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STICK IT, Damn It!

  1. You won't take this deadly shot? How about a deadly pill?
  2. stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    Originally posted by stl1 Their discoveries, published in 2005, paved the way for the development of the Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna vaccines, which have already been injected into more than a billion people worldwide.

    Speculum, you're sounding stupider with each and every single injection.
  3. Originally posted by Technologist That’s right St1. Every thing has changed, even the meaning of words😂
    Remember what you see and hear are not real also.
    My gawd there are some real idiots out there.


    văk-sēn′, văk′sēn″

    A preparation of a weakened or killed pathogen, such as a bacterium or virus, or of a portion of the pathogen's structure that upon administration to an individual stimulates antibody production or cellular immunity against the pathogen but is incapable of causing severe infection.A preparation from the cowpox virus that protects against smallpox when administered to an individual.A software program designed to detect and stop the progress of computer viruses.

    The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.
    More at Wordnik
  4. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by stl1 SWALLOW IT, damn it!

    you swallow it you fucking faggot
  5. stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    Suck on it!
  6. Originally posted by stl1 Speculum, you're sounding stupider with each and every single injection.

    The smart people will NEVER ingest or inject your experimental, deadly and toxic poisons. Get used to it. Then again, you'll probably be dead within two years.
  7. Originally posted by Kev you swallow it you fucking faggot

    he preffers suppositories.
  8. stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    Vinny prefers puffers.
  9. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by stl1 Vinny prefers puffers.

    you prefer a hot beef injection
  10. stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    Doctors grow frustrated over COVID-19 denial, misinformation
    By HEATHER HOLLINGSWORTH, Associated Press

    The COVID-19 patient's health was deteriorating quickly at a Michigan hospital, but he was having none of the doctor's diagnosis. Despite dangerously low oxygen levels, the unvaccinated man didn't think he was that sick and got so irate over a hospital policy forbidding his wife from being at his bedside that he threatened to walk out of the building.

    Dr. Matthew Trunsky didn’t hold back in his response: “You are welcome to leave, but you will be dead before you get to your car,’” he said.

    Such exchanges have become all-too-common for medical workers who are growing weary of COVID-19 denial and misinformation that have made it exasperating to treat unvaccinated patients during the delta-driven surge.

    He commonly hears patients tell him they haven't done enough research on the COVID-19 vaccines. Rest assured, he tells them, the vaccine developers have done their homework.

    The Associated Press asked six doctors from across the country to describe the types of misinformation and denial they see on a daily basis and how they respond to it.

    They describe being aggravated at the constant requests to be prescribed the veterinary parasite drug Ivermectin, with patients lashing out at doctors when they are told that it's not a safe coronavirus treatment. An Illinois family practice doctor has patients tell him that microchips are embedded in vaccines as part of a ploy to take over people's DNA. A Louisiana doctor has resorted to showing patients a list of ingredients in Twinkies, reminding those who are skeptical about the makeup of vaccines that everyday products have lots of safe additives that no one really understands.

    Here are their stories:

    LOUISIANA DOCTOR: ‘Just stop looking at Facebook’

    When patients tell Dr. Vincent Shaw that they don’t want the COVID-19 vaccine because they don’t know what’s going into their bodies, he pulls up the ingredient list for a Twinkie.

    “Look at the back of the package,” Shaw, a family physician in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. “Tell me you can pronounce everything on the back of that package. Because I have a chemistry degree, I still don’t know what that is.”

    He also commonly hears patients tell him they haven’t done enough research about the vaccines. Rest assured, he tells them, the vaccine developers have done their homework.

    Then there are the fringe explanations: “They’re putting a tracker in and it makes me magnetic.”

    Another explanation left him speechless: “The patient couldn’t understand why they were given this for free, because humanity in and of itself is not nice and people aren’t nice and nobody would give anything away. So there’s no such thing as inherent good nature of man. And I had no comeback from that.”

    People who get sick with mild cases insist that they have natural immunity. “No, you’re not a Superman or Superwoman,” he tells them.

    He said one of the biggest issues is social media, as evidenced by the many patients who describe what they saw on Facebook in deciding against getting vaccinated. That mindset has spawned memes about the many Americans who got their degrees at the University of Facebook School of Medicine.

    “I am like, ‘No, no, no, no, no.’ I shake my head, ‘No, no. That is not right, no, no. Stop, stop, just stop looking at Facebook.’”

