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In terms of drugs being planted into black communities X Rated has a point guys

  1. #1
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    Remember the crack cocaine epicemic and drug war? how a small number of crack cocaine got people life sentences vs regular coke posessions? And due to the fact crack was planted into black neigbourhoods only blacks got caught with it? I dont know if any white guys ere caught or prosecuted like that back then for crack? I guess there is white boy from Detroit and he got fuked up by the system too but he was a middle man or dealer from what I recall. but anyay the point is the us govt set up such operations on blacks and in an effort to destroy the black family structure and black communities but in reality people could have and some have moved beyond that or let it not affect them or not became cripps or whatever. It just took certain kinds of personalities to do it tho. Or to choose to get educated go to school and later college and shit. or even to focs on sports over bitches partying drugs or gangs.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. #2
    Kev Space Nigga
    they were manipulated by a psyop, as much as that is the case i have no sympathy for sheep. they couldve not spent their hard earned money on the fucking crack, no one put a gun to their head and forced them to smoke it.

    i say the same thing about all the single mothers bitching about their lives today, they CHOSE to be on fucking welfare and single, they chose their life of misery just like the hood rats did.
  3. #3
    AngryIVer African Astronaut [my jade controlled morrigan]
    1st of all, you're from Poland and unable to comment on the happenings in America, secondly, planted or not, they still had the crack. They were still selling crack. They still to this day buy and sell crack.

    Not to mention, I've seen plenty of white drug addicts with my own two eyes. Wanna know the difference between a white drug addict and a black drug addict? The white ones are more concerned about providing for their kid while getting high, and the black ones are more concerned with dropping a new album with a Guitar Hero mic and a Pentium 4.
  4. #4
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    wellmI lived in the us most of my life so how can you say I dont knoe the truth or cant comment on the matter. I am srill interwined with much if the us cukture via the news or yourube or what have you on a daily basis.
  5. #5
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    what I meant to say it was a govt set up trap few with perserverence or stoeng enough role models or fsmily values and lots of fortitude could overcome. its like not hanging out with your friends or going to the prom. few people like me had such a high school experience or didnt need to be cool or anything but only a few.
  6. #6
    Kev Space Nigga
    having an army of degenerates the government can easily manipulate and control is a dangerous liability, they need not exist at all. without an army, the government can be overthrown tomorrow but they have a huge army they keep docile with welfare and crack, am i supposed to feel sorry for them or something?
  7. #7
    AngryIVer African Astronaut [my jade controlled morrigan]
    Originally posted by Wariat wellmI lived in the us most of my life so how can you say I dont knoe the truth or cant comment on the matter. I am srill interwined with much if the us cukture via the news or yourube or what have you on a daily basis.

    Because you aren't effected by it. It's like bitching about the tea price in China.

    You aren't black.
    You aren't American.
    You don't live in Detroit.
    You weren't even alive for this distribution of crack.
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