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I just found out Kr0z could of been Employed

  1. #1
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    it turns out, a Man convicted for raping a 16 year old Uber passanger he picked up the week before and then hooked up for a date and raped her had a prior felony conviction. one being a sexual harassment. Uber let this fucking guy drive for them.

    Bill Krozby had a wife abuse? he claims he didnt have a rape or sexual predator conviction. but this uber guy had. it was older than 7 years. and Kr0z stated his crime was no longer on the report. so he had no excuse for not trying to get a better Job than being a busboy or dishwasher. He could have made some decent money working 10 hour days, 5-6 days a week if he wanted to or work 10 days straight and take 4 days off in a row. he could have purchased a 14k dollar new Nissan that is the cheapest car on the market with great reviews. and just delivered people and food and made probably close to 300 a day before fuel cost of maybe 35-40 bucks.

    Right now people are not going back to their Job to find new jobs to renegotiate their salaries. so there is a huge job turnover and those companies know that they may have to pay a little more to get people to fill those jobs.

    hmm he must of had something more serious on his ap that wouldn't get wiped off after 7 years.
  2. #2
    Bradley Florida Man
    Paul, you're a fuckin loser for real. The extreme obsession you have for kr0z is ridiculous. Niggas been dead for 3 months and just ten minutes ago every one of your thoughts revolve around him. I hope he takes possession of your future corpse and runs your body into the earth where it will reach it's highest pedophilic potential as non animated fertilizer.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  3. #3
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
  4. #4
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
  5. #5
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
  6. #6
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
  7. #7
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Originally posted by Bradley Paul, you're a fuckin loser for real. The extreme obsession you have for kr0z is ridiculous. Niggas been dead for 3 months and just ten minutes ago every one of your thoughts revolve around him. I hope he takes possession of your future corpse and runs your body into the earth where it will reach it's highest pedophilic potential as non animated fertilizer.

    You're the loser. You live at your moms house on Medication and Social Security, You fucking cry baby bitch. I been on meds since I was 14. Not because I had brain complications but from head trauma. Whats your excuse, you did too much fucking acid or heroin or Alcohol

    You're NOT in position to call me a fucking loser, You fucking piece of shit living with your Mom in your fucking 30s and off state aid.

    I work, I pay my fucking taxes and I will have my 9th property (this time on my own) while the only way you'll ever be a property owner is if your Mom dies and leaves you her house. typical bullshit. YOU HAVE NO ROOM TO CORRECT ME ON ANYTHING YOU BANTERING FUCKING PSYCHO
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  8. #8
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Not to mention you wouldnt let him go the first 3 weeks when you barely knew the guy like "Oh my nigga he dead"

    fuck offf! I tried to tell him where to go find work. Dont laugh at uber, its not just "I DRIVE CAR" its a 1099 job, ASSHOLE> it take skills to balance a fucking daily profit chart and figure out in advance what you will pull in and what your losses are. and it beats working in a corporate office in Bank Sales in a fucking cubical which I have done.

    What have you done with your fucking LIFE?
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  9. #9
    Bradley Florida Man
    Bro you're a convicted pedophile named Paul Wozny. Don't try me nigger.
  10. #10
    RIPtotse victim of incest [my adversative decurved garbo]
    Lol wtf is happening

    Glad ur back Bradley and glad ur doing goodish bro
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  11. #11
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Originally posted by Bradley Bro you're a convicted pedophile named Paul Wozny. Don't try me nigger.

    that was the best annoyance you could do. And he looks far more like you than he does me.

    I have a decent hairline for my age unlike you in your late "20s" as you stated. I think you're 10 years older but whatever.

    which would mean you were born in the Fucking 90s? when like Grunge rock was a thing? HAHAHAHAH Did you mom hook up at a concert or what? where is your Pops at? just curious. sorry if he passed away but if he split like my Pops did then yeah. this is why you act the way you do. My mom remarried. My Biological father was a 9-11 dispatcher turned Washington State Trooper turned Optician (The guy who makes the glasses which was an art form in the day) to a crazy fuck who wanted to keep moving (probably the habit of a Navy guy)

    She then married a guy who turned out to be a member of the Irish Mafia (big in San Francisco just like NYC and Chicago) and robbed a bank and did a stint in San Quintin after 3 years in a Mexican prison. we didn't find this out until 10 years after My mom divorced him.