    DALLAS ER DOCTOR: Baffled at how he's ‘lost all credibility’ with anti-vaccine patients

    Dr. Stu Coffman has patients tell him they are scared about vaccine side effects. They don’t trust the regulatory approval process and raise disproven concerns that the vaccine will harm their fertility. He said the most unexpected thing someone told him was that there was “actually poison in the mRNA vaccine” — a baseless rumor that originated online.

    He is confounded by the pushback.

    “If you’ve got a gunshot wound or stab wound or you’re having a heart attack, you want to see me in the emergency department,” he said. “But as soon as we start talking about a vaccine, all of a sudden I’ve lost all credibility.”

    He said the key to overcoming hesitancy is to figure out where it originates. He said when people come to him with concerns about fertility, he can point to specific research showing that the vaccine is safe and their issues are unfounded.

    But he says there's no hope in changing the minds of people who think the vaccines are laced with poison. "I’m probably not going to be able to show you anything that convinces you otherwise.”

    And he thinks he could change people’s minds about the vaccine if they could follow him around for a shift as he walks past the beds of the sick and dying, almost all of whom are unvaccinated.

    KENTUCKY: Political views come into clear focus after diagnosis

    Dr. Ryan Stanton recently had a patient who began their conversation by saying, “I'm not afraid of any China virus.” From that point on, he knew what he was up against in dealing with the patient's politics and misguided beliefs about the virus.

    Stanton blamed people like far-right conspiracy theorist Alex Jones for spreading some of the misinformation that has taken root among his patients. Among them is that the vaccine contains fetal cells. Another said it “is a simple fact that the vaccine has killed millions.”

    “In fact," he said, “that couldn’t be more wrong.”

    It's tough to watch, especially after living through the early surges. On his worst shift last fall, an elderly nursing home patient arrived, close to death. She hadn’t seen her family in months, so staff wheeled her outside in the ambulance bay so her relatives could say their goodbyes from 20 feet away. He snapped a picture of the scene so he could remember the horror.

    There was hope after the vaccines arrived, but then came the delta variant and a slowdown in immunizations.

    “Really it amazes me the number of people who have this huge fear, conspiracy theory about vaccines and will honest to God try anything, including a veterinary medicine, to get better,” said Stanton.

    MICHIGAN PULMONOLOGIST: Facebook post unleashes his frustration

    For Trunsky, the vaccine pushback grew so intense that he turned to Facebook to describe the ire he confronts on a daily basis at his hospital in Troy, Michigan. The post listed eight encounters he had in the two previous days alone in which COVID-19 patients explained misinformation-fueled reasons for not getting vaccines or made demands for unproven treatments.

    Example No. 5 was a patient who said he’d rather die than take the vaccine. Trunsky’s response: “You may get your wish.”

    He has heard a litany of misinformation about the vaccine: They say it’s not proven and only experimental when in fact it is not. Others tell him the vaccine is a “personal choice and that the government shouldn’t tell me what to do.” He also has heard patients tell them they are too sick and didn’t want to risk the side effects of the vaccine. One young mother told him she wasn’t vaccinated because she was breastfeeding, although her pediatrician and obstetrician urged her it was safe. She had to be hospitalized but eventually got a shot.

    Others, though, take out their anger on health care providers. Some threaten to call attorneys if they don’t get a prescription for Ivermectin, commonly used by veterinarians to kill worms and parasites. The drug can cause harmful side effects and there’s little evidence it helps with the coronavirus.

    He estimates that he has cared for 100 patients who have died since the pandemic began, including the man who threatened to walk out of the hospital.

    ILLINOIS FAMILY PHYSICIAN: Traces misinformation back to Scripture, Nicki Minaj

    Dr. Carl Lambert hears lots of wild misinformation from his patients. Some comes from the Bible interpretations; some originates from the rapper Nicki Minaj.

    Some of it is the stuff of internet conspiracy theories, like there's a chip in the vaccine that will take over their DNA.

    “Impossible scientifically," says the family physician in Chicago. He also hears patients tell him that the vaccine will weaken their immune systems. He responds: “Immunology 101. Vaccines help your immune system."

    Recently he received a flurry of messages from patients who were worried about damage to their testicles — a rumor he ultimately traced back to an erroneous tweet from Minaj alleging that the vaccine causes impotence.

    “And I was like, ‘That’s outlandish. That’s a bit outrageous.' So a lot of just kind of counseling that I did not expect to have to do."

    Some of the misinformation is delivered from the pulpit, he said. People have sent him sermons of preachers saying the vaccine is “ungodly or there’s something in it that will mark you," a reference to a verse in Revelation about the “mark of the beast” that some Christians cite in not getting vaccinated.

