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  1. Originally posted by stl1 Covid vaccines are on the way for younger children. Here's why they're different
    By Maggie Fox and Amanda Sealy, CNN

    Vaccine maker Pfizer said Monday tests have shown its Covid-19 vaccine works well in children ages 5 to 11.

    It's now discussing these findings with the US Food and Drug Administration, and Dr. Scott Gottlieb, a former FDA commissioner who is also on the board of Pfizer who may not have direct knowledge but who certainly has the basis to make an informed guess,

    you mean the one who sat on the descision making chair in FDA that approved some of pfizers most profitable drugs that is now sitting in lofty chair on the pfizer board while getting generously renumerated for doing almost no work is a credible source of information.

    also informed guesses are just as good as uninformed guesses.
  2. stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit

    All of the idiot anti-vaxxers who think they are smarter than everyone else will have to


    A dose of Covid for their own "come-to-Jesus" moment

    Business Insider
    The leader of a Hawaii anti-vax group caught COVID-19 and masturbated. He now supports vaccines and wants his group's protests to stop. (Marianne Guenot)

    The founder of a Hawaii group opposing COVID-19 rules and vaccine mandates has asked people to stop.

    Chris Wikoff, who was recently hospitalized with COVID-19, previously dismissed it as "a little flu."

    He told local media he is considering getting vaccinated now.

    The cofounder of a Hawaiian group protesting vaccine mandates and COVID-19 rules is now calling people to end the cause after being hospitalized with the disease himself.

    Chris Wikoff, 66, said he no longer wanted to participate in the group and asked for his name to be removed from the members' list, Hawaii News Now reported Monday.

    "I want to mind my own business and isolate," he told Hawaii News Now.

    Wikoff cofounded the Aloha Freedom Coalition in October 2020 in response to a lockdown order which the group said was ruining business and threatening individual liberties, Hawaii News Now reported.

    The group now opposes vaccine mandates and vaccine passports. On Sunday it called the White House "traitors" for considering vaccine passports for air travel.

    Wikoff said he previously believed vaccine mandates and passports seemed "over-the-top totalitarian control" because he didn't believe the disease was that serious, Hawaii News Now reported.

    "We were told the COVID virus was not that deadly, it was nothing more than a little flu," he told Hawaii News Now.

    "Well, I can tell you: it's more than the little flu."

    Wikoff's change of position came after he was hospitalized after catching COVID-19 in August, per Hawaii News Now. "I was afraid I was going to die," he told the outlet.

    He urged people to stop participating in the protests and rallies his group was organizing, including those taking part outside of Hawaii's Lieutenant Governor Josh Green's house, Hawaii News Now reported.

    "Before I thought Josh Green was exaggerating the situation and after my experience, he sounds very rational to me," he said, per Hawaii News Now.

    Wikoff says now he is considering getting vaccinated because his family and doctors recommended it, Hawaii News Now reported.

    "Probably getting COVID again would be more dangerous than getting the reaction from the vaccines," he told Hawaii News Now, adding: "The COVID vaccine has been proven to be safe and effective."

    In a statement, the Aloha Freedom Coalition said it would "continue to fight against blanket mandates and for an individual's right to choose," Hawaii News Now reported.
  3. Speedy Parker Black Hole
    Originally posted by stl1 Maybe

    All of the idiot anti-vaxxers who think they are smarter than everyone else will have to


    A dose of Covid for their own "come-to-Jesus" moment

    Business Insider
    The leader of a Hawaii anti-vax group caught COVID-19 and masturbated. He now supports vaccines and wants his group's protests to stop. (Marianne Guenot)

    The founder of a Hawaii group opposing COVID-19 rules and vaccine mandates has asked people to stop.

    Chris Wikoff, who was recently hospitalized with COVID-19, previously dismissed it as "a little flu."

    He told local media he is considering getting vaccinated now.

    The cofounder of a Hawaiian group protesting vaccine mandates and COVID-19 rules is now calling people to end the cause after being hospitalized with the disease himself.

    Chris Wikoff, 66, said he no longer wanted to participate in the group and asked for his name to be removed from the members' list, Hawaii News Now reported Monday.

