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Interesting info about Poland for you guys to heed if you plan on coming

  1. #1
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    1. There is no regulation of nightclub security staff in Poland. It's common knowledge that they are basically the football hooligan "Ultras". The only training they have is MMA and not in restraint and politeness.
    To change this you'll have to get the government to pass a law requiring all door staff to be trained registered and regulated.
    2. The Police are much like most businesses in Poland. It might be their job but they really don't give a shit and avoid having to actually do any work unless they have to. If they aren't there when the fight breaks out and there is no evidence then they are not going to waste their time. As long as no-one is in a medical emergency then they won't intervene. If you want to change that then you had better become Chief Police Commissioner and give them all a pay raise so they don't have to take bribes from the clubs and drug dealers to leave them alone
  2. #2
    RIPtotse victim of incest [my adversative decurved garbo]
    Gee thanks man
  3. #3
    Donald Trump Black Hole
    I want to go to Poland and fight with bouncers and cops.
  4. #4
    RIPtotse victim of incest [my adversative decurved garbo]
    I’ll stay in my 1st world country thanks tho... no 2nd or 3rd world for me
  5. #5
    Donald Trump Black Hole
    We could form a gang and all hit the one club. All pretend to be separate, then one of us starts some shit with the bouncers, then *BAM* suddenly everyone in the club is beating the shit out of the bouncers, smashing shit, feeling up the female patrons. Then we rush off and no one even knows what happened, like a tornado hit the club or something.
  6. #6
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    i almost moved to poland to fuck a girl
  7. #7
    Originally posted by Donald Trump We could form a gang and all hit the one club. All pretend to be separate, then one of us starts some shit with the bouncers, then *BAM* suddenly everyone in the club is beating the shit out of the bouncers, smashing shit, feeling up the female patrons. Then we rush off and no one even knows what happened, like a tornado hit the club or something.

    show me with these doll what have bouncers and clubs have done to you.
  8. #8
    Why would anyone want to go to Poland.
  9. #9
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
  10. #10
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Why would anyone want to go to Poland.

    for their age of consent.

    full stop.
  11. #11
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Why would anyone want to go to Poland.

    to take it over

    Originally posted by Wariat

    what a shit hole
  12. #12
    Donald Trump Black Hole
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Why would anyone want to go to Poland.

    Girls with EU passports.
  13. #13
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    THe Schengen generation doesn't believe in nationalism or borders. This isn't the 1600's Total War Europe where you hated your neighbor from Einsberg because they don't support the catholic king but the Welsh German Duchy hates YOU for being on the border of their 16 de jour kingdoms.

    European children are taught in school that WW2 only happened because the EU didn't exist and borders and distinct white culture is a racist idea that should be done away with.

    OPEN ALL BORDERS! Take a train from Poland to France without ever needing a passport or border security! Borders just get in the way of LOOOOVE MAN

    Originally posted by Ghost If I was a European I would be one of those NO BORDERS types that hangs out in Schengen and I would have an instagram of me in a bunch of different cities like Rome and Barcelona and I would pretty much live my life on trains going to visit friends and traveling a lot and make social media posts like "Hello again Bukarest…it is sooooo hot 🔥"

    probably work for some shitty magazine or something doing food reviews. Ugh, Europeans make me sick.

  14. #14
    G African Astronaut
    No civilized person plans/wants to go there lol ?!
  15. #15
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood THe Schengen generation doesn't believe in nationalism or borders. This isn't the 1600's Total War Europe where you hated your neighbor from Einsberg because they don't support the catholic king but the Welsh German Duchy hates YOU for being on the border of their 16 de jour kingdoms.

    European children are taught in school that WW2 only happened because the EU didn't exist and borders and distinct white culture is a racist idea that should be done away with.

    OPEN ALL BORDERS! Take a train from Poland to France without ever needing a passport or border security! Borders just get in the way of LOOOOVE MAN

    covid changed all that.

    now everywhere has a border and every bussiness and building is a checkpoint.

    humans will continue to revert to their basest instinct during crysyses.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  16. #16
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    Like I said, I have seen a guy with a face that seemed to look super fucked up like I dont know if he was beaten silly to a pulp or had some car accident. but man it is dangerous getting in just a fight in this country. the police may not even care. its not like claifornia where luciano can attack you and have his fat wife with histericsl voice and fake hysteria call them and theyll scour the city lookijg for you or even care about some gypsy with ten kids that got best up for whatever reason much less starting shit. in fact they may even talk shit to him or her and take their truancy kids away. or tell him he has to make a private charge grievance go out of his way to some court and know your full name ahead of time and at most make you pay a fine or do a few days in jail if they wont laugh at him at the courtroom. they will not be even looking for such a guy for a rear naked choke to try sending someone to prison for a choke where there are people in my city walking around with faces this fucked up. ive seen anotner guy walking in this town maybe two or three months back that looked bad too literslly black marks under eyes and nose totally bent or disfigured.
  17. #17
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    apparently there are still places in poland thisnsisha place called casablanca in lodz for instance, where apparently if you are not Polish kr a foreigner they take your money and documents to try getting you to i dont know bribe them and best people regularly. and the police may be in on it and the place may funciron as money laundering or drug den in the backend.
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