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Question about one night stands

  1. #61
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by aldra I remember seeing snippets of her porno when that came out and being alarmed at the size of her clit

    Lol. Her vagina is your morning alarm clock.

    Yeah she was one of the OGs.

    A night in Paris.

    A night in Chyna.

    That's the only two I really remember other than the Pamela Anderson one.
  2. #62
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    yeah I didn't find any of them particularly arousing to be honest.

    Chyna might as well have a baby dick
    the night vision in the Paris video made it look like he was banging an emaciated hulk
    I can't remember much about the Pam Anderson one except that it was on a boat
  3. #63
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by aldra yeah I didn't find any of them particularly arousing to be honest.

    Chyna might as well have a baby dick
    the night vision in the Paris video made it look like he was banging an emaciated hulk
    I can't remember much about the Pam Anderson one except that it was on a boat

    You summed it up.

    I do believe Chyna did give a decent blowjob though that could be a placebo memory.

    Yes Paris and the night eyes. I don't think she even smiled once.

    And yeah Pam was on a boat. With Tommy Lee. I think she gave a pretty good blowjob too.

    I think I probably jacked off one time to each of them respectively, one time each. Probably didn't even cum.

    I feel like I had a better time jerkin it to Halle Berry getting fictionally (but also actually) fucked by Billy Bob Thornton in Monster's Ball.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  4. #64
    Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by aldra doesn't matter, the only way it'll ever happen is through rape, which is illegal even in poland

    You know a crime is truly heinous if it’s illegal… even in Poland.
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