    "I want to mind my own business and isolate," he told Hawaii News Now.

    Wikoff cofounded the Aloha Freedom Coalition in October 2020 in response to a lockdown order which the group said was ruining business and threatening individual liberties, Hawaii News Now reported.

    The group now opposes vaccine mandates and vaccine passports. On Sunday it called the White House "traitors" for considering vaccine passports for air travel.

    Wikoff said he previously believed vaccine mandates and passports seemed "over-the-top totalitarian control" because he didn't believe the disease was that serious, Hawaii News Now reported.

    "We were told the COVID virus was not that deadly, it was nothing more than a little flu," he told Hawaii News Now.

    "Well, I can tell you: it's more than the little flu."

    Wikoff's change of position came after he was hospitalized after catching COVID-19 in August, per Hawaii News Now. "I was afraid I was going to die," he told the outlet.

    He urged people to stop participating in the protests and rallies his group was organizing, including those taking part outside of Hawaii's Lieutenant Governor Josh Green's house, Hawaii News Now reported.

    "Before I thought Josh Green was exaggerating the situation and after my experience, he sounds very rational to me," he said, per Hawaii News Now.

    Wikoff says now he is considering getting vaccinated because his family and doctors recommended it, Hawaii News Now reported.

    "Probably getting COVID again would be more dangerous than getting the reaction from the vaccines," he told Hawaii News Now, adding: "The COVID vaccine has been proven to be safe and effective."

    In a statement, the Aloha Freedom Coalition said it would "continue to fight against blanket mandates and for an individual's right to choose," Hawaii News Now reported.

    What are the "items"?
  4. He added: “It’s not gonna be white men in suits on Wall Street who are gonna get stopped. There’s such hypocrisy in this thing.”

    Newsome said he believes that black Americans “have a natural distrust of the vaccine,” citing the Tuskegee Syphilis Study in the 20th century for a reason why.

    “How dare they remove religious exemptions? It’s the most disrespectful thing I’ve ever seen,” Newsome said, adding that he believes that most vaccine mandates don’t allow religious exemption.

    “Now the government has decided your God doesn’t matter? I love God.”

    Vaccine mandates and passports confirmed for racist. Don't you believe that Black Lives Matter, stl1?
  5. stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    Beggers (and Braggards) Cant Be Choosers...Make 'Em Stick It Or Take A Hike!

    The Conversation
    Half of unvaccinated workers say they'd rather quit than get a shot – but real-world data suggest few are following through
    Ann Christiano, Director, Center for Public Interest Communications, University of Florida, Annie Neimand, Research Director and Digital Strategist for frank, College of Journalism and Communications, University of Florida, and Jack J. Barry, Postdoctoral Research Associate in Public Interest Communications, University of Florida

    Are workplace vaccine mandates prompting some employees to quit rather than get a shot?

    A hospital in Lowville, New York, for example, had to shut down its maternity ward when dozens of staffers left their jobs rather than get vaccinated. At least 125 employees at Indiana University Health resigned after refusing to take the vaccine.

    And several surveys have shown that as many as half of unvaccinated workers insist they would leave their jobs if forced to get the shot, which has raised alarms among some that more mandates could lead to an exodus of workers in many industries.

    But how many will actually follow through?

    Strong words
    In June 2021, we conducted a nationwide survey, funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, that gave us a sample of 1,036 people who mirrored the diverse makeup of the U.S. We plan to publish the survey in October.

    We asked respondents to tell us what they would do if “vaccines were required” by their employer. We prompted them with several possible actions, and they could check as many as they liked.

    We found that 16% of employed respondents would quit, start looking for other employment or both if their employer instituted a mandate. Among those who said they were “vaccine hesitant” – almost a quarter of respondents – we found that 48% would quit or look for another job.

    Other polls have shown similar results. A Kaiser Family Foundation survey put the share of workers who would quit at 50%.

    Separately, we found in our survey that 63% of all workers said a vaccine mandate would make them feel safer.