    so in short, you never know who you're dealing with. the guy was a total psycho and like to beat us. you know, Old school parenting
  12. #12
    A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    Uh oh, looks like you just got told by a homo!
  13. #13
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Originally posted by A College Professor Uh oh, looks like you just got told by a homo!

    sapien? now you're calling me a "fag"
  14. #14
    Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready Not to mention you wouldnt let him go the first 3 weeks when you barely knew the guy like "Oh my nigga he dead"

    fuck offf! I tried to tell him where to go find work. Dont laugh at uber, its not just "I DRIVE CAR" its a 1099 job, ASSHOLE> it take skills to balance a fucking daily profit chart and figure out in advance what you will pull in and what your losses are. and it beats working in a corporate office in Bank Sales in a fucking cubical which I have done.

    What have you done with your fucking LIFE?

    I feel like there is a direct correlation to being such a loser they consider you to be their equal and eviscerating oneself.
  15. #15
    Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready that was the best annoyance you could do. And he looks far more like you than he does me.

    I have a decent hairline for my age unlike you in your late "20s" as you stated. I think you're 10 years older but whatever.

    which would mean you were born in the Fucking 90s? when like Grunge rock was a thing? HAHAHAHAH Did you mom hook up at a concert or what? where is your Pops at? just curious. sorry if he passed away but if he split like my Pops did then yeah. this is why you act the way you do. My mom remarried. My Biological father was a 9-11 dispatcher turned Washington State Trooper turned Optician (The guy who makes the glasses which was an art form in the day) to a crazy fuck who wanted to keep moving (probably the habit of a Navy guy)

    She then married a guy who turned out to be a member of the Irish Mafia (big in San Francisco just like NYC and Chicago) and robbed a bank and did a stint in San Quintin after 3 years in a Mexican prison. we didn't find this out until 10 years after My mom divorced him.

    so in short, you never know who you're dealing with. the guy was a total psycho and like to beat us. you know, Old school parenting

    I've never met my father, I'm the bastard son of a middle class factory worker with alcholism and bipolar. I don't receive any meds for mental illness aside from ambien (which I take recreationally not as perscribed) and Venlafaxine. The other four meds i am are for Rheumatoid Arthritis Juvenile Onset and Macropenile Disorder which remains untreated.

    You are basically an ugly older heavier version of me. Cry harder, fag.
  16. #16
    Bradley Florida Man
    And yes, I will be 28 next month. I was born in 1993 in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin. My father was the landlord. It is what it is.
  17. #17
    Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready What have you done with your fucking LIFE?

    Lived, nigger. What have you done with your life that will be remembered or considered "of any importance" in 25 years?

    Stop glorifying some shit ass escapade you self grandize to be of significance that in reality is only important, only remembered, and only of significance to you, a convicted pedophile named paul wozny that bradleyb "knew" in prison.
  18. #18
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Originally posted by Bradley Lived, nigger. What have you done with your life that will be remembered or considered "of any importance" in 25 years?

    Stop glorifying some shit ass escapade you self grandize to be of significance that in reality is only important, only remembered, and only of significance to you, a convicted pedophile named paul wozny that bradleyb "knew" in prison.

    You LIVED? you're not some Rap star living in a Spanish Colonial size Mansion in the Hollywood hills. you walk around the flat lands of Milwaukee Wi getting drunk on 211 and smoking shitty dirt weed that's the left overs of what can be brought across the borders from Cali or Colorado. no doubt over priced as well

    I Lived. no one is remembered after 25 years. only occasionally remembered by association of an act or as a musician. However I don't suck off the system. I have RA and 2 months ago I had your classic gooseneck pinky that hurt like a mother fucker. I dont take meds for it. I have a herniated L4 disc for the past 25 years in which I can barely get out of bed sometimes. I am tired because of CLL which hasnt become aggressive yet (thankfully) and I am just now going back to work because my Unemployment (THAT I EARNED) wasnt process properly. I may never get it. hopefully I get it in retro

    You don't live. you're just existing right now. you're selfish for wanting to party and act like That's what living is. Living is experiencing your fellow workers walking out of a building with broken and bloody arms after a major Earthquake hit. or helping someone by holding their hand after a major pileup or seeing your children born. have you experienced any of that? Im guessing you never served in the Military either (I have not but I would say nothing if you had) and came back from War. are you a War Vet?

    if not. You never lived.
  19. #19
    Bradley Florida Man
    my hood loves me more than the first and the third.
  20. #20
    Do they have Wawa in Wauwatosa
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