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So... Interesting developments.

  1. #1
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    As some of you may know i have gf, yes it's true, shocker i know. Now i also have a female friend, and before you say guys and gals can't just be friends. I mean yes, and also no. It's a peculiar situation, i've known this girl who is my friend but not my girlfriend longer than i have known my gf. She's kinda cute. But when we met she had a bf and i a gf, so whatever. She's pretty great as a friend though, smart, funny, we have a lot of things in common.

    Most strikingly MENTAL ILLNESS. That's right, we both have borderline personality disorder. Which is a barrel of laughs really, because things get intense, so much so that we sometimes have to back the fuck off, before we fuck and ruin our respective lives. But generally things go well, very well even, until we fight then we don't speak to each other for months. Like i said, borderline is a barrel of laughs.


    New developments on the home front, perhaps you'll remember i said that my gf would be cool if i had a loli gf as well. Which is true. I don't have a loli gf, unfortunately. So in her infinite ADHD wisdom she(My gf) suggested we do some stuff with my borderline girl friend who isn't my girlfriend. Now call me gay, but i am not sure how i feel about this. The problem is i love both these girls, not in a polyamourous way or anything, althogh that would be the best outcome ngl. But i'm more worried about the dynamic between the three of us afterward, now there are three ways it could go, we go ahead and things continue as normal, which is unlikely, call me a traditionalist but i generally don't have sex with girls who are not my gf, shocker i know. Good ending is we have a jolly old time and become closer afterward. Bad ending is jealousy erupts, and i am not kidding when i say my gf has ADHD and me and that other gitl i mentioned literally have BPD, so that's going to be fucking drama til kingdom come. Which i am really not looking forward to...

    So wut do? I know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna fuck the both of them, but i'd liek you to tell me it'll be alright.

  2. #2
    your gf want you to just fuck the other girl or love her as well.
  3. #3
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny your gf want you to just fuck the other girl or love her as well.

    My gf wants me to be happy. My friend wants that too, but my friend has BPD, and so do i.

    I may be a hopeless romantic i just don't want to end up without a gf and without my friend.
  4. #4
    it can be worse.

    you can wake up without a penis. women are vengeful and cruel creatures.
  5. #5
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny it can be worse.

    you can wake up without a penis. women are vengeful and cruel creatures.

    Sounds like you hang out with the wrong kind of women.
  6. #6
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    when she wakes up with a penis
  7. #7
    Originally posted by Sophie Sounds like you hang out with the wrong kind of women.

    all women are the same. the only difference is how well they hide this fact.
  8. #8
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny all women are the same. the only difference is how well they hide this fact.

    How very cynical of you.
  9. #9
    AngryOnion Big Wig [the nightly self-effacing broadsheet]
    Just dich both girls and jerk it to tranny porn and call it a day.
  10. #10
    Ajax African Astronaut [rumor the placative aphakia]
    If your gf only said to do it because she wants you to be happy and not because she’s kinky and bi-curious, it’s a trap. You fucking the other girl would signal to your gf that you’re not happy with her and she’ll probably leave you for someone she can make happy. If it’s because she’s a kinky bi, then there’s the risk that she’ll fall for the other girl and leave you for her anyway. Either way, you’re likely fucked unless you stick with just the gf and show her that she makes you happy.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  11. #11
    Originally posted by Sophie How very cynical of you.

    i read too much anglins article.
  12. #12
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Ajax If your gf only said to do it because she wants you to be happy and not because she’s kinky and bi-curious, it’s a trap. You fucking the other girl would signal to your gf that you’re not happy with her and she’ll probably leave you for someone she can make happy. If it’s because she’s a kinky bi, then there’s the risk that she’ll fall for the other girl and leave you for her anyway. Either way, you’re likely fucked unless you stick with just the gf and show her that she makes you happy.

    Lol, it's not a trap, you don't know my gf. I can do no wrong in her eyes.
  13. #13
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by AngryOnion Just dich both girls and jerk it to tranny porn and call it a day.

    Uhm no? Why the hell would i want this.
  14. #14
    Ajax African Astronaut [rumor the placative aphakia]
    Originally posted by Sophie Lol, it's not a trap, you don't know my gf. I can do no wrong in her eyes.

    Of course I don’t know her. You haven’t even posted pics. But I’m not going to tell you it’ll be alright.
  15. #15
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Ajax Of course I don’t know her. You haven’t even posted pics. But I’m not going to tell you it’ll be alright.

    Ahw man, but i'd really like it if you did.
  16. #16
    Ajax African Astronaut [rumor the placative aphakia]
    Originally posted by Sophie Ahw man, but i'd really like it if you did.

    Why would I lie to you?
  17. #17
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Ajax Why would I lie to you?

    Because a sweet lie is nicer than a harsh truth.

    Here's the thing right, my gf has good intentions, i know this for a fact. I know her very well. Now, the reason i mentioned she has ADHD in the OP is to have the reader infer she is impulsive, and has impulsive ideas and thoughts. The crux of the matter is that i don't think she has thought the potential consequences through.

    If it's going to happen it has to happen from my gf's perspective with the other girl i was talking about. She trusts her, i hear that's important for girls in these kinds of situations. Ok fair.

    The other girl from my perspective is gf material, but i already have a gf and i am committed to my gf. I already have a hard time managing boundaries due to BPD and i am sure my BPD friend feels the same because she already agreed to this. All i have to do is set a date.

    Ugh. I just want two gf's man. Without the drama.
  18. #18
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I feel conflicted, i need a fucking drink. BRB
  19. #19
    Ajax African Astronaut [rumor the placative aphakia]
    Originally posted by Sophie Because a sweet lie is nicer than a harsh truth.

    Here's the thing right, my gf has good intentions, i know this for a fact. I know her very well. Now, the reason i mentioned she has ADHD in the OP is to have the reader infer she is impulsive, and has impulsive ideas and thoughts. The crux of the matter is that i don't think she has thought the potential consequences through.

    If it's going to happen it has to happen from my gf's perspective with the other girl i was talking about. She trusts her, i hear that's important for girls in these kinds of situations. Ok fair.

    The other girl from my perspective is gf material, but i already have a gf and i am committed to my gf. I already have a hard time managing boundaries due to BPD and i am sure my BPD friend feels the same because she already agreed to this. All i have to do is set a date.

    Ugh. I just want two gf's man. Without the drama.

    1) You didn’t come here for nice. You came here because you knew, even if we are kind of fucked up, we would give you the hard dose of reality along with a cold shower.

    2) You already know what’s going to happen. If the outcome were favorable, you wouldn’t be looking for confirmation bias.

    3) Not even one gf comes without drama. Getting two of them is asking for a shitstorm.

    4) Post pics.
  20. #20
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    You're right but this doesn't make it suck less. I probably shouldn't torpedo my relationship with both girls for this thing. That's a pretty steep price. Man, if only i didn't give a shit about anyone that would make my life so much easier. like not even trying to be edgy or anything. But it would probably be very bad for everyone around me. Meh.
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