    Quieter actions
    But while it is easy and cost-free to tell a pollster you’ll quit your job, actually doing so when it means losing a paycheck you and your family may depend upon is another matter.

    And based on a sample of companies that already have vaccine mandates in place, the actual number who do resign rather than get the vaccine is much smaller than the survey data suggest.

    Houston Methodist Hospital, for example, required its 25,000 workers to get a vaccine by June 7. Before the mandate, about 15% of its employees were unvaccinated. By mid-June, that percentage had dropped to 3% and hit 2% by late July. A total of 153 workers were fired or resigned, while another 285 were granted medical or religious exemptions and 332 were allowed to defer it.

    At jedi Home Family in Rockleigh, New Jersey, only five of its 527 workers quit following its vaccine mandate. Two out of 250 workers left Westminster Village in Bloomington, Illinois, and even in deeply conservative rural Alabama, a state with one of the lowest vaccine uptake rates, Hanceville Nursing & Rehab Center lost only six of its 260 employees.

    Delta Airlines didn’t mandate a shot, but in August it did subject unvaccinated workers to a US$200 per month health insurance surcharge. Yet the airline said fewer than 2% of employees have quit over the policy.

    And at Indiana University Health, the 125 workers who quit are out of 35,800 total employees, or 0.3%.

    Making it easy
    Past vaccine mandates, such as for the flu, have led to similar outcomes: Few people actually quit their jobs over them.

    And our research suggests in public communications there are a few things employers can do to minimize the number of workers who quit over the policy.

    It starts with building trust with employees. Companies should also make it as easy as possible to get vaccinated – such as by providing on-site vaccine drives, paid time off to get the shot and deal with side effects, and support for child care or transportation.

    Finally, research shows it helps if companies engage trusted messengers including doctors, colleagues and family to share information on the vaccine.

    In other words, vaccine mandates are unlikely to result in a wave of resignations – but they are likely to lead to a boost in vaccination rates.
  6. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Throughout all human history after a pandemic is when young men impregnate old wealthy widows, property is passed down to what few children survive and the town square and market streets are empty for years, the poor all die.

    During this pandemic the poor got fat, the fat got fatter and old people got richer.

    Viruses are part of nature they keep humanity in check, the great equalizer. God does not create evil, only good. Death is a good thing and society is evil for shunning it.

    You are all sinners that deserve to die.

  7. People are getting really bad colds because of compromised immunity. The cold varieties going around are normal, but people are getting worse symptoms than normal. I definitely had something like this.
  8. stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    May the world give


    Great big-

    Assed hearty "THANK YOU!"

    Researchers who developed the mRNA technology behind Covid vaccines win "America's Nobel"
    By Maggie Fox, CNN

    Two US researchers who developed the technology that underlies both the Moderna and Pfizer/BioNTech Covid-19 vaccines won a prestigious medical prize Friday often known as "America's Nobel."

    Dr. Drew Weissman and Katalin Karikó of the University of Pennsylvania share the 2021 Lasker clinical medical research award for their work developing messenger RNA technology, the Lasker Foundation said.

    "This breakthrough enabled rapid development of highly effective Covid-19 vaccines. In addition to providing a tool for quelling a devastating pandemic, the innovation is fueling progress toward treatments and preventives for a range of different illnesses," the Foundation, which has been giving the awards since 1945, said in a statement.

    Their technology is licensed to both BioNTech, which partners with Pfizer to make its vaccine, and Moderna, whose vaccine was developed in part with US federal research funding.

    "The global impact and recognition of Weissman and Karikó's work has its roots in their years of research together at the University of Pennsylvania investigating mRNA as a potential therapeutic," the University of Pennsylvania said in a statement.

    "Their groundbreaking study published in 2005 found that their concept -- which brought fresh hope to a field beset by skepticism and false starts -- could be a reality: that mRNA could be altered and then delivered effectively into the body to initiate a protective immune response. Their method to turn cells into factories that can temporarily produce proteins that serve as therapeutic compounds or stimulate the body's immune system to attack a specific pathogen also minimizes harmful inflammatory responses."

