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What happened to this Country. Moon People Failure

  1. #1
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    seriouslly this is fucking sad. 30-40 year old parents. Moon Generation

    Waaaaaaaaaaahhhh Why dont the Boomers fucking die already so we can have their houses" doesn't work that way. The system dropped Interest rates to 1-2 fucking percent. Cry some fucking more.

    this is so Pathetic

  2. #2
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]

    so fucking SAD!

  3. #3
    that looks like you

    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready seriouslly this is fucking sad. 30-40 year old parents. Moon Generation

    Waaaaaaaaaaahhhh Why dont the Boomers fucking die already so we can have their houses" doesn't work that way. The system dropped Interest rates to 1-2 fucking percent. Cry some fucking more.

    this is so Pathetic

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  4. #4
    Shut up and kys you nut
  5. #5
    Donald Trump Black Hole
    Never mind the jedis who own the culture.

    Never mind the boomers who gave away the country for some easy sex and drugs.

    Never mind the rich fucks who live in gated communities, who complain about every penny they have to pay in taxes or wages, and support invade the world, import the world.

    It's the kids fault man!
  6. #6
    Donald Trump Black Hole
    When your political opinions are all a cope for your moral cowardice and unwillingness to stand up to real, actual power.

    When you're always afraid you always punch down, never punch up, because then you just might get a punch back.
  7. #7
    Others consider house of mouse fans “terrifying,” as writer Tom Haynes did last year, saying, “Disney is designed to appeal to people of all ages, but it’s for children and the adults who still obsess over it desperately need to acquire a kink, or at least a hobby.”

    Yeah if I ever met someone that was like OOOOOOH MAN I GOTTA GO TO DIS-KNEE IN ORLANDO as an adult I would think it's kinda weird. Probably not the kind of person that would be "down" to drop some acid beforehand.

    Going to a public place around a bunch of people sober does not sound like a good time to me.

    My childhood memories of going to parks when I was a kid are of eating fat ass food, spending large amounts of money, puking and getting heat stroke. The rides are fun though.

    What the fuck is there to do at disneyland besides the rollarcoasters and harassing costume suits?

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