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I don't live in Omaha

  1. #1
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    15 an hour might be ok for minimum wage in Omaha if ever raised at federal level, but in San Francisco it should be 35-40. It takes 72 dollars an hour to live in San Francisco bay for rent and or mortgage in more affordable outline cities (with at least a 60 mile commute each way) or 4.5 x that of the current 15 an hour minimum wage jobs.

    A couple or room mates have to work 2x 40 hour jobs at 15 an hour to barely live decent in San Francisco. Logically that would mean they would have to travel to each jobs, then home and to work then wind down barely giving them 4 hours of sleep 5 days a week. Unless they worked 7 days a week.

    The people buying homes to work at home has only brought in new wealthy foreign people willing to rent in San Francisco. But they will be searching to purchase as well.. the rent market dropped for a year but is slowly creeping back up. SF, Seattle, Portland Or, Atlanta, NYC and DC are all premium metro regions to live but NYC and SF are still the two top. Miami for retirement is still number one.

    NYC score 16/100 for safety. That's pretty good for a major city. Boston is 19/100 (100 being safest) LOL. San Francisco is 2/100 and Oakland is 1/100. San Jose is 6/100. These are all three metro regions in the Bay area and still the most popular attracting wealthy middle easterners and Asians such as Chinese Mandarins and Indians.

    Shits fucked up and they just keep coming in. The population in Cali is going down but in SF they keep coming

    Yesterday we had 5pm traffic at 3pm.

    Fuck the hell off already. Fuck these people. They just keep moving here.
  2. #2
    okay berkley billy
  3. #3
    cigreting Dark Matter
    Get the fuck out of communist CA
  4. #4
    I don't live in Vienna.
  5. #5
    blaster master victim of incest
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  6. #6
    Originally posted by blaster master But you're still a hot dog.

  7. #7
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood okay berkley billy

    It's spelled Berkeley in California and Berkley on the East Coast.
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