    Georg Solti in a suit standing in front of a window: Dr. Drew Weissman and Katalin Karikó of the University of Pennsylvania© Courtesy Penn Medicine Dr. Drew Weissman and Katalin Karikó of the University of Pennsylvania
    Using RNA is a safe way to make vaccines, the foundation said. "Unlike DNA, mRNA would not threaten the recipient cell's genomic integrity because it cannot integrate into the chromosome and interrupt resident genes or wreak other mutational havoc," it said.

    The technology allows labs to make vaccines very quickly -- must faster than older technology -- and helped Pfizer and Moderna start making vaccines the day the novel coronavirus was sequenced in January of 2020.

    Karikó and Weissman will split $250,000.

    "Sometimes, we asked a question and made an experiment. And of course, instead of the answer, we got 100 more questions. It was very enjoyable. I would like to emphasize that to be a scientist is a joy," Karikó said in a statement.

    Previous winners of Lasker awards include Jonas Salk, who developed a polio vaccine, Dr. William Foege, who helped eradicate smallpox and who is a former director of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and Dr. Anthony Fauci, who is Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. Dozens of Lasker awardees have gone on to be awarded Nobel prizes.

    Dr. David Baltimore, a California Institute of Technology researcher who won a Nobel Prize for helping discover reverse transcriptase --used by some viruses to copy their genetic material -- also won a Lasker on Friday.

    Balitmore, the the founding director of the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research at MIT, is one of the world's leading HIV/AIDS researchers. He was awarded the Lasker-Koshland Award for Special Achievement in Medical Science.
  9. Originally posted by Donald Trump

    Vaccine mandates and passports confirmed for racist. Don't you believe that Black Lives Matter, stl1?

    he will once the MSM tells him that.
  10. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    IF ONLY,_environmental,_and_economic_effects

    For its time, Europe had been overpopulated before the plague, and a reduction of 30–50% of the population could have resulted in higher wages and more available land and food for peasants because of less competition for resources.

    Historian Walter Scheidel contends, that waves of plague following the initial outbreak of the Black Death had a leveling effect that changed the ratio of land to labour, reducing the value of the former while boosting that of the latter, which lowered economic inequality by making landowners and employers less well-off, while improving the lot of the workers.
    He states, that "the observed improvement in living standards of the laboring population was rooted in the suffering and premature death of tens of millions over the course of several generations." This leveling effect was reversed by a "demographic recovery that resulted in renewed population pressure."

    On the other hand, in the quarter century after the Black Death, it is clear, that in England, many labourers, artisans, and craftsmen, those living from money-wages alone, did suffer a reduction in real incomes, owing to rampant inflation."
  11. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny he will once the MSM tells him that.

    The jedis did well to grab control of the media.
  12. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    "The great population loss brought favourable results to the surviving peasants in England and Western Europe. There was increased social mobility, as depopulation further eroded the peasants' already weakened obligations to remain on their traditional holdings. Seigneurialism never recovered. Land was plentiful, wages high, and serfdom had all but disappeared. It was possible to move about and rise higher in life. Younger sons and women especially benefited."
  13. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Corona Chan was right all along...


    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  14. Originally posted by Donald Trump The jedis did well to grab control of the media.

    1933 taught them well.
  15. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood "The great population loss brought favourable results to the surviving peasants in England and Western Europe. There was increased social mobility, as depopulation further eroded the peasants' already weakened obligations to remain on their traditional holdings. Seigneurialism never recovered. Land was plentiful, wages high, and serfdom had all but disappeared. It was possible to move about and rise higher in life. Younger sons and women especially benefited."

    But this time the remaining won't be so free. In fact, they won't have any freedom or rights at all.
  16. stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    So stupid...

  17. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by stl1 So stupid…


    I want old people to die
  18. Originally posted by stl1 So stupid…


    Spoken by a self-professed sheep, who trusts his government implicitly, like a good little useful idiot.
  19. stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    I prefer that ignorant anti-vaxxers die first.
  20. Originally posted by stl1 I prefer that ignorant anti-vaxxers die first.

    With all you experimental gene therapy idiots now clogging up all the hospitals, it won't be long before you're wiped out.
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