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I just made a linkedin profile

  1. #1
    Lanny Bird of Courage
    And it was some straight faggot shit. Like 20 screens of dumb ass questions I didn't want to answer and at least 3 attempts to get access to literally my entire email account. I only signed up because I applied to a job that literally wouldn't let you submit an application without a linkedin profile. Fuck linked in, fuck professional networking, and fuck the parasitic cunts who not only make this an acceptable thing but a mandatory part of being a professional in 2016. All yall niggers can suck my business cock.

    P.S. I'm basically the Charles Bukowski of programming
  2. #2
    Kek Houston
    Fuck linked in, fuck professional networking, and fuck the parasitic cunts who not only make this an acceptable thing but a mandatory part of being a professional in 2016.
    Nigga, I feel that. Fuck those fuckers trying to group you into this bullshit.

    P.S. I'm basically the Charles Bukowski of programming

    I believe it.
  3. #3
    They charge money to post in topics and forums.
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