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Fona 10-1-2021

  1. #1
    Fonaplats victim of incest [daylong jump-start that nome]
    Busting my balls at work today.
    Glad I have something to do at least.
    I overdrafted my bank account last night and got charged $36.
    Damn it.

    Anyways, not looking like much is going on this weekend.
    Maybe Ill head to Trader's World flea market.
    Perhaps Ill work on my car...
    Or maybe, just maybe, Ill pay $1000 to go shoot a Zebra.
    Yes, they do have Zebra hunting in Ohio and I could use a new coat.

    Some bitch cane into work today dressed like a fucking rainbow 🌈 so I asked her if her and her girlfriend were going out this weekend and she said "Im not a lesbian!" and I was like "woah, my bad girly. Why you looking like a gay pride flag then?" And her response was "it's Rastafarian colors..." and ill be damned she was right.
    I still think she looks gay tho.
  2. #2
    Incessant African Astronaut
    Shit thread is shit
  3. #3
    Fonaplats victim of incest [daylong jump-start that nome]
    I got a broken light bulb stuck in a socket that I might fix.

    Maybe Ill see if this new guy at work wants to hang out.

    He remembers me from the first plastics plant i worked at as the crack head who made 30k bad parts and left them on the floor
  4. #4
    Fonaplats victim of incest [daylong jump-start that nome]
    Ill try swapping PSUs in the 486 this weekend.
    Ive just kinda been occupied relaxing after work and haven't really done much else.

    Pretty sure my cats are missing me playing with them.
    I know they dont understand.
  5. #5
    RIPtotse victim of incest [my adversative decurved garbo]
    Dude you overdrafted your account and got charged 36 fucking dollars??????

    How in the fuck do you even let this happen??

    It’s these type of things that is slowing your upward mobility in your current social/economic state. Look up sticky ends in relation to upward mobility within your current social/economic status.

    Don’t be a sticky end and you could move yourself from this lower working class poverty state you have found yourself in, and a good starting point would be NEVER overdraft your fucking account and PAY people who have access to your money.

    Solution: get a large safe and withdraw your cash from the bank as soon as it’s deposited. Cash tends to be harder for someone to spend than a stupid debit/credit card. If you insist on using your card then check your balance before every single purchase and make absolute certain you never overdraft anything.

    Once you save a few thousand never let it drop below 1k.. then 2k.. etc .. eventually you will be at the point where you never let it drop below 10k..25k..50k..100k and so on.

    It’s simple financial stability and is very important if you wish to move your social economic status into a more enjoyable bracket.

    Good luck fona
  6. #6
    Fonaplats victim of incest [daylong jump-start that nome]
    Originally posted by RIPtotse Dude you overdrafted your account and got charged 36 fucking dollars??????

    How in the fuck do you even let this happen??

    It’s these type of things that is slowing your upward mobility in your current social/economic state. Look up sticky ends in relation to upward mobility within your current social/economic status.

    Don’t be a sticky end and you could move yourself from this lower working class poverty state you have found yourself in, and a good starting point would be NEVER overdraft your fucking account and PAY people who have access to your money.

    Solution: get a large safe and withdraw your cash from the bank as soon as it’s deposited. Cash tends to be harder for someone to spend than a stupid debit/credit card. If you insist on using your card then check your balance before every single purchase and make absolute certain you never overdraft anything.

    Once you save a few thousand never let it drop below 1k.. then 2k.. etc .. eventually you will be at the point where you never let it drop below 10k..25k..50k..100k and so on.

    It’s simple financial stability and is very important if you wish to move your social economic status into a more enjoyable bracket.

    Good luck fona

    I payed off my credit cards with my checking account but it didn't post right away and I ended up buying something on Amazon and i did check my balance first but i did not realize paying my credit cards off hadnt posted yet.

    I keep about $200 in it a week for spending money and put the rest of my check in a separate savings account with a separate bank.

    I was pretty annoyed.
    To keep this from happening again I plan on leaving more cushion in my checking account and also being more careful.

    I had the money but I didn't have it where I needed it.
  7. #7
    BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Work went well.
    Back home now.
    The kitties are watching Baywatch and waking up.
    I'm about to shoot some people.
    Then Imma go buy a swing.
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