling that you should and everyone will think you're a piece of shit if you don't doesn't really hurt anybody of value
  19. #19
    Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by Wariat Sudo you are such a fucking normie retard and an ex con. Everything you talk is jail talk youre all about jail talk and low level lowlife shit of the lowlife scums in jails or on the street. You have no morality or thought process. You dont care about "saving dem childen" and everything you do is only to benefit you or your drug habit. and teenagers are not childen anyway especially if you knew how sexually curious some of thema re or what they know and talk about on their own time youd be really surprised like those dads who find their daughters cell phone open and text messages what they contain. plus if 15 is legal or 16 in europe than obviously not everyone agrees with you or your ex con jail talk.

    TIL according to a pedo I would like to hurt pedophiles like him because it will somehow result in drugs

    1. Kill pedophiles
    2. ???
    3. Opiates

    Why? Because jail
  20. #20
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Sudo TIL according to a pedo I would like to hurt pedophiles like him because it will somehow result in drugs

    1. Kill pedophiles
    2. ???
    3. Opiates

    Why? Because jail

    I wonder

    if we were to smack him around like a pinata

    would oxy fall out
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
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