So there's a dupe and i've been going around on various servers like Melville and a gay (not gay as in bad, gay as in LGBTQQIappp-0-wplqw[PD_) SMP I joined and I have been duping A LOT. it's slow without shulkers here what I got so far (i had like 5 stax of emerald blox but spent it all)
anyways, one of the goals of minecraft was that the game have a functioning economy and I think they made it work. And I don't mean LOL liSA MADE A PET GOAT STORE 3 DIAMOND FOR A GOAT, although that does exist as a function of economy
I think i'm going to become a minecraft economist, that doesn't really exist anywhere. I think it's my calling to be the weird finance guy on youtube like rudy for magic but for minecraft.
Trading Goat for diamond is the lowest form of economic activity. What usually happens is a person makes a "Shop" and sells X item they have a lot of. Like if they have a goat farm.
Another player wants goats but they don't want to just steal them. The price is 3 Diamond, the amount of effort it would take to get the diamond is about equal to the same of finding another goat in chances of luck. You aren't guaranteed to get a goat or diamond if you look for one.
But if that person wants diamond to make a full set of diamond armor, instead of mining for a chance to find a diamond you can upgrade a villager to sell diamond armor and trade that for goats. But the value of your diamond armor quickly becomes worth a lot more than the entire goat farm and the persons house.
What if you just cheated for the diamond? Used xray so the effort cost of getting 3 diamond is essentially 0 only costing tool durability. Or if you duped those diamonds.
But dupes can be patched and cheats can be caught just like crime gets punished which I believe exists as a function of economy. Minecraft economy can go very deep i'm telling you.
If you do enough cocaine this shit gets real fucking hardcore
I don't see how it would be. I wake up expecting every day to end in misery, suffering and pain. The fear of losing all my money to something beyond my control is not a fear but a staple of my life I have learned to live with.
But because of that I never have any money to do anything with and when I do get the money something bad will happen. I wish I could lose my shirt but first I have to get a shirt
I just can't be good man I always think back on bogotron. It's like if you don't dupe you will always be the guy getting your shit blown up instead of the one blowing it up you know its an economy thing