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Corona was manufactured in Wuhan Institute Of Virology

  1. Originally posted by Donald Trump Does this embed work?

    You need to skip about half way in.

    "no video with supported format and MIME type found"

  2. Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny "no video with supported format and MIME type found"


    now it plays

    interesting. This is what Alex Jones was saying which I have a hard time believing anything he says.

    Again, as I suggested before as a possible link was Doctor Liebke from Harvard (profressor) had two Chinese exchange students who I believe were t\a asst one being a Capt in the PLA and stationed at Wuhan Bio Research lab. the FBI found out the prof was moonlighting for China while a paid researcher for the American DoD. and apparently had to chase both students knowing going on the run. one caught at an Airport with vials while the Capt (female student) managed to get back to Wuhan. did she drop viles of covee being researched ? they say that this virus was not genetically altered however researches use natural form of testing animals in which zoonotic could be a way the virus had mutated.

    either way, this puts blame on both China and USA and not just China. whether this Faucsi and WHO is involved or not.

    this would make me unpopular in the US but ultimatly no country should be fucking around with bio warfare. how in the fuck would this work? you find it. vaccinate only your own people (cept maybe undesirables so you dont look to obvious) then unleash it? that makes Dr Faucsi and Liebke both treasonous and because USA also has a DoD bio research makes USA just as guilty as far as harboring it. China clearly is guilty for writing a book showing they considered it, but USA is responsible for suggesting using it as well.

    this is elitist against the common people. fuck all of these psycho fucks
  3. On Sept. 12, 2019, coronavirus bat sequences were deleted from the institute’s database. Why? It changed the security protocols for the lab. Why? It put out requests for more than $600 million for a new ventilation system. What prompted this new need?

    We believe the virus was most likely uncontained in a laboratory where it was being worked on, and that it escaped unintentionally. A Harvard study of satellite images revealed a shutdown of traffic around the Wuhan lab in the late summer and early fall of 2019. Weeks later, in late September, the hospital parking lots were filling up.

    There were hallmarks of scientific arrogance and failures in the containment system. China’s CDC initially appeared to be out of the loop but later became a key messenger, selling the natural-origin and wet-market theory. Another apparent misdirection was several key scientists’ insistence on a narrow definition of “gain of function” research to include remodeling, overt bioengineering, shaping or constructing a virus. As far as we’re concerned, if a virus is taught to or evolves in a lab to infect human tissue more efficiently, that’s gain of function.

    New WSJ op-ed by 2 high up establishment people, CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield and NYU clinical professor Dr. Marc Siegel.

    They even call out the scumbag fauchi and his sleazy and crooked attempts to redefine "gain of function". Fauchi is the one who authorised and paid for the research that caused corona. He is corona's daddy.

    It's all over besides the kvetching.
  4. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Originally posted by Donald Trump

    New WSJ op-ed

    >WSJ op-ed

    Just post the op-ed. What? it if you feel some kind of moral duty to deprive WSJ of ad-revenue but christ almighty I ain't reading about a WSJ op-ed on zerohedge. What's next? Linking to a blog about the zerohedge article about the WSJ op-ed? Linking us to a tweet about the blog about the zerohedge article about the WSJ op-ed?
  5. Meikai Heck This Schlong
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  7. Meikai Heck This Schlong
  8. Originally posted by Meikai >zerohedge
    >WSJ op-ed

    Just post the op-ed. What? it if you feel some kind of moral duty to deprive WSJ of ad-revenue but christ almighty I ain't reading about a WSJ op-ed on zerohedge. What's next? Linking to a blog about the zerohedge article about the WSJ op-ed? Linking us to a tweet about the blog about the zerohedge article about the WSJ op-ed?

    It's paywalled and I don't have a WSJ subscription.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  9. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Originally posted by Donald Trump It's paywalled and I don't have a WSJ subscription.

    Well. That's perfectly reasonable then. Fuck you.
  10. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Honk. This link shouldn't have the paywall.

    I just read it, it isn't much longer than the preview tbh I'm kinda disappointed.
  11. It was intentional. The New World Order released it. Same with all the other viruses, like swine and avian flus.
  12. Originally posted by Donald Trump

    New WSJ op-ed by 2 high up establishment people, CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield and NYU clinical professor Dr. Marc Siegel.

    They even call out the scumbag fauchi and his sleazy and crooked attempts to redefine "gain of function". Fauchi is the one who authorised and paid for the research that caused corona. He is corona's daddy.

    It's all over besides the kvetching.

    zerohedge has been rather pro kyle bass and the rest of them china hawks and it has been blaming wuhan lab since month 1.
  13. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny zerohedge has been rather pro kyle bass and the rest of them china hawks and it has been blaming wuhan lab since month 1.

    Yeah, the west seems keen to blame China, but the US funded the research, not giving a fuck about safety because they thought anything that happened would only affect China.

    If you build a tower and it falls over and kills some people, it is your liability, not the mexican labourers who laid the concrete.
  14. Originally posted by Donald Trump Yeah, the west seems keen to blame China, but the US funded the research, not giving a fuck about safety because they thought anything that happened would only affect China.

    If you build a tower and it falls over and kills some people, it is your liability, not the mexican labourers who laid the concrete.

    in chinese theres a saying : borrow knife to kill people.

    if your US whats the easiest way to attack your enemy with biological weapon ?

    yes. by having them create the weapon for you and then use it on them.
  15. Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Originally posted by Donald Trump

    New WSJ op-ed by 2 high up establishment people, CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield and NYU clinical professor Dr. Marc Siegel.

    They even call out the scumbag fauchi and his sleazy and crooked attempts to redefine "gain of function". Fauchi is the one who authorised and paid for the research that caused corona. He is corona's daddy.

    It's all over besides the kvetching.

    What about the Harvard professor arrested just prior who was a Bio Researcher and worked for the US DoD and was moonlighting for WuHan Bio Weapons Research lab on the side in mid 2019. He had two Chinese exchange students. One ( A Female) was a Captain in the PLA stationed in WuHan and the other a male. When the FBI moved in on Dr Liber his two Chinese students split from Harvard and tried to get on planes. the male was caught at the airport with Virus phials on his possession while the Female managed to board the flight and got off at Wuhan and was never caught. she was said to have had a briefcase and that the lab is near the wetmarket. what if she dropped the briefcase and it opened or just opened it to check on the phials where they may have been opened up.

    Its a story the US Government wants to cover up because it means the USA is partial responsible for aiding in the research.

    And of course you pointed out a Harvard Satellite which means the school is trying to steer blame off of them.

    Dr Charles lieber
  16. Not only the US funded it. Canada, France, Germany and the UK did, too.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  17. Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Oh, I just read Snopes take on Dr Lieber from Harvard. I got a big red Warning Sign that it's "False"

    I should never have challenged Snopes because they're the say all of facts!


    Testimony starts around 11:23:00 (time is the local clock time, not the length of the video).
  19. Things actually get very spicy around 11:34 (as these things, which are usually quite relaxed, go)
  20. Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready Oh, I just read Snopes take on Dr Lieber from Harvard. I got a big red Warning Sign that it's "False"

    I should never have challenged Snopes because they're the say all of facts!

    They're the Ministry of Truth.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
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