For Arthur Finkelstein, this week might have been a vindication: Bob Dole finally started labeling Bill Clinton a "spend-and-tax liberal," using a crude but often effective strategy known as "Finkel-think" gets its name from the late gay, jedi GOP political consultant who invented it, Arthur J. Finkelstein.
1. 80% of the public doesn’t care
2. Perception, not content, is what matters most to midwits
3. The right 30-second soundbite can manipulate millions great example of perception above reality is the early tenure of George W. Bush. Did you know that he ran on an isolationist, tax the rich, anti-anti-muslim racism and income redistributionist platform? All that got forgotten as soon as 9/11 happened, and Bush had to cuck to whoever did 9/11, but the first few months of his presidency weren't half bad (although he did almost-exactly nothing to advance his common sense agenda).
Abortion is an example of a pure Finkle think issue. Abortion is shitty, and no one who is sane and who has a conscience cheerleads it. However no one who is reasonable wants it banned completly, since there are circumstances where by you might want your own wife or daughter to have an abortion, like a retard, or getting knocked up by an undesirable person.
The reality is there is no right answer when it comes to abortion, and that makes it perfect for Finkle think.
It obviously goes way beyond this. Finkle think is how they keep us divided. It's how they divide us on issues so that 50% are on one side, and 50% on another (this seems to happen ALL THE TIME in American influenced democracies, and almost never outside them).
It's how they decide what to put on the media. It's a whole strategy of population control. It's how they make us cheer our replacement (look at someone like Jigglyboo cheering on the idea of Afghan refugees - but if it wasn't a "right wing" issue, they'd be canvassing for it to be a "left wing" issue. Long story short, you will accept ze refugees and their Afghan culture).
We are controlled, well and entirely. Divide and conquer, the old tricks of empire, still in play. Anyone who uses terms like "left" or "right" or agrees to be divided by things like "pro" or "anti" abortion plays into this.