    “There’s a mixture of like almost fear ... and saying, “Hey, if you do this, maybe you’re not as faithful as you should be as, say, a Christian.'"

    Most common, though, is patients just wanting to wait, uneasy with how quickly the vaccine was developed. But he warns them, “Please do not try to wait out a pandemic. A pandemic will win.”

    He said his job is “a lot of just dismantling what people have heard," answering their questions and reassuring them that “vaccines work like this just like when we were kids."

    He has had some luck lately in changing minds. “I’ve had patients that maybe four months ago said ‘You are wasting your time. Dr. Lambert, I don’t want to hear you talking about it.’ And they’ll come back and say, ‘Hey, you know what? I’ve been watching the news. I’ve seen some stuff. I think I’m ready now.’

    UTAH DOCTOR: Fear of vaccine side effects, then fear of dying

    When Dr. Elizabeth Middleton talks to COVID-19 patients about why they aren’t vaccinated, they often cite fear of side effects. But as they get sicker and sicker, a different sort of fear sets in.

    “They sort of have this sinking look about them, like ‘Oh, my God. This is happening to me. I should have been vaccinated,’” said the pulmonary critical care doctor at the University of Utah hospital in Salt Lake City.

    She hears often that the vaccine was developed too quickly. “Who are you to judge the speed of science?” she wonders.

    Also frustrating is the idea among some patients that there is a “secret agenda” behind getting vaccinated.

    “‘There must be something wrong if everyone is forcing us to do this or everyone wants us to do this,’” patients tell her. “And my response to that is, ‘They are urging you to do it because we are in an emergency. This is a pandemic. It is a national and international crisis. That is why we are pushing it.’”

    Getting through to patients and their families is a “delicate line,” she says. She tries not to disrupt the patient-doctor relationship by pushing vaccines too hard. But often the people who have been on ventilators need no convincing.

    “They are like, ’Tell everyone that they have to be vaccinated. I want to call my family. They need to be vaccinated.’”
  11. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]

    Hey stl, here's some actual news by actual journalists.
  13. Originally posted by Donald Trump

    Hey stl, here's some actual news by actual journalists.

    St|1 will be here shortly to shoot the messenger.
  14. Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by stl1


  15. This is my favorite one so far.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  16. Originally posted by Donald Trump

    This is my favorite one so far.

  17. Even the CDC and the WHO openly admit the experimental and dangerous mRNA gene therapy was never designed to prevent transmission of any virus, only lessen symptoms (doesn't even do that). Most ignorant idiots actually think the shot prevents transmission. That's how truly clueless they really are.
  18. stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    The LA Times
    Pfizer vaccine's protection wanes over time, and not because of Delta, study says
    Melissa Healy

    Research conducted in Southern California has confirmed the dramatic erosion of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine’s protection against “breakthrough” coronavirus infections.

    The new study, one of the largest and longest to track the effectiveness of a vaccine in Americans, found that the vaccine's ability to protect against infection stood at 88% in its first month, then fell to 47% after just five months.

    But even as the Delta variant became the predominant strain across the Southland, the vaccine's effectiveness at preventing COVID-19 hospitalizations held steady at close to 90% for as long as six months. What's more, it maintained that power across vaccine recipients of all age groups.

    The study, funded by Pfizer and published Monday in the journal Lancet, also provides strong new evidence that the waning immunity against infection probably would have been seen with or without the arrival of the Delta variant.

    The researchers, led by infectious disease epidemiologist Sara Tartof of Kaiser Permanente Southern California, drew on several findings to conclude the Delta variant was not the driving factor in the vaccine’s waning efficacy against infection. Instead, the passage of time appeared to be the key to a vaccinated person’s resurgent vulnerability.

    For starters, Tartof and her colleagues found that a fresh inoculation with the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine protected just as well against an infection with the Delta variant as it did against infection with other versions of the coronavirus.

    Second, the vaccine’s ability to keep vaccinated people out of the hospital remained high across a span of time when the Delta variant gained ground in Southern California.

    And third, breakthrough infections were more closely linked to the amount of time that had lapsed since vaccination than they were to the particular viral variant involved.

    By showing that waning immunity, not the Delta variant, was the likely reason for the rise in breakthrough infections, the study suggests it may not be necessary to reformulate a Pfizer-BioNTech booster that specifically targets Delta. For now, at least, a third shot identical to the first two would probably extend the vaccine’s early record of protection against all strains, including Delta, Tartof said.

