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What are my strengths & weaknesses as a poster?

  1. #1
    WellHung Black Hole
    Folks, your complete honesty is requested, for i have no ego to bolster.
  2. #2
    blaster master victim of incest
  3. #3
    muhj dick mothafucka
  4. #4
    Grylls Cum Looking Faggot [abrade this vocal tread-softly]
  5. #5
    WellHung Black Hole
    Originally posted by Grylls Lorazepam

    thank you.
  6. #6
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    What do you personally think? List your strengths and weaknesses in YOUR opinion.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  7. #7
    WellHung Black Hole
    Originally posted by mmQ What do you personally think? List your strengths and weaknesses in YOUR opinion.

    plz dont patronize lest yee be patronized.
  8. #8
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    That's not how patronization works. Don't patronize me lest YEEEEEE be patronized!

    Nah I was GENUINELY curious. What do you think is your biggest strength and your biggest weakness, in terms of how you POST?
  9. #9
    WellHung Black Hole
    Strength- I hate life.

    Weakness-I'm afraid to attempt to kill myself.
  10. #10
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    In relation to your posting style/habits...
  11. #11
    mmG African Astronaut
    - Faggot

    - Genuinely stupid

    - Gay

    - Unfunny

    - Gay

    - unbelievably pathetic

    + Nobody likes you

    - You smell

    - You're ugly

    - You're poor

    - You're fat

    - You have visibly poor hygiene and grooming

    - Kill yourself

    - Really ugly

    - You are nasty and have a disgusting personality

    - your attempts at humour consist of poorly aping other users without actually satirizing them or anything, it comes across as pitiful and desperate, like you don't "get" any of it and are trying to jump on a bunch of bandwagons to try to act like you belong, and you still fuck that up

    - Kill yourself

    - Boring as fuck. What do you even do? There is not one single interesting thing about you as a person nor the life you lead. Totally uninteresting zero of a human being.

    - Not even racist, cringily use the nigger word like an 11.5 year old on Xbox Live because you think it can substitute for you having 9vwit.

    - Really gay
  12. #12
    WellHung Black Hole
    Someone's mad.
  13. #13
    mmG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by WellHung 🤣
    Someone's mad.

    Crying laughing emoji, homosexual confirmed^
  14. #14
    WellHung Black Hole
    Originally posted by mmG Crying laughing emoji, homosexual confirmed^

    i'm better than u. ur inferior to me
  15. #15
    mmG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by WellHung i'm better than u. ur inferior to me


    Originally posted by mmG - Faggot

    - Genuinely stupid

    - Gay

    - Unfunny

    - Gay

    - unbelievably pathetic

    + Nobody likes you

    - You smell

    - You're ugly

    - You're poor

    - You're fat

    - You have visibly poor hygiene and grooming

    - Kill yourself

    - Really ugly

    - You are nasty and have a disgusting personality

    - your attempts at humour consist of poorly aping other users without actually satirizing them or anything, it comes across as pitiful and desperate, like you don't "get" any of it and are trying to jump on a bunch of bandwagons to try to act like you belong, and you still fuck that up

    - Kill yourself

    - Boring as fuck. What do you even do? There is not one single interesting thing about you as a person nor the life you lead. Totally uninteresting zero of a human being.

    - Not even racist, cringily use the nigger word like an 11.5 year old on Xbox Live because you think it can substitute for you having 9vwit.

    - Really gay
  16. #16
    WellHung Black Hole
    Originally posted by mmG Nah:

    ur so original. u got such a creative mind, Son.
  17. #17
    mmG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by WellHung ur so original. u got such a creative mind, Son.

    Too bitchmade to confront the facts^

    Originally posted by mmG - Faggot

    - Genuinely stupid

    - Gay

    - Unfunny

    - Gay

    - unbelievably pathetic

    + Nobody likes you

    - You smell

    - You're ugly

    - You're poor

    - You're fat

    - You have visibly poor hygiene and grooming

    - Kill yourself

    - Really ugly

    - You are nasty and have a disgusting personality

    - your attempts at humour consist of poorly aping other users without actually satirizing them or anything, it comes across as pitiful and desperate, like you don't "get" any of it and are trying to jump on a bunch of bandwagons to try to act like you belong, and you still fuck that up

    - Kill yourself

    - Boring as fuck. What do you even do? There is not one single interesting thing about you as a person nor the life you lead. Totally uninteresting zero of a human being.

    - Not even racist, cringily use the nigger word like an 11.5 year old on Xbox Live because you think it can substitute for you having 9vwit.

    - Really gay
  18. #18
    mmG African Astronaut
    This is now a Macho Man thread

  19. #19
    WellHung Black Hole
    Originally posted by mmG Too bitchmade to confront the facts^

    but u dont even work out. Ur out of shape, small and weak.
  20. #20
    mmG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by WellHung but u dont even work out. Ur out of shape, small and weak.

    Sure fatty.
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