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Afghanistan collapsing to Taliban, globalists leaving Kabul like Saigon

  1. Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Donald Trump The terrorist regime which did 9/11 is finally fleeing Afghanistan

    I find this hilarious, some woke Afghan female CEO and WEF "Global Shaper" drugged up on benzos running around worrying about what happens when the Taliban get to her swanky mansion.

    I can imagine it being really interesting to see how everyone reacts. It must be like Berlin in 1945.

    Whenever Biden lets them all in, don’t just be mad at Biden. Be mad at Bush and everybody since.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. Originally posted by Cowboy2013 Whenever Biden lets them all in, don’t just be mad at Biden. Be mad at Clinton and everybody since.

  3. Really Henry VIII was about when it all started to go wrong.
  4. It was actually Bush Jr's father who masterminded the whole operation. "Seven countries in seven years."
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  5. Kuntzschutz African Astronaut
    I love aldra sometimes
  6. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ It was actually Bush Jr's father who masterminded the whole operation. "Seven countries in seven years."

    Everyone knows it was Barbara who wore the pants in that White House.
  7. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Everyone knows it was Barbara who wore the pants in that White House.

    A Satanist and occult worshipper.
  8. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  9. Reports coming in that the Afghanistan government has now completely collapsed, the President has fled, and the entire country is now in full control of the Taliban. The Taliban are inside the royal palace right now. All thanks to Biden and Co., and the Taliban now have advanced US weaponry, ships, planes and vehicles.
  10. On 15 August, the Taliban command instructed its forces to halt their advance at the gates of Kabul, declaring that they would not seize the city by force, though the rebels entered its outskirts.[19] Locals reported that Taliban fighters were advancing into the urban areas regardless of their leaders' official declarations.[11][14] After some clashes, the insurgents reportedly captured the Pul-e-Charkhi prison, and released all inmates, including captured Daesh and Al-Qaeda militants.[20] Taliban fighters raised their flag in several areas of the city, and pressured some police to hand over all their weaponry.[11] Bagram Airfield and the Parwan Detention Facility, which held 5,000 prisoners, also fell to the Taliban.[11][21]

    The Afghan Interior Ministry in a statement said that President Ashraf Ghani had decided to relinquish power and an interim government led by the Taliban will be formed.[22] Afterward, fighting died down, although many civilians remained fearful and holed up in their homes.[11] By 11:17 CET, Taliban negotiators were reported to have arrived at the presidential palace to begin a transfer of power.[23] Although negotiations were tense, the government declared its willingness to peacefully surrender Kabul to the rebels,[14][13] and urged civilians to remain calm.[24] Al Arabiya reported that a transitional government would be formed under the leadership of former minister Ali Jalali,[25] but this was later denied by the Taliban.[26]

    Later the same day, Afghan and Indian news reports claimed that Ghani had left Afghanistan[27][28][29] alongside Vice President Amrullah Saleh; both reportedly flew to Tajikistan.[30] Kabul's presidential palace, the Arg, was evacuated by helicopters. Meanwhile, Taliban co-founder Abdul Ghani Baradar arrived at Kabul Airport to prepare the takeover of the government.[5]

    At 8:55 pm local time, the Taliban claimed that they had taken over the Arg, which had been vacated by President Ghani earlier that day. Allegedly, all other palace employees were ordered to leave after Ghani left.[31] Reporters from Al Jazeera were later allowed into the Arg and could interview some of the Taliban militiamen.[32]

    At approximately 9:12 pm local time, it was reported that the Taliban would soon declare the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan from the Arg, the Presidential palace, returning to the official symbolism of the Taliban government of 1996 to 2001.[33] At around 11:00 pm local time, Ghani posted on Facebook that he had fled in an attempt to avoid a bloody battle and that "the Taliban have won with the judgement of their swords and guns".[34]
  11. STER0S Space Nigga [the disappointingly unanticipated slab]

    hopefully theyve updated their terms and conditions
  12. Biden was up on the news yesterday denying everything. None of it is really happening, according to Biden.
  13. See how fast the ratbags deserted the sinking ship? In record time! The entire government and entire military ran for the hills.
  14. Some locals, especially women, were fearful for the restoration of Taliban rule and some reported feeling betrayed.[52][53] It was reported that the streets of Kabul were gridlocked with residents rushing toward the airport, with some abandoning their cars to make their way on foot through the traffic.[54] Long queues were reported outside of the airport and foreign embassies, with residents waiting in the heat in the hopes of being able to secure visas or flights out of the country.[55] Residents who had worked with the government and international organisations reported destroying their IDs to avoid being targeted by the Taliban and many of those fleeing for the airport took no possessions with them.[56] A minority of residents celebrated the Taliban advance.[11] The day before the fall, Afghanistan Policy Lab director Timor Sharan told Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty that "shopping in the city today, I felt people were gripped by a sense of being stuck; stuck in an uncertain future and never able to dream, aspire, think, and believe anymore."[57] Zarifa Ghafari, the former mayor of Maidan Shar and who was working with the defence ministry in Kabul, told media that "There is no one to help me or my family. I’m just sitting with them and my husband. And they will come for people like me and kill me. I can’t leave my family. And anyway, where would I go?"[58]

    It was reported that sales of burqas (known as chadaree in Afghanistan) jumped in the days leading to the Taliban's arrival, with the price of one increasing from ؋200 to as much as ؋3,000 (approximately US$2.50 to 37.25), in fear that the Taliban would re-impose it as mandatory on women and would target women who refused.[59] One Kabul woman told The Guardian that female students had been evacuated from their university dormitories before the Taliban could reach them and that university-educated women across the city were hiding their diplomas.[60] Shops in the city were noted to have begun painting over and removing advertisements featuring women.[61]

    Residents reported a large increase in food prices.[11] It was reported that a significant number of vendors in Kabul were attempting to liquidate their stocks in hopes of raising enough money to escape the country.[62] Concerns have also been raised about the thousands of refugees who had fled Taliban advances elsewhere in the country and now found themselves stuck in Kabul.[63]

    On 16 August, most of the city streets were reported to be deserted, save for those leading to the airport, with businesses shuttered and ANA security checkpoints unmanned. Taliban fighters, however, were sighted parading their flag and weapons and taking selfies by Kabul landmarks.[66]

  15. Fuck you Superman, why didn't you help us fight the Talibans?
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  16. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition

    The UK will waive border rules to allow Afghan asylum seekers to flee the Taliban to Britain without a passport, the Defence Secretary has announced.

    LOL suck shit England
  17. The English government must really hate the English.
  18. My illegal Mexican maid here in Texas said "eh"...on behalf of her 20 million compatriots.
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by aldra some news sites have already picked it up so there's probably not too much to be worried about now, but if you look at major US-backed news institutions and diplomats in the country it's pretty easy to tell who those people are

    regardless of the chances of it actually happening, I can do without getting doorknocked to ask why I'm naming CIA assets

    Yeah Five Eyes is a fuck.
  20. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition

    might need a taliban shitposting thread

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
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