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Would you be opposed to having a Tor Mirror?

  1. #61
    Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ If you really want anonymity, just spoof your MAC and run off someone else's WiFi.

    Just get a stolen smart phone with prepay chip, pay a drunk homeless dude to go in store and get you a top up.

  2. #62
    I'd like to be a canary. Where do I sign up?
  3. #63
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by Narc Just get a stolen smart phone with prepay chip, pay a drunk homeless dude to go in store and get you a top up.


    Australia has been hiding fake drunk agents disguised as the homeless to bust people

  4. #64
    lllll Houston
    I think it would be fine.
  5. #65
    Originally posted by Narc Just get a stolen smart phone with prepay chip, pay a drunk homeless dude to go in store and get you a top up.


    make sure you steal those with detachable batteries and remember to cover the cameras and cut off the mics.
  6. #66
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Australia has been hiding fake drunk agents disguised as the homeless to bust people

    Australia is now a dystopian tyranny on par with 1984. Power-drunk, lawless and reckless fools, and they won't stop until they destroy the entire country and all its people from within. If the people were smart, they'd drag every single one of these clowns out from their hidey holes and hang them all from the street lamps.
  7. #67
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Australia is now a dystopian tyranny on par with 1984. Power-drunk, lawless and reckless fools, and they won't stop until they destroy the entire country and all its people from within. If the people were smart, they'd drag every single one of these clowns out from their hidey holes and hang them all from the street lamps.

    why inconvenience people with dead bodies blocking their street lights.
  8. #68
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny why inconvenience people with dead bodies blocking their street lights.

    Alright. Then they should get a sharpened spike shoved up their asshole and get hoisted up all along both sides of the street.
  9. #69
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Alright. Then they should get a sharpened spike shoved up their asshole and get hoisted up all along both sides of the street.

    thats only practical when people have self-driving vehicles like horse drawn carriages so that they can look/close their eyes when passing these roads.

    with cars theyre going to crash into each other.
  10. #70
    lllll Houston
    Originally posted by lllll I think it would be fine.

    And by fine, I meant the TOR version of NIS, not that dystopian horseshit the AU Gov is trying to pull.

    There’s no way, that’s gonna pass, unless they want a SERIOUS upheaval. Which would literally be a civil war. Lol
  11. #71
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny thats only practical when people have self-driving vehicles like horse drawn carriages

    I really doubt horses can draw. They can barely speak, you know?
  12. #72
    Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Mike David from Redbar Radio That's only if you use the more secure one, which you only need to do if you're a pedophile basically.

    you have no proof it is secure without the pedophiles you stupid idiot
  13. #73
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I really doubt horses can draw. They can barely speak, you know?

    eventually they are going to have to draw their penis out of your ass.
  14. #74
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Kev you have no proof it is secure without the pedophiles you stupid idiot

    Sounds ridiculous to normies but it's true. Literal Operational Security experts say that if your secure network isn't used by pedophiles and terrorists it isn't secure.
  15. #75
    Originally posted by Kev you have no proof it is secure without the pedophiles you stupid idiot

    I don't need it to be secure, only the pedophiles do. They attract attention, they aren't a safeguard unless they are arrested first.
  16. #76
    AngryIVer African Astronaut [my jade controlled morrigan]
    Originally posted by Sophie Same rules would apply of course. So no CP and general stuff that would get Lanny in trouble. The benefit would be having an interactive mirror that will still be up even if for some reason the main site goes down for a bit. And it would add an extra layer of protection for the extra paranoid.

    Perhaps having some presence on the Derpweb as well we may attract interesting users that would otherwise not want to post here. Specifically cyber security people. Setting up text file section on a static site hosted on the derpweb is trivial too, so that would be a features some users might appreciate as well.

    I have infrastructure i'd be willing to volunteer for use with hosting the Tor mirror. But me being into h4x, and loli-sechs, i could see why some users might be uncomfortable with that idea. Not to mention the fact that a grain of power will instantly turn me into a megalomaniacal tyrant before you can say 'purges and firing squads' i understand that people would rather have a tor mirror hosted on some of your(Lon Lon-Chon's) infrastructure. So all i will offer on my part for now is basically scraping the main site myself, feeding the data to an instance of ISS i run myself, and turning it on as a hidden service in moments of need. Or when you(Lon) want a copy of my data to start your own hidden service on a separate server and whatnot.

