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  1. #1
    BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    My neck hurts and my body is sore.
    Im all outta fucks to give and I want to go to bed.
    Looks like I might have a fairly decent weekend and Im looking forward to it.
    Nothing planned really, just extended me time which is always very valuable to me.
    I can't wait to get tonight over with and race home.
    A few minutes ago I got my bills figured out for the month so that is one less thing to do.
    And also I did all my laundry tonight.
    This weekend I will have to get groceries and go see some apartments but none of that takes very long.
    Im just looking forward to sitting down and not having to worry about the fact I eventually have to get back up.
    Maybe we can play some video games.
  2. #2
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Originally posted by BeeReBuddy My neck hurts and my body is sore.
    Im all outta fucks to give and I want to go to bed.
    Looks like I might have a fairly decent weekend and Im looking forward to it.
    Nothing planned really, just extended me time which is always very valuable to me.
    I can't wait to get tonight over with and race home.
    A few minutes ago I got my bills figured out for the month so that is one less thing to do.
    And also I did all my laundry tonight.
    This weekend I will have to get groceries and go see some apartments but none of that takes very long.
    Im just looking forward to sitting down and not having to worry about the fact I eventually have to get back up.
    Maybe we can play some video games.

    Welcome to becoming older. it starts hurting around 30-35 and sometimes even before that. I had a herniated disc between the usual L4-L5 at age 27 or so. Prostititus by age 22. Some early signs of R.A. with a goose neck pinky finger by age 48 and and back R.A. as early as 37 or so.

    I'v suffered head trauma like 6 times in my life. Knock unconcious and went flat-line in an ambulance one time from head trauma. I been knocked off my Motorcycle, Bike, and drag under a car 3 seperate times by cars. I'v had my head smashed into the sidewalk at a bar fight once (thats when my heart stopped in the ambulance on the way to the hospital) at age 18 or so.

    I fell from the roof at a park recreational center onto my head and knocked out with a busted nose at age 5-6 years of age. I have calicium buildup on the brain.

    I have Pulminary Fibrosis. Probably from asbestos exposure at some point in my life (which is fucking weird, but could be My dad was an iron worker)

    What are you crying about, Fona. You're alive. Have a beer, smoke a few tokes, watch a movie and fall asleep to it (turn on the timer to have it go off in 90 minutes.

    Get a dog, not a cat. Cats are gay as fuck. get a got damn dog and take it for a walk before going to work, when you get home from work and play with it a few times a week at a dog park, if not every day. get it a few hours of exercise on weekends or days off.

    cats sucks. either get a dog, or get a big 50 gallon fish tank with some exotic fish to calm you at night. watch them and fall asleep.

    Life never gets better. it wont. even if you win the fucking lottery, you will get old and suffer more and more pain. emotionally or physically and thats the reality. Old people suffer
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