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Windows 10 command for copying random files and pasting them to another folder
2021-07-08 at 4:18 PM UTCSo I want to take a folder of porn and have windows randomly select and copy say 10 items and move or paste them to a selected folder
How do I achieve this -
2021-07-08 at 7:48 PM UTCJust randomly select 10 and copy them over manually, quicker than fucking around writing batch files and shit. Lazy twat.
2021-07-08 at 7:56 PM UTCHe only has one free hand.
2021-07-08 at 8:10 PM UTC
2021-07-08 at 8:43 PM UTC
“Anyone who attempts to generate random numbers by deterministic means is, of course, living in a state of sin” - John von Neumann