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  1. #1
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    DH Death Due to Hostilities and what.. Snitchers of M.I.C. and national takedown projects?

    fuck you treasonous cunts
  2. #2
    WellHung Black Hole
    You should take a joyride thru Palo Alto.
  3. #3
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Originally posted by WellHung You should take a joyride thru Palo Alto.

    it becomes a joyride when Stanford is closing off half the campus to construction and some derp pages me for a ride I can't get to without leaving the campus, driving 2 miles in a large circle and come in on the other side, with them asking me to pull even closer when I can't because the road is blocked off.

    I read Jame's Franko's mom runs a coffee shop or some shit over there. Im a fan of his. I'm gonna go be creepy and go in there and start mimicking lines of his from the movie The Disaster Artist (and the actual movie itself) and say "I did not Hit her. I did Not.. Oh High Mark" but instead say "Oh Hi James Franco's Mom" and then be asked to please leave or I'm calling the campus police.

    seriouslly.. Eff you, Wellhung. Franco is a Hollyweird False Hip to Be Joo and now is on the MeToo list while Seth Rogan bailed on him and is also being accused but bailed on his little hollywood pal. they were like Martin and Lewis. Abbot and Castello. umm Hart & Lorne (for our Canadian friends)

    my brain is foggy. I had to look that last part up. Lorne Michaels will destroy anyones acting career who disses him Im told.

    I want to know how a Canadian got so much power in the first place. and why he stole Doug Kenny's National Lampoons Radio hour so easily. money, tv exposure? or some kind of Canadian spell craft.

    Wellhung, are you a former Fire Fighter who injured his dick after he fell through the roof cutting an opening and landed on a big gay black man which is why you hate black people so much?
  4. #4
    blaster master victim of incest
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