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Will there be a terrorist strike tommorow?

  1. #1
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    20th anniversary, maybe 9/12 instead of perhaps 9/19 ?

    And if it's a dirty bomb or a black market Soviet era Ukrainian suitcase nuke, and the surgeon General announces all medical staff report to duty. Take your posts and prepare for double or triple shifts or 72 hour straight. I ask you here and now, what will Candy do when she's baked af?

    Fuck NIS
  2. #2
    STER0S Space Nigga [the disappointingly unanticipated slab]
    National Intelligence

  3. #3
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Yeah it was joked about when the totes 2001 prewarning occured.

    Make more light of a bad situation. Especially if doctors and nurses staff are called in on some defcon level #WereAllFucked.

    And patience suffering from injuries are given wack doses of the wrong meds.

    Keep getting high, it's clearly gonnavhappen. People hate MY country but most of you are dirty leftist scum.
  4. #4
    Ajax African Astronaut [rumor the placative aphakia]
    9/11 is so cliche. Why follow in someone’s footsteps when you can make your own mark?
  5. #5
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Originally posted by Ajax 9/11 is so cliche. Why follow in someone’s footsteps when you can make your own mark?

    Interesting response. What day, month, year would you pick and why?

    And don't be obligatory silly and say 4/20 at 4:20.
  6. #6
    STER0S Space Nigga [the disappointingly unanticipated slab]
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready but most of you are dirty leftist scum.

    there are issues here in the states im conservative about and other issues im liberal about.

    i always remained in the middle and i try my best now to just not even think much about politics because it raises my blood pressure and i end up with this outrageous urge to kidnap someone.

    these left/right politicians arent even working with each other anymore... its nothing but gossip and stupid crap... this country's entire political system is being re-written and we're like a reality show for other countries to laugh and make fun of.

    i have a clue what's going on but im not in the mood anymorw sharing conspiracy theories.
  7. #7
    Ajax African Astronaut [rumor the placative aphakia]
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready Interesting response. What day, month, year would you pick and why?

    And don't be obligatory silly and say 4/20 at 4:20.

    I don’t know. 4/20 is also cliche, obviously. It would have to be something that hasn’t been done before.

    How about super 2’s day? 2/22/22 at 2:22, which happens to be a Tuesday.
  8. #8
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    What conspiracy ? That clinton, Cuomo and Obama pardon weather underground O while there fans are top doctors from radical leftist 70s and politicians like bill, hillary, barracks and New York Andy, Harris formed D.A. With WUO son replacing the DA.

    Occupy Wallstreet, Busy and Cheney as conservative democrats in those of Republican n using its platform

    Hand pick cops (some with gang tats) hand pick feds.

    20 years, let it go bro. 20 years and pullout, what was it all for. Blame Trump to occupy his entire 4 years with lawsuit after another.

    My son meth smoken pipe was deep fried
  9. #9
    Take your meds/kill yourself
  10. #10
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Originally posted by Ajax I don’t know. 4/20 is also cliche, obviously. It would have to be something that hasn’t been done before.

    How about super 2’s day? 2/22/22 at 2:22, which happens to be a Tuesday.

    happens twice. 02/02/22 as well as 02/22/22

    But noted

    Edited: 9/11 I think happened on a Tuesday too.. So I didn't catch the Tuesday as 2sDay

    How funny
  11. #11
    20 years ago we were dumb enough to blame people in fucking Afghanistan for an obvious inside job.

    Hopefully we have gotten smarter than that, or, if not smarter, at least more cynical.
  12. #12
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    It was possible Suddam Hussain had WMDs but you can't goto war if you can't find them. Instead they should have sniped suddam and his son's for violating his agreement from the gulf war.

    Saved half a million lives there and 9000 from the U.S. And the remaining of our allies, the far greater numbers in maimed soldiers, a million PTSD cases that sadly will transfer over to electives and children from physical abuse because of PTSD.

    I've witnessed and experienced it from WW2 PTSD from pops

    I see this all over again with this next generation. The kids and wives or husbands will get abused. The kids grow up getting into fights, kicked out of schools, some will become criminals.

    The you have Soldiers with PTSD who just split from their families and live in the woods of jungles of in this case the South West deserts in the U.S. Or Australia reliving out their horrors like Vietnam vets can be found hiding in Hawaii.

    This 20 year war is 4.5 times longer than WW2 and twice vietnam. The oldest children of a parent in the war have kids as old as the youngest kids are from this war. An entire generation this war was. The amount of societal horrors in the future will be based from this false war for profit.

