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Ida Killed Again

  1. #1
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Bad enough it ravaged the good folx of NOLA and other parts of that state. now it murked people in NYC, Queens a house collapsed killing 2 people, Subway was flooded drowning some people, cars underwater with known people in them because they got caught in a raging river of fuck-NYC -IDa

    the area of PA I was gonna visit got raped with tornadoes as did areas of NJ and Upstate NY.
    More floods and Deaths reported in 'Your cousin, From Boston' -Samuel Adams

    and on top of that, somehow the airline thinks it can keep half my money. on top of it I got insurance and it doesn't matter. non refundable baggage fees and other shit.

    plus you would think "Hey at least it cleaned NYC streets of homeless piss and shit. it didn't, rather rats are everywhere, the humidity index is up, some raw sewage is everywhere. the cleaning effort may take a few months. streets are caked in Mud and filth. also, not mentioned on the news yet (and may never) Im sure there must be shitloads of dead homeless people in the old-no longer used subway underground encampment

    I can't fap to this year. it just gets better and better every fucking day.
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