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"Put men in anti-rape training until they prove they won't rape"

  1. #1
    BummyMofo African Astronaut
    This is the new feminazi mentality.

    AOC will be knocking on your door in her formless pantsuit and red lipstick and pulled back bun hair to tell you you are going to the anti-rape gulag.

    Be ready America. And the entire world better be ready too. A condescending fat white woman is going to check your privilege and neuter you.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. #2
    I fapped to that image of AOC
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  3. #3
    Xlite African Astronaut
    Yeah lets see how many women like that comes around knocking on my door.
  4. #4
    STER0S Space Nigga [the disappointingly unanticipated slab]
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson I fapped to that image of AOC

    she does have a nice set of tits
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  5. #5
    STER0S Space Nigga [the disappointingly unanticipated slab]
    i give her face a 3 but the rest of her body is an 8.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  6. #6
    RIPtotse victim of incest [my adversative decurved garbo]
    Lol wtf

    Plz don’t rape anyone bruh that sounds absolutely horrible and I feel lucky to have escaped it from jail experiences
  7. #7
    STER0S Space Nigga [the disappointingly unanticipated slab]
    im going to answer the door with my dick in my hand
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  8. #8
    Donald Trump Black Hole
    I don't understand. If you don't rape why would you object to being asked to prove you don't rape?
  9. #9
    BummyMofo African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Donald Trump I don't understand. If you don't rape why would you object to being asked to prove you don't rape?

    It's fucking obnoxious you're telling me I have to do some kind of training course and pass a fucking test before I can be allowed into society? That's pure fascism nazishit but it's commiefag antifa caliboy flavored fascism
  10. #10
    Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Xlite Yeah lets see how many women like that comes around knocking on my door.

    since you already have a rape conviction, you would just be executed, or maybe given a prestigous post if you keep white knighting for them like the pathetic thirsty simp you are.
  11. #11
    OP is a nigger so raping women is like breathing air to him
  12. #12
    Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by BummyMofo This is the new feminazi mentality.

    AOC will be knocking on your door in her formless pantsuit and red lipstick and pulled back bun hair to tell you you are going to the anti-rape gulag.

    Be ready America. And the entire world better be ready too. A condescending fat white woman is going to check your privilege and neuter you.

    go mgtow, brother. let all the male feminist beta cucks get railroaded for some stupid bullshit rape accusation while you remain a free man.

    thanks to #metoo, employers now view women as troublemakers and a liability to the company, insurance companies are advising businesses not to hire them. men are increasingly refusing to mentor women which dooms them to remain in shittier, non essential jobs which have been canned by the plandemic, they call it a "shecession" for this.

    now jobless, they have no marriage prospects because feminists fucked up the institution of marriage and men dont wanna risk their life savings and house to a street rat.

    never interrupt your enemy while they are making a mistake, bummymofo.

    their days are numbered, the matriarchy bubble is about to pop.

    remember that afghanistan women in the 1970s were wearing miniskirts and going to college. all this clown world bullshit is the mark of a dying empire. when chaos and hardship hits, women wont be bitching about getting too much attention.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  13. #13
    Donald Trump Black Hole
    Originally posted by BummyMofo It's fucking obnoxious you're telling me I have to do some kind of training course and pass a fucking test before I can be allowed into society? That's pure fascism nazishit but it's commiefag antifa caliboy flavored fascism

    It's a perfectly reasonable thing to ask men to do. It's just like the vaccine, you have to do stuff you don't want to do sometimes for the benefit of society and the safety of everyone else.
  14. #14
    BummyMofo African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Solstice OP is a nigger so raping women is like breathing air to him

    I've never raped in my life you fucking KKK whore. You sip your mammy's period blood through a sippy straw you nasty incel virgin internetman.
  15. #15
    BummyMofo African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Kev go mgtow, brother. let all the male feminist beta cucks get railroaded for some stupid bullshit rape accusation while you remain a free man.

    thanks to #metoo, employers now view women as troublemakers and a liability to the company, insurance companies are advising businesses not to hire them. men are increasingly refusing to mentor women which dooms them to remain in shittier, non essential jobs which have been canned by the plandemic, they call it a "shecession" for this.

    now jobless, they have no marriage prospects because feminists fucked up the institution of marriage and men dont wanna risk their life savings and house to a street rat.

    never interrupt your enemy while they are making a mistake, bummymofo.

    their days are numbered, the matriarchy bubble is about to pop.

    remember that afghanistan women in the 1970s were wearing miniskirts and going to college. all this clown world bullshit is the mark of a dying empire. when chaos and hardship hits, women wont be bitching about getting too much attention.

    It's tempting but I am pro life and I support the family unit. Humanity should weed out its bullshit like these KKK whores altright pepe 4chanmen who get no pussy they will die out it is natural selection...

    Originally posted by Donald Trump It's a perfectly reasonable thing to ask men to do. It's just like the vaccine, you have to do stuff you don't want to do sometimes for the benefit of society and the safety of everyone else.

    Noted. You're marching with the feminazis. March on motherfucka
  16. #16
    STER0S Space Nigga [the disappointingly unanticipated slab]
    i can probably benefit from this program
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  17. #17
    Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by BummyMofo It's tempting but I am pro life and I support the family unit. Humanity should weed out its bullshit like these KKK whores altright pepe 4chanmen who get no pussy they will die out it is natural selection…

    i do too but the political climate makes that impossible right now. we need to let natural selection weed out the garbage as you said. when gynocracy crumbles, women will come to the bargaining table. smart women are already larping as conservative housewives right now because they see the writing on the wall. dont fall for it.

    just be patient and wait. i promise good things will come.

    in the meantime, support #metoo and support this latest antirape gulag bullshit, encourage them. the sooner they self destruct, the sooner we will be rid of them.
  18. #18
    Originally posted by BummyMofo It's fucking obnoxious you're telling me I have to do some kind of training course and pass a fucking test before I can be allowed into society? That's pure fascism nazishit but it's commiefag antifa caliboy flavored fascism

    you can always go back to apefrica if you dont like to live in civility.
  19. #19
    Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Maybe they should do like San Fransico and pay men $300 every month we don't rape.

  20. #20
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Maybe they should do like San Fransico and pay men $300 every month we don't rape.

    they should also include sex services into social security and foodstamps.
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