    What i'd personally like to have as well is an invite only section for T&T regulars, with the freedom to upload pdf/epub/mardownformat articles, research papers, ancient tomes arcane cyber wisdom and some such things.

    I nominate aldra to be the curator of such a resource, i run a similar set up at a number of venues and i think such a thing is valuable for higher order discourse at least on matters of CompSci. Personally i'd be willing to contribute storage room, from my own infrastructure, and i would set up a number GH Orgs/Repos and Anonymous accounts for collaborative development in the same spirit as well, if of course interest from the T&T crowd would warrant that.

    Let me know what everyone thinks. I can submit Pulls for ISS also, to add the features i spoke of.

    So it would be completely pointless? A regular clear web mirror could be made too if you're not allowing anything new, plus it's not going to help people who are paranoid because it's, once again, still on the clear web.

    What is your obsession with making sure nobody can find the site? Like, 5 out of 12 members have died or simply left. You'd think you'd want more activity.

    Oh, and Lanny has already stated he's not doing anything more to the site beyond keep the forum online. NiS is only quote "a place to hang out with (his) friends".

    Not to shill, but if you're looking for a place that actually wants the community to grow, New Totse is your better bet. Otherwise just enjoy the fact NiS even exists. Lanny has done okay at keeping it online.
  17. #77
    Ajax African Astronaut [rumor the placative aphakia]
    Originally posted by AngryIVer So it would be completely pointless? A regular clear web mirror could be made too if you're not allowing anything new, plus it's not going to help people who are paranoid because it's, once again, still on the clear web.

    What is your obsession with making sure nobody can find the site? Like, 5 out of 12 members have died or simply left. You'd think you'd want more activity.

    Oh, and Lanny has already stated he's not doing anything more to the site beyond keep the forum online. NiS is only quote "a place to hang out with (his) friends".

    Not to shill, but if you're looking for a place that actually wants the community to grow, New Totse is your better bet. Otherwise just enjoy the fact NiS even exists. Lanny has done okay at keeping it online.

    What makes NT better than NiS?
  18. #78
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Literally nothing it has one poster talking to himself and if you make him upset he will post your IP address on 4chan and call the police on you because he's a faggot
  19. #79
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Sophie I've been over the whole "look i can do an SQLi on some Indian half assed site aren't i cool" phase since 2016. Ask anyone that knows their shit whether my projects, especially my OSS Github projects serve no purpose, have no value, or anything like that. No need to report back, the only thing that will transpire is that they'll chastise you for your ignorance. Unless they are naturally disposed to being polite, even to 70yo skids like yourself.

    Also, i know you don't know this because you don't hang out with people who are exceptionally talented, more talented than i am, at all things cyber, but if someone comes into a serious community attention whoring and trying to 'show off'. They get chased off of venues, where the people i mentioned congregate.

    You can't fake competence at the level at which most of the tech crowd here and elsewhere operates. Which is why no one takes you serious in T&T.

    Jesus Christ Sophie. Calm down. We all know you can do stuff, but it looks like your head is full of air instead of ideas when you talk like this you arrogant prick. And you know that Spectral struck a chord when he called you an attention whore. But you of all people should know it's more about your peers and senpais noticing you than anything else you big dumb.

    Also maybe lay off drugs a bit? Alright.

    okay i feel better now
  20. #80
    Originally posted by Sophie Jesus Christ Sophie. Calm down. We all know you can do stuff, but it looks like your head is full of air instead of ideas when you talk like this you arrogant prick. And you know that Spectral struck a chord when he called you an attention whore. But you of all people should know it's more about your peers and senpais noticing you than anything else you big dumb.

    Also maybe lay off drugs a bit? Alright.

    okay i feel better now

    It's not a bad thing that you know stuff, it's just that it should also be practical and useful for everyone, if you're sharing it.
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