    The Southern California research scoured the medical records of 3,436,957 patients ages 12 and older who were enrolled in Kaiser Permanente Southern California’s healthcare system between mid-December and early August. Close to 2.3 million of them remained unvaccinated during that period, while just over 1 million received two doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, now known as Comirnaty.

    The rates of SARS-CoV-2 infection, as well as of hospitalization for COVID-19, were tallied for both groups of patients and compared for as long as six months.

    The protection provided by Comirnaty beyond six months has been an open question, hinted at only by Israeli studies that suggest COVID-19 hospitalization rates rise in those above 60 years of age.

    In another recent study, researchers from Emory University and Stanford found that six months after being inoculated with Comirnaty, roughly half of 56 young and middle-aged adults had no detectable neutralizing antibodies against the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The reduced immunity was particularly dramatic against the coronavirus variants Delta, Beta and Mu.

    That study was posted last week on BioRXiv, a site where researchers share preliminary work before it has been peer-reviewed. But its findings of “a substantial waning of antibody responses" — as well as a drop in the immunity provided by T cells — suggest that a third booster immunization “might be warranted,” its authors wrote.

    The Lancet study reflects a very large and diverse population of Californians who are still being tracked. As such, it is poised to offer U.S. policymakers some insight into who needs boosters most, and when.

    “We really do need to track closely to make sure we catch it quickly if it does happen,” Tartof said in an interview.

    She said the Kaiser Permanente team, in collaboration with Pfizer, continues to analyze its data weekly. The team is poised to alert public health officials if hospitalizations begin to creep up in any slice of the population, she added.
  19. Originally posted by stl1 I prefers puffers.

    i c.
  20. stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    Pfizer Covid shot protects people from hospitalization even as effectiveness against infection falls, Lancet study confirms
    Berkeley Lovelace Jr.

    Researchers found the effectiveness of the Pfizer vaccines against delta variant infections was 93% a month after the second dose and fell to 53% after four months.

    By comparison, effectiveness against other non-delta variants was 97% after a month and declined to 67% after four months, according to the study.

    The effectiveness of Pfizer and BioNTech's Covid-19 vaccine against infection tumbles over several months, falling from a peak of 88% a month after receiving the two-shot series to 47% six months later, according to an observational study published Monday in the peer-reviewed journal The Lancet.

    While the two-dose mRNA vaccine's efficacy against infection wanes, its protection against Covid-related hospitalizations persists, remaining 90% effective for all coronavirus variants of concern — including delta — for at least six months, according to the study, which was funded by Pfizer.

    The findings confirm early reports from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Israeli health officials that found the protection against infection falls over several months even as its effectiveness in keeping people out of the hospital held up.

    "Protection against infection does decline in the months following a second dose," said Dr. Sara Tartof, an epidemiologist at Kaiser Permanente and the study's lead author. Kaiser Permanente conducted the research with Pfizer.

    The published data comes less than two weeks after U.S. health regulators approved distributing booster shots of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine to an array of Americans, including the elderly and other adults deemed at high risk. Only a limited number of recipients who originally received Pfizer's vaccines are eligible to get boosters at this time. The new policy will make third Pfizer doses available to roughly 60 million people, 20 million of whom were immediately eligible, President Joe Biden said late last month.

    A key Food and Drug Administration advisory committee is scheduled to hold a two-day meeting next week to discuss whether health regulators should recommend booster shots for those who received Moderna or Johnson & Johnson's vaccines.

    Booster shots have been a contentious topic for scientists — in and outside the government — especially as many people in the U.S. and other parts of the world have yet to receive even one dose of a vaccine.

    The findings published Monday evening were based on more than 3.4 million electronic health records from the Kaiser Permanente Southern California health system between Dec. 4 and Aug. 8. During the study period, the proportion of positive cases attributed to the delta variant increased from 0.6% in April to nearly 87% by July.

    Researchers found the Pfizer vaccine's effectiveness against delta variant infections was 93% a month after the second dose and fell to 53% four months later. By comparison, effectiveness against other non-delta variants was 97% after a month and declined to 67% after four months, according to the study.

    Effectiveness against delta-related hospitalizations remained high at 93% for the duration of the study period, the researchers said.

    The decline in efficacy for infection is "most likely due to waning and not caused by delta or other variants escaping vaccine protection," Pfizer chief medical officer for vaccines Dr. Luis Jodar said.

    "Our variant-specific analysis clearly shows that the BNT162b2 vaccine is effective against all current variants of concern, including delta," he said in a release published alongside the study.
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