2021-09-09 at 8:13 AM UTC
Edited: that was jedis gave to us the banking system
Pagans we're all like Hey, I will give you 2 chickens and a goat for that cow
And the owner of the cow is be hella like, fuck you. That is worth 20 chickens and 4 wooly sheep.
And the chicken owner with a goat says, but I see he's eaten all your grass.. if he goes to the neighbors yard that neighbor claims ownership. Trade now or loose everything
Then a jedi banker says, Oy'Vey let me show you a new system of trading, here I give you a note from my bank of chickens value weight in gold and the goat as well, then you gi e that to the cow owner... And the banker runs off with the chicken and goat for some round shiney metal disks.
But the owner of the cow isn't as trusting nor progressive and tells the guy to fuck off.
Sure enough the next day the cow gets shot by the neighbor with a crossbow and bolt, and claims cow for himself.
Should have taken the shiney disks
2021-09-09 at 6:01 PM UTC
I dont understand that graph.
Africa is high up and China is down low and USA is way off the the side. I know Africa is growing in the financial wealth scheme or whatever (lost for words) thanks to China so yeah.
America is being preoccupied by the multi headed Dragoon government the people keep getting excited about rehiring the same fucking faces to splinter this country off. starting with California and NY or other coastal states and will work its way inward. they're coming for your houses, Midwesterners. and they're probably controlling this drout because the Californians moved to desert states like Arizona in the great flight of the tech generation only to find themselves being out of water soon.
seems suspicious anyways. but that's conspiracy nut thinking. so keep believing the Hero's of Flight 93 instead of what was truly believed that Cheney shot that fucker out of the sky but kept going with the "Plowed into a field in Pa so deep, nothing could be found" when in reality a debri trail existed over 8 miles long.