    Sounds like Iran will be next. I don't want to ever see Iran and USA going to war. They used to be our friends and are technically Europeans. Aryans who traveled into modern Iran but forced into islam or leave it die.

    Whatever. State of Israel was created by Communist Atheist Russian jedi Bloodlineage which other jedis did not want to rename Palestine because those jedis were living in peace with Muslims and christians. Some of the Sephardic jedis worried Ashkanazis decision to name the region State of Israel. There are old news stories telling this.

    These are modern jedis who only want control over the region. They're not all atheist but many are Cultural Only and want nothing more that to destroy Iran.

    The future is fucked. America needs to stop fighting wars for false Israel.

    And if Iran wants friends in the USA they better stop making threats to us. We're not all supporters of state of israel. But they better not nuke State of Israel eithet, it's still holy land. Including Palestinian Muslims and Christians
  13. #13
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    The National Security Agency, has built a one million square foot complex in Utah. That holds phone and email records.
  14. #14
    Originally posted by Sophie The National Security Agency, has built a one million square foot complex in Utah. That holds phone and email records.

    its ok, we have whatsapp now.
  15. #15
    Anyone remember how dumb we were? For years they used to warn us on the anniversaries of 9/11 about another terrorist attack and to stay home. And some people took it seriously, the same way some people take covid seriously now.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  16. #16
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Originally posted by Sophie The National Security Agency, has built a one million square foot complex in Utah. That holds phone and email records.

    How do you know this?

    Do they hire civilian workers? Utah seems like it needs Jobs.
  17. #17
    Originally posted by Donald Trump Anyone remember how dumb we were? For years they used to warn us on the anniversaries of 9/11 about another terrorist attack and to stay home. And some people took it seriously, the same way some people take covid seriously now.

    they do that in ireland ?
  18. #18
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Originally posted by Donald Trump Anyone remember how dumb we were? For years they used to warn us on the anniversaries of 9/11 about another terrorist attack and to stay home. And some people took it seriously, the same way some people take covid seriously now.

    The thing is, it's part real (the highjackers were real and angry) and part rigged to allow the highjackers to think they would succeed but only with the help of AI steered into building. there are so many professional and seasonal pilots who state that you could easily strike those two towers but only if they were at cruise altitutde of 30,000 feet up. hitting a target at 500 mph as the second jet hit South Tower would have rocked side to side very violently. to hit the building pin point is very difficult for a pilot with tens of thousands of hours in flight who knows the controls. how is it a guy who couldn't fly a cesna 172 fly a 767 into a target like that. I mean it was smooth when it went in. It was so fast and smooth, not many people knew it was even a commercial jet.

    also the fact that what close up photos on a beautiful blue sky, the Jet looked dark grey and the fuselage looked a bit bulkier like a Military jet in the same class.

    the first Jet to hit was going maybe under 400mph? still would of been difficult to fly at only 1000 feet above sea level. the day was calm but the atmospheric pressure at that low altitude would of created its own hurricane force winds at 400-550 miles both planes were flying. Then on top of it, Flight 77 did a corkscrew turn and dropped some insane height in a matter of under a minute and clipped light poles and then touched ground and skid right into the structure. on the only side that was not fully protected by kevlar being placed into the building. and half of that side had been finished with kevlar and thicker windows except the center part where the plane punched a near perfect whole in several of the rings. like three building rings got taken out.

    not a whole lot was found. No one wants to talk about it because you sign an NDA when you're in the Military, Police, Fire Fighter and probably Hospital as well. you can lose your 20-30 year pension for speaking out.
  19. #19
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]

  20. #20
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    ^ clearly it's a cult. they're religion is just a massive cult. leave them be in their own country and pray they don't use or sell those weapons to people who will use them on American Targets. Biden left behind so much shit. he should have sent in 20 thousand special force or security guys trained in destroying the weapons. melt them, blow them up, crush them.. whatever it takes. use a bulldozer to push all of the guns into a pile and then push them into the back of a transporter and then open the back gate over the ocean and drop everything into that. or just drop the trucks and jeeps from 30 thousand feet up onto the lowest desert floor destroying them

    have fun pulling parts and rebuilding what you can. which would be possible but you'd have like 0.003 percent of what was left behind salvagable. big reduction.

    Just fucking leaves everything behind. Fuck You Biden. you're senile behavior is a threat to this nation but watching Harris take over is as much of a cringe.
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